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Esoteric Humanist techno-futurism

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Esoteric Humanist techno-futurism, a deviant heretical tendency within Humanism which gained popularity in Constancia, the Suren Confederacy, and Zeed, influenced by the disintegration of the Raspur Pact, during the fourth decade of the eighteenth century after Norton. Served as an influence upon the lyrics of the Constancian singer Paparoúna.

Core Tenets

1. Technological Ascension: The belief that advanced technology is the key to unlocking humanity's true potential and achieving dominion over Micras as intended by the celestial archons.

2. Cybernetic Evolution: The idea that humans must merge with machines to overcome biological limitations and better embody the "Celestial Man" ideal.

3. Quantum Consciousness: A theory that human consciousness can be elevated to a higher state through technological means, allowing direct communion with the celestial archons.

4. Digital Immortality: The pursuit of transferring human consciousness into advanced computer systems, ensuring the perpetuation of the most worthy minds.

5. Technomantic Rituals: The practice of combining advanced technology with esoteric ceremonies to channel the power of the celestial archons.

6. Chronospacial Manipulation: Research into technologies that could alter or transcend conventional space-time, potentially accessing other planes of existence.

7. Astral Colonisation: The goal of expanding human presence beyond Micras through both physical and non-physical means, including projected consciousness.

8. Synthetic Biology: The creation of new life forms and the modification of existing ones to better serve humanity's ascension.

9. Noospheric Engineering: Efforts to consciously shape and direct the collective human consciousness through technological means.

10. Archonic Artificial Intelligence: The development of AI systems believed to be capable of interfacing with or channeling the celestial archons.

11. Transdimensional Communication: Research into methods of contacting and communicating with entities from other planes or dimensions.

12. Psychotronic Warfare: The weaponisation of consciousness-altering technologies to combat perceived threats to human ascendancy.