One of the top predators in Northern Corum, the De-Ogin-Nas is truly a fearsome creature. In physical appearance, the De-Ogin-Nas stands on two legs at around 1.5 meters in height. Its sharp beak is lined with a row of small spikes which are believed to act as sensors, while its feet feature large, sharp talons, capable of inflicting damage on the toughest of prey. When threatened, the De-Ogin-Nas is capable of emitting a noxious smelling liquid from two bulbs under its tail. The feathers of the De-Ogin-Nas range in color from red to grey.
Found in 7 out of 20 Pallisican cities in Corum, this species is common.
A Threat to Ranchers
The favorite prey of the De-Ogin-Nas is the Elli-Illt-Eda. As herds have grown in recent years, ranchers of the large plated reptiles have had to adopt increasingly intensive measures to protect their livestock from attack by De-Ogin-Nas. Nevertheless, ranchers every year suffer hundreds of polis in losses due to attacks by the predatory bird.
The range of the De-Ogin-Nas extends across 6.61% of the landmass of Corum. The majority of the species' range - 93.91% - lies within the continent's Mediterranean and Temperate climate regions of Northern Corum, while around 6% lies in the Continental and Sub-arctic climate regions of northern Strait of Cherry Trees. That said, a very small population of De-Ogin-Nas has been observed in the eastern polar reaches of Hypernostria.
The De-Ogin-Nas is regarded as a lowland creature, although its territory extends across portions of the Riponian Highlands.