Army of Caverden
The Army of Caverden is a feudal host drawn from the retinues of the nobility and communal musters of denizens in the Shirerithian dominion of Caverden. The first muster was held at Isenbury on 15.VIII.1675. The assemblage was a local initiative impelled by the perceived failure of the Imperial Regency to defend the neighbouring dominions of Highpass and Monty Crisco against insurgent forces as well as being in reaction to the ongoing occupation of Barrowfield, Lowbrook, and Lichport by the Guttuli Protectorate.
Participants in the first muster swore oaths before a specially constructed shrine to Tempus, the Cedrist god of war, to defend the Kaiseress, the frontiers of Caverden, their own ancient liberties, and the true religion, against heretics and schismatics.
The second muster of the host took place on 06.III.1677, once again at Isenbury, but on this occasion the host was commanded to form into eight regimental associations, each formed of eight regiments, subject to the command of a High Lord who each received the title of Frainan Uihmanzis, the bestowal of banners and blessed Imperial icons dating back to the 1st Era, gifted consignments of armaments, munitions, and vehicles drawn from Allied Production Matrix, and firm instructions from their handlers, to commence the liberation of the Lowbrook Region before the harvest moon.
Inspired partially by the need to assert their own self-governance when faced by efforts of certain parties to recruit their force as a proxy for its own ambitions, an assembly of notables, held at Maltenstein on 03.VIII.1677 elected Viscount Nogent Gottschalk, an exile from Ankh and a former tribune of Legion VII, as Frumst Frainan of the Army of Caverden. A die-hard Imperialist, Gottschalk represented the reactionary tendency which has been gathering pace amongst the landed gentry and the dispossessed against all the Vulture States that have infested Benacia since the fracture. Hostile towards all vulture states, and contemptuous of the Kalirion Dynasty whose failings had given licence to traitors and secessionists, Gottschalk's primary merit in the eyes of his peers was his poisonous hatred towards his former comrades and the legatine commanders of the Corps VII and VIII of the Riverine Army for betraying the Golden Mango Throne and their occupation of Ankh.
After 16.IX.1679, Gottschalk's leadership has aligned with the Brookshire Anti-Alienation League, marking its reorientation by the expulsion of all Benacia Command-supplied military advisers, ESB Group employees, and members of the Nationalist & Humanist Party from the cities of Caverden, granting them forty-eight hours to leave the Imperial Dominion.