Sinclair to August William II Medal (RD-2010-05)

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Sinclair to August William II Medal

Lonenberg Palace
Subject Liam Sinclair, August William II Medal
Number RD 2010/05
Decreed by August Charles II
Extent Kingdom of Gotzborg
Royal Assent 2010-04-19
Commencement 2010-04-19

HIS ROYAL MAJESTY August Charles II, By the Grace of God King of Gotzborg, Archduke of Reichlau, Grand Duke of Lucerne, Marshal of the Union of Seven Nations, Lord of the Border Marches, Admiral of the Southern Reaches, Duke & Grand Elector of Jutien, Count Kendal does hereby send greetings;

WHEREAS in following this year being one of resurgence;

WHEREAS in the wake of the hiatus comes a significant amount of work to resurrect and restructure what has been lost in the past;

LET IT BE KNOWN that We do hereby award our loyal Duke Liam of Montin with the August William II Medal - Bronze for his work and committment in rebuilding Our Royal Decrees in the Public Records Office over the last number of months, contributing to the ongoing maintenance of the important history of Our Kingdom;

AND We do further direct and enjoin that this Royal Decree shall be read and proclaimed in such places as appropriate within the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused this Our Royal Decree by the affixation of the Royal Seal of the Kingdom to be published, by witness Ourself at Lonenberg Palace this nineteenth day of April in the twenty-first year of Our reign.