Alexandra Lauverman
Ms. Alexandra Lauverman
Plumbley's Who's Who of Gotzborg | |
Alexandra Lauverman | |
Personal Arms | |
Personal Medals | |
Title | Ms. |
Full Name | Alexandra Lauverman |
Immigrated | December 22, 2004 |
Emigrated |
Alexandra Lauverman immigrated to Gotzborg from the former micronation of Ovistania, where she was the Chief Lady-in-Waiting to the late Queen Marina. Having enjoyed that position, Lauverman became the first, and to date only, Lord Stewardess of the Royal Household in Gotzborg.
Lauverman's service as Lord Stewardess was cut short when it was found that she was being deceptive in some aspects of her micronational participation. She emigrated from Gotzborg on February 14, 2005, as a result of the controversy, but re-applied for citizenship in December of that year. The Royal Government approved her re-application on December 12, 2005, having been satisfied by an apology Lauverman made to the micronational community for her past conduct.
Titles, Awards & Decorations
- Caroline Cross (January 27, 2005);
- Royal Household Service Medal (2005);
- Navy Service Medal (2005);
Government Service
No records available.
Military Service
- Ensign (RN) (2005);
- Sea Training, HRMS Furious, Escort Squadron 2, Royal Fleet (RN) (2005);
Police Service
No records available.
No records available.
Other Service
- Lord Stewardess of the Royal Household (January 1, 2005 - February 14, 2005);
Notable Contributions
No records available.