The Port of Mylecia is a brokerage which represents all of the major companies located in the city of Mylecia.
Product Lists
Mylecian Coal Ports
Formally established in the early 880s WG, the Mylecian Coal Ports oversees the extraction and sale of coal from the hills which rise to the west of Mylecia.
Price Assessment
Coal |
1.55/Share |
Bacchian Vine Fleet
Based in the city of Mylecia, the Bacchian Vine Fleet is a religious community consisting of pirates who sail upon ships constructed from living vines, and who worship the god of wine and madness.
Price Assessment
Lievs |
1.4/Share |
Plunder |
1/Share |
Maenads of Mylecia
Maenads of Mylecia is an ancient, highly secretive, and highly influential convent devoted to the god of ritual madness and fertility. Members of this religious order are responsible for providing health care to the people of central Keltia, as well as other select religious and public services.
Price Assessment
Patients |
3/Share |
Knights of Mt.Nysa
Closely related to the Maenads of Mylecia, the Knights of Mt.Nysa is an order of central Keltian Kouretes who have committed themselves to preserving and promoting growth of the burgeoning religion of Dionysus in the region around the Strait of Haifa. The Knights of Mt.Nysa officially serve the dual-role of missionary and military force, though certain Kouretes have also been employed as spies or assassins.
Price Assessment
Kouretes |
.08/Share |
Grand Cave Bee Meadery
Located atop a vast cave system to the south of Mylecia, the Grand Cave Bee Meadery produces high quality mead using the honey made by bees who live in the caverns below. This mead, once a secretive ritual concoction which could only be consumed by select priestesses, is today a favorite of most central Keltian followers of Dionysus.
Price Assessment
Mead |
1.4/Share |
Israati-Haifan Nationalist Movement
Formed by a group of individuals which represented one of the more radical branches of the Knights of Mt.Nysa, and supported by the work of Ergonians working across the world on behalf of the Ergonian Spy Agency, the Israati-Haifan Nationalist Movement (IHNM) is a band of militant Stripping Path missionaries who espouse the ideas of an independent Haifan empire. The work of the IHNM - originally established in response to the protracted Hammish Civil War - has become increasingly disruptive in recent years, as the group has found support amongst the various Regional Investors representing the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa.
Price Assessment
Missionaries |
.045/Share |
List of Investors
Recent Employment Reports
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