Chief Justice of the Secular Court

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The Chief Justice of the Secular Court presides over the nation's non-religious courts of law.

List of Chief Justices

Picture Name Title Period Notes
Imbers.jpg Edar Imbers Chief Justice of the Secular Court 799 WG - 853 WG Under the guidance of Edar Imbers, the Realm of Passio-Corum was able to bring peace to the pirate-infested seas of Eastern Eura.

Ipsae.jpg Ipsae Imbers Chief Justice of the Secular Court 853 WG - 905 WG

As Chief Justice of the Secular Court, Ipsae Imbers fostered support for the government by working to improve the rights of the nation's Haifan population.

Secular.png Donnetian Sitre Chief Justice of the Secular Court 905 WG- Present