New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency

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Revision as of 18:34, 23 December 2016 by Newzimiagov (talk | contribs)
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Logo of the New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency.

From its headquarters in the eastern corridor of the Realm of Passio-Corum, The New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency serves as one of the world's leading scientific research institutes.

Recent Production Reports

884 WG: Prices are Unchanging

884 Employment Report

-Number of People Employed (% of all Employed): 756,088 (3.58%)

-Total Paid in Wages (% of all Wages): 8,226 Polis (%)

-Average Wages / Employee: .01 Polis

-Value of Company (% of GDP): 46,001 Polis (3.38%)

Company is Adequately Funded.
