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Elwynn High Tech Engineering

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Elwynn High Tech Engineering, a public corporation of the realm of Elluenuueq, controls assets recovered via industrial archaeology from the Raikoth Autonomous Region and the ruins of Eliria, related to a precursor company of the same name, whose history is detailed herein.


As early as Vixaslaa 1469 a company known as Elwynn Hi-Tech Engineering was operating out of Eliria[1] and by 1472 was touting an armoured airship called the Ragnarok which never left the design phase. The company never achieved lift-off, as it were, which may be attributed to the unwillingness of the Imperial Government to provide funding and the general indifference of the Elfinshi ruling classes. As such it can be considered an example of where an industrial revolution failed to take-off.

Elwynn Hi-Tech Engineering had chequered fortunes after the advent of the Babkhans, being subsumed into the Babkhan Industrial concern Osman-Almagro Industries by government decree in 1509[2].

The Lesser Zjandarian County Farman 01/10/05 of 1509[3] saw the creation of the Zjandarian Research Institute in Vijayanagra alongside a Conversion Facility at Caligae, a Heavy Water production facility at Ardashirshahr and a isotope separation facility attached to the Zjandaria Research Institute. This was resurrected Fasmas 1538.

When the boot was on the other foot, however, Raikoth maintained that by 1556 the last vestiges of Elwynn Hi-Tech Engineering had been absorbed into a new entity known as Lirikoth Yyitek[4]. (Lirikoth being the name accorded by Raikoth to us barbarians on the mainland of Elwynn). However the notoriously low levels of economic freedom on that cold inhospitable island[5] meant that the Raikothian company was barely configured in 1569 to meet what the impenetrable government considered or predicted to be the island's material needs.

The situation had improved by the time of the brief Sxiro-Babkhan Military Cooperation Pact when the MoMA permitted Babkhan engineers to supervise the licensed production of Tughra, Moqtada, and Simorgh fighter at Lirikoth Yyitek in 1574. By the time of the Enlightened stigmergy and the decentralised state in 1586[6] the state and the institutions of society, including the company, had transcended all understanding and the laws of economics and thus ceased to be relatable to the human condition (although it has to be said that the subject of Hyperborean economics remains a fascinating one[7]).

The records of the subsequent history of the company were largely lost as a consequence of the Scouring.

A research division, operating under the name of the company, appeared to have been activated by the Union-State, with the M1728 Jägare-sökargranat and M1729 BLE-G being amongst designs presented for mass production weapons kits that could be assembled by closely supervised school children and other categories of protected persons.

The research division of the company would subsequently begin to specialise in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, with the M1730 Rövare and M1731 Uggla entering production at dispersed sites after notably short development cycles.

Organisation & Products

  • Board of Directors
  • Industrial Archaeology Division
  • Science Division
    • Eliria Institute of Technology
    • Zjandarian Research Institute, Vijayanagara
      • Isotope Separation Facility
    • Khan-Osmansk Heavy Water Plant, Ardashirshahr
    • Conversion Facility, Caligae
  • Research Division