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Government Delivery Plan

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The Government Delivery Plan of Nouvelle Alexandrie, officially known as the Outcome Delivery Plan, and nicknamed as Plan 1734, is a policy paper delivered by Marissa Santini, then President of the Government, and her Council of State, in 1730 AN, as the official government of Nouvelle Alexandrie. Evolving from the General Appropriations and Taxation Act, 1730, it provided provisional priority outcomes for each government department, including long-term policy objectives. They also included cross-departmental priorities and overall government commitments. Provisional metrics were also provided. Each department's delivery plan also included strategies to achieve goals, and performance trackers.

The official motto of the plan was: "Delivering for Progress and Prosperity".


The results of the New Alexandrian general election of 1729 led to the Federal Consensus Party gaining a plurality of the vote. Together with United for Alvelo and the Democratic Socialist Party, they formed a minority government with the other parties giving confidence and supply. Marissa Santini announced the Delivery Plan during the Throne Speech Debate. Much of the plans evolved from the New Consensus book published in 1714 AN, and from the 1729 Election Campaign.

The Council of State, through the Department of Institutional Affairs, developed a Public Sector Evaluation Framework. In this framework, regulations and standards were developed for public spending and outcome delivery, with a focus on embedding this framework into daily routines and processes across all departments. The PSEF also provided diagnostic tools and methods for policy performance and budgetary reviews.

The DIA also established so-called Cross-Cutting Outcomes in areas where multiple departments would benefit from collaboration. Beyond that, they established the Outcome Delivery Dashboard, providing Secretaries, Deputies, and the public with regular updates on outcome delivery, allowing them to track performance and take early action.

Departmental Priority Outcomes and Metrics

Office of the President

  • Ensure the effective and transparent operations of civil servants and the Civil Service
    • Metrics include:
      • Number and percentage of government civil servants (by region, role type and seniority level)
      • Number and percentage of public appointments made by government ministers to the bodies and offices of the Council of State (by region)
      • Number and percentage of Crown honours awarded to individuals (by region)
      • Number of civil servants that take up learning opportunities that aim to improve the knowledge, skills and behaviour of government civil servants about the constitution, governance and devolution
  • Increase the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of government through modernisation and reform
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of government contracts published by departments in a timely fashion on governmental websites
      • Number and percentage of departments reaching the objective of paying 90 percent of undisputed invoices from small and medium sized businesses within five working days
      • Percentage of Government major projects with a 'Good' Delivery Confidence Assessment
      • Percentage of Government major projects for which departments have published a named, unique senior responsible owner
      • Functionality surveys results
      • Percentage of national population accessing government services using digital methods
      • Percentage of departments publishing regular and detailed Civil Service organograms
  • Improve levels of equality across the nation
    • Metrics include:
      • Gap in the male and female employment rate, including by region and by part-time/full-time employment


  • Supporting sustainable development, humanitarian needs, and promoting human rights and democracy
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of people reached through humanitarian aid and social protection support
      • Mortality rates in children under 5 and newborns in developing countries and priority areas
      • Number of girls in school and percentage change of girls reading by age 10 in DoS-backed countries
      • Number of journalists supported by DoS programs
      • Levels of clean energy capacity (megawatts) installed with DoS support
      • Number of people supported by DoS to cope with the effects of climate change
  • Safety and Resilience to Global Threats
    • Metrics include:
      • Volume of threats, including cyber threats, to Nouvelle Alexandrie and to key partners or Allies from Hostile State Actors stabilised or reduced
      • Customer satisfaction with Consular Services (percentage)
      • Number of countries demonstrating an improvement in their capacity to prevent, detect and respond to health threats, following DoS support
  • Extending and amplifying global influence, including application of meaningful dialogue partner status
    • Number of countries that have improved their economic management scores following DoS support
    • Value of private finance mobilised through DoS support


  • Reduce Crime:
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of under 25 hospital admissions for assault with a sharp object
      • Number of homicides
      • Number of instances of neighbourhood crime (burglary, vehicle-related theft, theft from the person and robbery)
      • Police numbers, including progress to an increase of warranted officers and progress to a more diverse and representative workforce
      • Number of drug-related homicides
  • Reduce the risk from terrorism
    • Metrics include:
      • National threat level
      • Public perception of terrorism
  • Enable the the legitimate movement of people and goods contributing to our status as a top destination to live, visit and do business
    • Metrics include
      • Percentage of visa applications, for each route, processed within service standards
      • Percentage of passport applications and renewals processed within service standards
      • Percentage of passengers sampled cleared at the border within service level agreed timescales
      • Border revenue protected (tax revenue that is protected through detecting goods where excise duty has not been declared)
  • Improve border security and reduce opportunities to enter illegally or to smuggle illicit goods, and protect vulnerable people
    • Metrics include:
      • Total number of people resettled under global resettlement schemes
      • Number of foreign national offender returns


  • Place the public finances on a sustainable footing by controlling public spending and designing sustainable taxes
    • Metrics include:
      • Public Sector Net Debt as percentage of GDP
      • Public Sector Net Borrowing as percentage of GDP
      • Cyclically adjusted Net Borrowing as percentage of GDP
    • Growing the economy, by ensuring strong employment and increasing productivity across the regions
      • Output per hour growth (percent)
      • Economic performance of all functional economic areas relative to their trend growth rates
      • Employment rate – national and regional (16-67 year olds)
      • Business investment as percentage of GDP
  • Ensure the stability of the macro-economic environment and financial system
    • Metrics include:
      • CPI inflation (percent)
      • GDP growth (percent)
      • Aggregate capital ratio for the national banking sector

Federal Revenue Authority

  • Collect the right tax and pay the right financial support
    • Metrics include:
      • Tax gap (percent)
      • Tax credit error and fraud (percent)
      • Debt balance (€)
      • Compliance yield (€)
  • Make it easy to get tax right and hard to bend or break the rules
    • Metrics include:
      • Quality of customer interaction with the tax system
      • Percentage of contact handled (phone and webchat)
  • Maintain taxpayers’ consent by treating everyone fairly and protecting society from harm
    • Metrics include:
      • Customer satisfaction, by channel (percent)


  • Protect the nation, including coastal areas and territorial waters
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of operations undertaken (e.g. Military Aid to the Civil Authorities, Continuous at Sea Deterrent, Quick Reaction Alert, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Fisheries, Counter Narcotics)
      • Impact of National Army, Navy, and Air Force operations
  • Enhance global security through persistent engagement and response to crises
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of operations/exercises undertaken
      • Number of training places offered
      • Impact of ongoing operations and engagements
  • Contribute to Defensive Alliances collective deterrence and defence
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of operations/exercises undertaken
      • Fill rate of Raspur Pact posts
      • Impact of ongoing Allied operations and engagements
  • Modernise and integrate defence capabilities by taking a whole force approach to our people and increasing the use of technology and innovation
    • Metrics include:
      • Defence projects in the Department that are on course for delivery, based on projects assessment criteria (percent)
      • Number of critical military and civilian skills ‘pinch points’ expected to reduce over one year and five years


  • Protect the public from serious offenders and improve the safety and security of our prisons
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of useable prison places (prison capacity)
      • Rate of assaults by prisoners on prisoners and staff per 1,000 prisoners
      • Rate of incidents of self-harm per 1,000 prisoners
      • Number and percentage of serious offence notifications resulting in a conviction
  • Reduce reoffending
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of prisoners in work six months after their release
      • Percentage of prisoners in settled accommodation three months after release
      • Percentage of adults with a substance misuse treatment need who successfully engage in community-based structured treatment within three weeks of release from prison
  • Deliver swift access to justice
    • Metrics include:
      • Outstanding case load volumes - local, regional, and federal courts
      • Average (mean) age of Social Security and Child Support cases which are disposed of
      • Average (mean) age of Employment Tribunal single claims which are disposed of
      • Clearance time in weeks for all in country appeals, asylum and non-asylum cases
      • Public perception of victims’ protection
  • Improve public safety by delivering justice through independent and fair prosecutions
    • Metrics include:
      • Number and percentage of guilty pleas at first hearing
  • Enhance the effectiveness of the criminal justice system through timely prosecutions and improved casework quality
    • Metrics include:
      • Number and percentage of charging decisions that are completed on time
      • Number and percentage of Magistrates' Court cases dropped at third or subsequent hearing
      • Average (mean) number of hearings per case
  • Protect society through the independent investigation and prosecution of top tier crimes involving serious or complex fraud, bribery and corruption
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of cases successfully progressed past the no case to answer stage in criminal trials
      • Average and median length in days of the investigation phase for active cases
      • Total value of financial contribution to the government through the continued use of prosecution agreements
      • Total value confiscated from criminals and the amount of compensation obtained in court orders for victims

Energy and Environment

  • Reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 1750
    • Metrics include:
      • Total national greenhouse emissions (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) (for tracking progress against carbon budgets)
      • National greenhouse gas emissions by sector (tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
      • Total projected greenhouse gas savings from DEE policies (tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
      • Low carbon share of electricity generation (percent)
  • Improve the environment through cleaner air and water, minimised waste, and thriving plants and terrestrial and marine wildlife
    • Metrics include:
      • Annual ammonia (NH3) emissions
      • Annual fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions
      • Annual sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions
      • Annual nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions
      • Annual non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) emissions
      • Number of kilometres of enhanced and protected water environment
      • Percentage of bathing waters reaching minimum standard
      • Percentage of waters close to their natural state
      • Municipal waste recycling rate (percent)
      • Number of high-risk illegal waste sites
      • Number of hectares of water habitat created
      • Number of hectares of priority habitat created or restored
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon storage in the agricultural, waste, peat and tree planting sectors to help deliver net zero
    • Metrics include:
      • Greenhouse gas emissions by sector (waste and agriculture) (tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
      • Total projected greenhouse gas savings through DEE policies (tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
      • Change in fluorinated greenhouse gases
      • Area of regional peatlands in favourable condition or more sustainable forms of management (hectares)
      • Hectares of trees planted
  • Reduce the likelihood and impact of flooding and coastal erosion on people, businesses, communities and the environment
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of properties better protected from flooding (by region)
      • Percentage of flood defence assets at required condition
      • Climate change adaptation progress score by sector
  • Increase the sustainability, productivity and resilience of the agriculture, fishing, food and drink sectors, enhance biosecurity at the border and raise animal welfare standards
    • Metrics include:
      • Productivity of the agricultural industry
      • Productivity of the food industry
      • Value of food and drink exported (€)
      • Percentage of scientifically assessed fish stocks of interest nationally exploited in line with maximum sustainable yield
      • Percentage of cattle herds that are bovine tuberculosis free
      • Percentage of export health certificates and licences issued within agreed timescales
      • Number of high priority forest pests

Social Security and National Solidarity

  • Improve healthcare outcomes for people by providing high-quality and sustainable care at the right time in the right place
    • Metrics include:
      • Treatable mortality rate (age-standardised rate per 100,000 population)
      • Number of appointments in general practice
      • Patient experience of general practice
      • Percentage of cancer diagnoses at an early stage (stages 1 and 2)
      • One-year cancer survival rate (percent)
      • Number of people accessing Psychological Therapies (PT) services
      • Number of children and young people accessing NHS funded mental health services
      • Percentage of births resulting in stillbirth or neonatal death
      • Percentage of patients waiting more than 52 weeks for consultant-led treatment
      • A&E performance measure
      • Number of new hospitals under construction
      • Hospitals productivity growth rate (percent)
      • National Hospitals end of year financial position nationally of providers, commissioners/systems and central budgets (€ million)
  • Improve healthcare outcomes through a supported workforce fit for the future
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of registered nurses employed by Hospitals (in all settings)
      • Number of doctors in general practice
      • Number of additional primary care professionals in general practice (excluding doctors and nurses)
      • Sickness absence rate (percent)
      • Staff engagement rate
      • Percentage of staff who say they have personally experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work from:
        • a) managers,
        • b) other colleagues,
        • c) patients / service users, their relatives or other members of the public in the last 12 months
  • Improve and protect the public’s health, while reducing health inequalities
    • Metrics include:
      • Disability-free life expectancy at birth – female and male
      • Gap in disability free life expectancy at birth (slope index of inequality) – female and male
      • Smoking prevalence in adults (percent)
      • Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases considered preventable (per 100,000 population)
      • Obesity prevalence – childhood and adult (percent)
      • Total energy and nutrient intakes (including total energy, sugar, fat, salt)
      • Percentage of children and adults who are physically active
  • Improve social care outcomes through an affordable, high quality and sustainable adult social care system
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage social care locations with an overall rating of outstanding or good
      • Social care-related quality of life (score out of 10)
      • Carer reported quality of life (score out of 10)
      • Percentage of people who use social care services who say that those services have made them feel safe and secure
      • Staff turnover rate for directly employed staff working in the adult social care sector (percent)
      • Vacancy rate in adult social care sector (percent)

Education, Culture and Sports

  • Drive economic growth through improving the skills pipeline, levelling up productivity and supporting people to work
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of recent Higher Education graduates in high skilled employment
      • Total number of starts and total number of completions on apprenticeships standards
      • Number of starts and number of completions on apprenticeships (including by age group)
      • Percentage of Further Education providers with poor financial health
      • Number of 19+ and 25+ Further Education and Skills learners in the 20 percent most disadvantaged areas
  • Level up education standards so that children and young people in every part of the country are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and qualifications they need
    • Metrics include
      • Scores in reading, maths and science in the Programme for International Student Assessment
      • Percentage of 6-year olds passing national writing tests
      • Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths by end of primary school
      • Percentage of Secondary Education Degree attainment by age 19, including by region
      • Level of the disadvantage gap index, including by region (Primary and Secondary Education)
      • Percentage of young people passing national tests in Language and Maths by age 19
      • Percentage of Early Career Teachers (first and second year teachers) taking up learning opportunities
      • Number of teachers passing professional qualification and accreditation programmes
  • Provide the best start in life through high-quality early education and childcare to raise standards and help parents to work
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of 5-year olds achieving ‘expected’ level on both literacy and communication & language learning goals
      • Percentage of 5-year olds achieving ‘expected’ level on mathematics learning goals
      • Percentage of eligible children taking up 2-year old pre-school offers, including by region
      • Attainment gap between children eligible for free school meals and peers
  • Support the most disadvantaged and vulnerable through high quality local services so that no one is left behind
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of children attending education settings (overall absence rate by group):
        • children who receive free school meals
        • are ‘in need’
        • •who have a special educational need or disability
        • who attend alternative education
      • Percentage of alternative schools rated Good or Outstanding
      • Percentage of local authorities with written statement of actions for Special educational needs and disability services
      • Percentage of local authorities rated Good or Outstanding for Children’s Social Care services
  • Grow and evolve our sectors domestically and globally, including culture, sport, civil society, and the creative industries
    • Metrics include:
      • Gross Value Added of culture and sports sectors, excluding digital (€)
      • Domestic tourism visitor numbers
      • Culture and Sports sectors skills gaps (percent)
  • Enhance the cohesiveness of our communities and nations including through major events and ceremonial occasions, and reduce inequalities of participation in society, particularly among young people
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of individuals who have engaged in civic participation in the last 12 months
      • Percentage of individuals who are active or fairly active on a weekly basis
      • Government and National sport major events programme attendance, by event

Civil Works and Transportation

  • Improve connectivity across the nation and every region, and grow the economy by enhancing the transport network on time and on budget
    • Metrics include:
      • Average (mean) minimum travel time to reach the nearest large employment centre, including by region
      • Transport infrastructure projects in the Department that are on track to delivery (percent)
      • Percentage of local authority roads considered for maintenance
  • Tackle climate change and improve air quality by decarbonising transport
    • Metrics include:
      • Greenhouse gas emissions from domestic transport, including from HGVs (tonnes of CO2 equivalent),
      • Total projected greenhouse gas emission savings from estimated DCWT policies (tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
      • New registrations of zero and ultra-low emission vehicles: proportion of all new registrations, UK (percent)
      • Average (mean) annual number of cycling trips as a proportion of total trips (percent)
      • Average (mean) annual number of walking trips as a proportion of total trips (percent)
      • Total number of cycling stages
      • Average (mean) annual number of walking stages per person
  • Improve confidence in the transport network and improve transport users’ experience, ensuring that the network is safe, reliable, and inclusive
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of rail passengers satisfied with their journey (by region)
      • Percentage of trains running on time (by region)
      • Number of fatalities and serious injuries in reported road traffic accidents, by road user (by region)
      • Average (mean) delay on strategic roads
      • Percentage of users very or fairly satisfied with their local roads
      • Average (mean) delay on local roads
      • Percentage of users satisfied with their most recent journey:
        1. Light rail
        2. Strategic Road Network
        3. Bus
      • Percentage of users very or fairly satisfied with provision in their local area for:
        1. Cycling
        2. Walking
      • Percentage of non-frequent bus services running on time

Research and Development

  • Support increased productivity through unleashing innovation and new knowledge throughout the country
    • Metrics include:
      • Gross Expenditure Research and Development as percentage of GDP
      • Business Enterprise Research and Development as percentage of GDP
      • Percentage of businesses that are innovation active, including by region


  • Maximise employment across the country to aid economic growth
    • Metrics include
      • Employment rate – UK and regional (16-64 year olds)
      • Employment rate – UK and regional (16-24 year olds)
      • Number of participants at job centres– including by region and nation
  • Improve opportunities for all through work, including groups that are currently under-represented in the workforce
    • Metrics include:
      • Disability employment rate gap
  • Address poverty through enabling progression into the workforce and increasing financial resilience
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of children in workless households, including by nation
      • Absolute poverty before housing costs – child, adult and pensioner combined (percent)
      • Percentage of claims processed within planned timescales
  • Deliver a reliable, high-quality welfare and pensions system which customers have confidence in
    • Metrics include:
      • Fraud and error (gross monetary value and as a percentage of total payments)
      • Percentage of claimants satisfied with DoL services overall
      • Number of people automatically enrolled in workplace pensions

National Mobilisation

  • Increase economic growth and productivity through improved digital connectivity
    • Metrics include:
      • Percentage of premises passed with gigabit-capable broadband
      • Percentage of national and region geography with 4G coverage provided by at least one mobile network operator
  • Increase growth through expanding the use of data and digital technology and increasing innovation, while minimising digital harms to the UK’s economic security and society
    • Metrics include:
      • GVA of the digital sector (£)
      • Percentage of firms with a range of cybersecurity controls in place

Trade and Industry

  • Secure world-class free trade agreements and reduce market access barriers, ensuring that consumers and businesses can benefit from both
    • Metrics include:
      • National trade with countries with which Nouvelle Alexandrie has concluded a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), as a percentage of total national trade
      • Predicted GDP impact of each concluded FTA, as per published impact assessment, including by region
      • Reduction in tariff barriers for each concluded FTA, as per published impact assessment (percent)
      • Number of market access barriers reported and resolved
  • Deliver economic growth to all the regions through attracting and retaining inward investment
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects supported, including by region
      • Number of FDI jobs supported, including by region
      • Gross Value Added of FDI projects supported (€)
      • Value of capital investment supported
      • National inward FDI stock (€)
  • Support business to take full advantage of trade opportunities, including those arising from delivering FTAs, facilitating exports
    • Metrics include:
      • Export client survey satisfaction rates and number of service deliveries
      • Value of export wins and Outward Foreign Direct Investment wins
      • Total value of exports (€)
      • National Outward Foreign Direct Investment stock (€)
      • Utilisation rate of trade preferences for tariff reductions (percent)

Housing and Urban Development

  • More, better quality, safer, greener and more affordable homes
    • Metrics include:
      • Net additions to the housing stock
      • Number and percentage of high-rise residential buildings with unsafe cladding where remediation completed
      • Total completions of affordable homes
      • Additional housing completions from Department programmes
      • Number of Energy Performance Certificates granted
      • Percentage of local authorities with an up-to-date Local Plan
      • Number of and percentage of planning applications considered within statutory deadlines
      • Share of supported housing completions using Modern Methods of Construction
  • End homelessness through more effective prevention and crisis intervention services, and reduce homelessness by enabling local authorities to fully meet their statutory duties
    • Metrics include:
      • Number of people sleeping rough annually nationally, and by region
      • Number of families in temporary accommodation by region
      • Number of units delivered for homelessness accommodation

See also