Ariel, officially the Traction City of Ariel, is a nomadic city-state that has existed since around 2186 ASC (2005). It is the only known traction city on Micras. The city is mounted on a mobile crawler platform, similar in design to the tracked wheels of a bulldozer. Originally one of the founding states of the Confederacy of Independent States, the Arielis were forced by incessant wars to constantly move their entire people across Benacia. This led to the Arielis first establishing a nomadic convoy of mechanized vehicles, and then transitioning to a traction city over the next several centuries. By 3282 ASC (Aug 2008) the CIS on Benacia collapsed and the remaining Arielis began a slow migration across the continent, placing their entire civilization on the single traction city. The city's last known whereabouts were in Tellia, though it has since migrated elsewhere, and its present location remains unknown.