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Zalae Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement

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The Zalae Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement is a draft treaty proposed during the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit held in Zalae, Caputia. The declaration aimed to establish a framework for cooperation and collaboration among member states, emphasizing the principles of national sovereignty, self-determination, and non-intervention in each other's internal affairs. However, the draft faced criticism and disagreements from the Raspur Khanate, opposition politicians in Caputia, and Kalgachia, leading to its eventual withdrawal from consideration.





1657 AN

Zalae, Caputia

THE UNDERSIGNED PLENIPOTENTIARIES, in the name of their respective Governments:

WHEREAS We declare a collective and individual desire to work together in whatever capacity We have to build a more peaceful and prosperous Micras;


  • That the High Contracting Parties hereby resolve to create a Non-Aligned Movement for Peace and Prosperity (hereafter referred to as "NAM" or "the Movement), proclaiming that the organization shall operate under the inviolable and important goals and objectives of the policy of Non-Alignment:
    • Respect of fundamental human rights;
    • Respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations;
    • Recognition of the equality among all races and equality among all nations, both large and small;
    • Non-intervention or non-interference into the internal affairs of another country;
    • Respect of the right of every nation to defend itself, either individually or collectively, in conformity with international tradition and law;
    • Non-use of collective defensive pacts to benefit the specific interests of any of the Great Powers and Empires;
    • End the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any country;
    • Seek peaceful and constructive solutions to international conflicts in conformity with international tradition and law;
    • Promotion of mutual interests and cooperation;
    • Respect for justice and international obligations;
    • Strengthening the growth and development of international norms, conventions, and standards through the Micras Treaty Organization;
    • Expanding the democratization of international relations.

  • That the High Contracting Parties hereby resolve to establish that the fulfillment of the principles and values of Non-Alignment are the essential criterion for membership in the Movement, also affirming that they and any future members must have adopted officially an independent policy based on the coexistence of States with different political and social systems and on non-alignment or should be showing a verifiable trend in favor of such a policy;
  • That the High Contracting Parties agree that the purposes of the Non-Aligned Movement for Peace and Prosperity shall be as follow:
    • To promote and reinforce multilateralism and, in this regard, strengthen the central role that the Micras Treaty Organization must play;
    • To serve as a forum of political coordination for unaligned and neutral nations to promote and defend their common interests in the system of international relations;
    • To promote unity, solidarity, and cooperation between countries based on shared values and priorities agreed upon consensus;
    • To defend international peace and security and settle all international disputes by peaceful means;
    • To promote and encourage sustainable development through international cooperation and, to that end, jointly coordinate the implementation of political strategies which strengthen and ensure the full participation of all countries, rich and poor, in the international economic relations, under equal conditions and opportunities but with differentiated responsibilities;
    • To encourage the respect, enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, on the basis of the principles of universality, objectivity, impartiality and non-selectivity, avoiding politicization of human rights issues, thus ensuring that all human rights of individuals and peoples, including the right to development, are promoted and protected in a balanced manner;
    • To promote peaceful coexistence between nations, regardless of their political, social or economic systems.
    • To condemn all manifestations of unilateralism and attempts to exercise hegemonic domination in international relations.
    • To promote the strengthening and democratization of the Micras Treaty Organization, giving the General Assembly a more meaningful and impactful role in a transparent and equitable manner, as the body primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security;
    • To continue pursuing universal and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament, as well as a general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control and in this context, to work towards the objective of arriving at an agreement on a phased program for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons within a specified framework of time to eliminate nuclear weapons, to prohibit their development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use and to provide for their destruction;
    • To oppose and condemn the categorization of countries as good or evil based on unilateral and unjustified criteria, and the adoption of a doctrine of pre-emptive attack, including attack by nuclear weapons, and to further condemn and oppose unilateral military actions, or use of force or threat of use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Non-Aligned countries;
    • To promote international cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to facilitate access to nuclear technology, equipment and material for peaceful purposes required by developing countries;
    • To enhance the role that civil society, including NGO´s, can play at the regional and international levels in order to promote the purposes, principles and objectives of the Movement.

  • That the High Contracting Parties resolve to meet regularly and retain the right to collectively convene bodies to facilitate these meetings called summits, with a new Head of State becoming the Chairperson of the Organization and retaining the position until the next summit is held and a new Chairperson is selected, with the nation represented by that Chairperson and its Foreign Ministry assuming administrative responsibility for the Movement;

  • That the High Contracting Parties create a Joint Coordinating Committee, consisting of one official Ambassador to the Non-Aligned Movement from each member nation, to meet with regularity to adopt unified positions and reflect the decisions and positions adopted at Summits and other high level meetings, such as Ministerial Conferences;

  • That the High Contracting Parties confirm their desire to jointly strive for greater global coherence of policies in the fields of trade, money and finance, including cooperation between themselves for that purpose;

  • That the High Contracting Parties reserve the right to issue other Declarations and Statements to shape the organization and future of the Movement, noting that it must always promote and seek common ground for action that leads to mutual cooperation and the upholding of shared values;

  • That the High Contracting Parties will respect the diplomatic envoys of each other, their diplomatic correspondence and their offices, as well as all other government structures of each other;

  • That the High Contracting Parties agree that this Declaration may only be amended, revised, enlarged, and expanded upon the concurrence of all High Contracting Parties, with any contrary action or measure being null and void;

  • That the High Contracting Parties all agree that this Declaration shall enter into force upon the ratification of this Declaration by the governments of all member nations, and ensure that the ratification of this Declaration is also a requirement for membership in the Movement, by whatever constitutional method is proper, official, and legitimate;

  • That the High Contracting Parties may withdraw from this Declaration provided proper official and written notice, defined as a post on the forums of the withdrawing High Contracting Party by its Head of State, ratified by whatever constitutional method is proper, official, and legitimate, is given.


During the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit, the draft treaty faced objections from the Raspur Khanate, Caputia, and Kalgachia.[1] The main points of contention included the following:

  1. The Raspur Khanate proposed replacing "Non-use of collective defensive pacts to benefit the specific interests of any of the Great Powers and Empires" with "Promotion of genuine collective security predicated upon the international rule of law" to emphasize advocating for a more respectable international order instead of being anti-anyone.
  2. The Raspur Khanate pointed out the impossibility of avoiding the politicization of human rights issues due to the lack of universally agreed benchmarks.

In response to the concerns raised by the Raspur Khanate, the Caputian Foreign Minister proposed rewording some parts of the treaty:

  1. They proposed a new wording for the first concern: "Non-use of collective defense pacts to benefit interests contrary to the principles of Non-Alignment, opting instead to encourage genuine collective security predicated upon the international rule of law."
  2. To address the second concern, they suggested a rewording: "To encourage the respect, enjoyment, and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, on the basis of the principles of universality, objectivity, impartiality, and non-selectivity."

Following the Caputian Foreign Minister's response, Kalgachia raised further concerns: 1. Kalgachia questioned the inherent subjectivity of the human rights concept and suggested that it should either be better codified or struck from the document entirely. 2. Kalgachia sought clarification on the meaning of "respect for justice and international obligations," asking whether it referred to a moral absolute or the judicial architecture of a given state. 3. Kalgachia expressed reservations about the proposition to "strengthen and ensure the full participation of all countries, rich and poor, in the international economic relations," as it contradicted their policy of maintaining limited economic interdependence with other nations. 4. Kalgachia requested clarification on the role of civil society organizations, particularly whether they should remain free of any supranational authority and operate within state borders.

Following the debate and objections over the Treaty, Caputian opposition politicians raised major questions in the Parliament of Caputia against the Treaty. The opposition party the the time, the National salvation Front, aimed to bring Caputia into the sphere of the Raspur Pact, with the goal of ensuring popular support for Caputian membership of the Raspur Pact.

Withdrawal and Subsequent Events

In light of the disagreements and concerns, especially domestic complications in the Caputian Parliament, the Caputian government decided to pull the draft from consideration at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit. They proposed to submit the draft for consideration at the Micras Treaty Organization instead. However, this submission did not take place.

See also
