Treaty of Lune Villa

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The Treaty of Lune Villa was signed in the city of Lune Villa, Ransenar, on 1.VI.1675 AN, following a surprise summit between representatives of the Verionist Republic, the Revolutionary Army of Crisco, and the Kingdom of Ransenar.

The Treaty was signed by representatives from each of the Signatory Nations at the Rosebud Hotel in Lune Villa.


See: Kalirion Fracture.
See: Crisco Insurgency.



The delegations of the Verionist Republic, the Revolutionary Army of Crisco, and the Kingdom of Ransenar, concerned for the future and desiring to secure a TREATY OF NON-AGGRESSION AND COOPERATION, meet in the city of Lune Villa, with their delegations composed of the following Officials, Ambassadors, and/or Envoys:

Her Highness the Viceroy, Regina Verion, High Countess of the Skyla Isles, High Earl of Elsenar and Princess of the Republic
His Excellency the Lord of the Exterior, Tobias Wythe, Duke of Zolt

Emanual Vaix, Commander of the Revolutionary Army of Crisco
Winston Boyd, Marquess of Cerce

Lord Chief Steward Sean O’Callaghan
Regent and Lord Protector Ruadh Aldric

The Verionist Republic, the Revolutionary Army of Crisco, and the Kingdom of Ransenar, hereafter referred to as “the Signatory Nations”, have resolved to conclude:

ARTICLE I: The Spirit of the Treaty.

1. There shall be a state of peace and cooperation between the Signatory Nations, with all endeavoring to be good neighbors to one another, and to resolve any disputes and problems that may estrange them from one another through diplomatic means.

2. The Signatory Nations shall commit to accord fair and equitable treatment to the nationals and companies of the other, and to their property, enterprises and other interests.

3. Between the territories and waters of all Signatory Nations, there shall be, in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty and of the laws of the Signatory Nations, freedom of commerce, passage, and navigation.

4. The Signatory Nations shall desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other nations.

5. Should any of the Signatory Nations become the object of belligerent action by a third nation, the other shall not give its support to this third nation.

6. The Signatory Nations shall not interfere with the freedom, the sovereignty, or other internal affairs, or the processes of the Governments of other.

7. The spirit and intent of this Treaty are defined as the following:

  • To secure a perpetual and sustainable peace between the Signatory Nations;
  • To encourage closer economic and cultural relations between the Signatory Nations;
  • To promote and arrange for mutually advantageous trade, investments, and joint projects;
  • To establish mutual rights and privileges.

8. None of the Signatory Nations shall act in a way contrary to the spirit and intent of this Treaty, and shall take measures, individually or jointly, to avoid threatening the state of peace and cooperation.

ARTICLE II. Freedom of Transit.

1. Nationals of the Signatory Nations shall be permitted to enter the territories of the other and to remain therein, provided that they register their presence with the appropriate authorities and have valid, unexpired government-issued identification confirming their identity:

  • For the purpose of carrying on trade and engaging in related commercial activities;
  • For the purpose of developing and directing the operations of an enterprise in which they have invested, or in which they are actively in the process of investing, a substantial amount of capital; and
  • For any other lawful purpose subject to the laws relating to the entry and sojourn of aliens of each Signatory Nation.

2. Each Signatory Nation undertakes to make available the best facilities practicable for travel by tourists and other visitors with respect to their entry, sojourn, and departure, and for the distribution of information for tourists. Nationals of either Party, within the territories of the other Party, shall be permitted:

  • To travel therein freely, and to reside at places of their choice;
  • To enjoy the liberty of conscience;
  • To hold both private and public religious services;
  • To gather and to transmit material for dissemination to the public abroad; and
  • To communicate with other persons inside and outside such territories by mail and all other means open to general public use.

3. The provisions of the present Article shall be subject to the right of either Party to apply measures that are necessary to maintain public order and to protect the public health, morals, and safety.

4. The passage of military units of one Signatory Nation through the territory of another can only be agreed to on the basis of:

  • Prior written notification or communication;
  • The formal receipt of that communication or notification, and the expressed authorization of the same;
  • This will all be subject to the laws and regulations of transit of the Signatory Nations.

ARTICLE III. The Revolutionary Army of Crisco.

1. The Signatory Nations recognise the right of political and social movements to operate within their respective territories in so far as:

  • They are legally and duly registered and recognized by the host Signatory Nation;
  • They do not resort to violence;
  • They do not aim to damage to the civil order and national security;
  • They do not condone, promote or espouse unlawful and unnatural propaganda;
  • They refrain from unlawful and unwarranted cross-border activity;
  • They are subject to the laws, regulations, and customs of the nations in which they operate, and answer to the representatives of the law in all instances.

2. The Revolutionary Army of Crisco, having engaged in violent activities against the Kingdom of Ransenar, as well as the people of Monty Crisco, shall immediately cease all such activities and comply with the stipulations set out in Article III.1.

3. Upon ratification of this treaty, those individuals involved in the activities described in Article III.2, under the organizational structure of the Revolutionary Army of Crisco, shall be granted immunity for past actions, in so far as they adhere to the stipulations set out in Article III.1.

4. The Revolutionary Army of Crisco will leave its current bases in the city of Teldrin, and refrain from activities in Ransenar without the written and expressed consent of the Ransenari government.

ARTICLE IV. The Lune Road Initiative.

1. There shall be established, no less than two AN years following the ratification of this Treaty, a common road of passage from the city of Chryste in the Verionist Republic, to the City of Ankh in Crisco. This road shall be named the Lune Road. This road shall take the route as outlined in appendix A.

2. The Lune Road shall consist of:

  • A modern highway, with no less than three lanes on either side.
  • A separate lane for special transportation, either military, governmental or civil.
  • A two-way rail connection between Duke Wythe Railway Station in Wendor and Count Mortis II Railway Station in Cerce, with stops at Kaiser Verion I Central Station in Chryste; Lune Villa Railway Station in Lune Villa and the Elwynn River Rail & Shipping Station in Ankh.

3. The Lune Road shall be jointly administered and operated by the Verionist Republic and the Kingdom of Ransenar.

4. The Iron Company and the Ransenari Ministry of Public Works and Construction shall bear joint responsibility for constructing and maintaining the Lune Road.

ARTICLE V. Ratification, Amendment, and Withdrawal.

1. This Treaty shall enter into effect when ratified by the Signatory Nations through the appropriate constitutional means. Each Signatory Nation shall have a copy of the Treaty signed by all Signatory Nations.

2. This Treaty may be amended by unanimous consent of all Signatory Nations, having been ratified by each Signatory Nation by their appropriate constitutional means.

3. A Signatory Nation may withdraw from the Treaty by providing official written notice to all the other Signatory Nations of their withdrawal.

Appendix A:

Lune Road.png


Verionist Republic

  • Her Highness the Viceroy, Regina Verion, First of her Name, High Countess of the Skyla Isles, High Earl of Elsenar and Princess of the Republic
  • His Excellency the Lord of the Exterior, Tobias Wythe, Duke of Zolt

Revolutionary Army of Crisco

  • Emanual Vaix, Commander of the Revolutionary Army of Crisco
  • Winston Boyd, Marquess of Cerce


  • Lord Chief Steward Sean O’Callaghan;
  • Regent and Lord Protector Ruadh Aldric.

See Also