Androphagos Corporation
Androphagos Corporation is a Constancian state-owned corporation originally established to oversee the trade monopoly with the Khanate of Raspur. Following the incorporation of Raspur into the Euran union-state the operations of the corporation were shifted towards trade with communities in the ungoverned spaces of Eura - with the Androphagi.
In accordance with an Autokratorial Decree, in 1695, it became a subsidiary of Constancian Legacy Asset Management, the sovereign wealth fund of the Imperial State of Constancia, and was directed henceforth to pay half its earnings to the aforesaid sovereign wealth fund.
Horsten Merrick has been its President and Chief Executive since its inception, and as a result of prudent management, is now a wealthy man.
In 1708 AN, whilst retaining its prior ownership and management structure, the Androphagos Corporation was subordinated to the Grand Commissariat of Eura and Corum and mandated to reorientate its activities and priorities so as to serve the interests of the Committee of Euran Salvation and the Trans-Euran Command of the Raspur Pact.