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1707 Sanaman military coup d'état

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The 1707 Sanaman military coup d'état was an attempted coup carried out by a group within the leadership of the People's Defence Force, supported by ESB and Humanist sympathisers in units stationed in Semisa City. The reason for the coup was dissatisfaction with communalist leadership and a perceived weakness in their system. The highly decentralised nature of the communalist polity, coupled with an inability to make important decisions, contributed to the coup. The coup was thwarted when officers and government sympathisers of the social democratic faction in the Sanamati Democratic Party staged a counter-coup, managing to detain several leaders and cause ESB and Humanist agents to flee over the border to Shireroth. The coup exposed serious vulnerabilities within the political system, leadership and military, which had been allowed to fester since the 1697 Sanaman attempted military coup d'état and the Sanaman Civil War. The failed coup resulted in the social democratic faction taking over leadership positions in the SDP, causing the fracture of the party, with the communalists breaking away to form the Sanamati People's Front. Communalist members were also removed from leadership positions in the people's republics, the federal committees, and several major cities. The complete failure to prevent yet another coup attempt caused the communalists to lose most of their public support. Meanwhile, the social democrats, under the leadership of Malliki Orea.