Biological Remediation Service

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Heir to the traditions of the Biological Containment Corps of Minarboria, if not to its abhorrently inhuman nature, the Biological Remediation Service of the Unified Governorates of Benacia was a body of men and women, impressed into service in commutation of various criminal sentences, most notably for capital crimes.

For the majority of convictions the sentence was usually commuted to one of a mandated period of indentured servitude with the Biological Remediation Service, combating the legacy of Deep Singers biomancy, such as the dreaded Tyrannocricetus aliger. Those who survived a five year tour with the BRS could usually be expected to live out the remainder of their lives in the comparative comfort of a reformatory run by the Bureau for Re-education & Rehabilitation. This comparative leniency, did not apply to those guilty of so-called political crimes such as treason, espionage, sedition, or the propagation of forbidden doctrines.

Although a civilian organisation, under the overall control of the Bureau for Protected Persons, the conscripts of the BRS was subject to military discipline, including physical chastisement - usually flogging - which was a prerequisite deterrent against attempts to flee.

In addition to convicted criminals, various other citizens of the UGB accounted as undesirable by the Command Executive found their way into the nasty, brutish, and short lives endured by penitents of the BRS, including deportees from the Ship-Breakers Shore in the Governorate of Lower Lywall as well as the dregs of the Lach (Laqi) clans who were deemed as little more than an invasive pest by the central government. In periods where manpower shortages have been notably acute the BRS has been known to accept into its ranks those homeless and destitute persons expelled from their bailiwicks of residence by authorities there as being "unlawfully poor". Proof - if it were needed - of the UGB's commitment to net-zero unemployment by whatever means necessary.

In 1699 AN the BRS was merged into the Benacian Labour Reserve which inherited the methods and organisational principles of the former whilst expanding their remit into Elwynn.