Treaty of Cajamarca

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The Treaty of Cajamarca, also known as the Treaty of Cooperation and Non-Aggression between the Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation and The Hexarchy, is a treaty signed in 1688 AN, that normalized diplomatic relations between Alduria-Wechua and The Hexarchy. The signing ceremony took place at the Wechua city of Cajamarca.

The treaty settled relations between the two countries and laid the groundwork provided for broad cooperation in trade and in other fields. It included a non-aggression principle and commitments "to be good neighbors to one another... in Keltia", among others. It also established a system of treaty ports much like Alduria and Jingdao maintained in the past, with the Hexarchy opening the Island and Port of Ashtaroth (known to Alduria-Wechua as Sal) and Alduria-Wechua opening the Port of Judah.

Upon the death of Gilgamesh I, his son Gilgamesh II upheld and unilaterally expanded provisions of the treaty to allow greater access by citizens of now-New Alexandria into the country for religious, cultural, and/or economic purposes.




the Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation and The Hexarchy

The Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation (hereafter referred to as “Alduria-Wechua”) and The Hexarchy Represented by the Realms of Pyrax, Eridu, and the Eventide Islands (hereafter referred to as “The Hexarchy”) both agree to the following terms, which constitute a Treaty of Cooperation and Non-Aggression between them: -

  1. There shall be a state of perpetual friendship and peace between Alduria-Wechua and the Hexarchy (referred jointly hereafter as “the signatory nations”), and they shall endeavor to be good neighbors to one another in the continent of Keltia;
  2. The signatory nations shall be committed to the peaceful resolution of all issues and differences that may estrange them;
  3. The signatory nations shall desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other nations;
  4. Should Alduria-Wechua and The Hexarchy become the object of belligerent action by a third nation, the other shall not give its support to this third nation;
  5. The signatory nations shall respect the diplomatic envoys of each other, their diplomatic correspondence and their offices, as well as all other government structures of each other;
  6. The signatory nations may appoint an ambassador or envoy to the other in order to foster good relations. The host nation shall reserve the right to expel an ambassador or envoy that is in contravention of either any part of this Treaty or the laws of the host nation.
  7. The Hexarchy and the Government of Asshyria agree to open the Island and Port of Ashtaroth (known to Alduria-Wechua as Sal) to all of its citizens for trade, free of import duties and similar restrictions. The Government of the Eventide Islands shall permit visa-free visits by government personnel of Alduria-Wechua to the Island and City of Kobol. Furthermore, the Port and City of Kobol shall be open to all other citizens of Alduria-Wechua able to secure the appropriate transit and/or visit visas.
  8. In reciprocation, Alduria-Wechua and the Government of Chinchasuyu shall open the port of Judah to citizens of the Realms of The Hexarchy for trade, free of import duties and similar restrictions.
  9. Citizens of the Hexarchy in Alduria-Wechua shall not be able to leave the designated port, except with the proper transit permissions and authorizations from Alduro-Wechua government officials. Citizens of Alduria-Wechua in The Hexarchy shall not be able to leave the designated port, except with the proper transit permissions and authorization from The Hexarchy and its officials.
  10. This Treaty may only be amended, revised, enlarged, and expanded upon the concurrence of both Nations signatory to this Treaty. Any contrary action or measure shall be null and void.
  11. This Treaty shall enter into force upon proper ratification by the governments of the signatory nations to this Treaty, by the proper constitutional methods.
  12. Either party may withdraw from this Treaty provided that written notice (defined as a post on forums or update in MicrasWiki, ratified by whatever legislative procedures necessary) is given.



The Hexarchy

  • Gilgamesh, Lord of Arumen, and Lord Paramount of Pyrax
    President of the Council of Six

See also