General Port of Lake Morovia

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The General Port of Lake Morovia is a Pallisican-style marketplace designed to support the needs of nations surrounding Lake Morovia.

Bank of the General Port


Population Data

Home Brokerage

Company Information

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Company Type Notes
Lake Morovia Blockade Fund Lake Morovia Blockade Fund Established in response to the Hammish Civil War, the Lake Morovia Blockade Fund - the third of the major pirate organizations which operate in the Strait of Haifa - serves to limit the flow of foreign goods, currency, and services into Lake Morovia, in central Keltia. In 37.67 PSSC the Blockade Fund defected from the Port of Jogi, to become the first company represented on the newly established Independent Port of Lake Morovia. Intelligence/Other
Gladeseed Farmers' Union Gladeseed Farmers' Union A collective of farmers and ranchers who specialize in the production of endemic crops and livestock, the Gladeseed Farmers' Union is the largest supplier of food to the Greater Morovian Independence Initiative Food
Atterian Cattle Drivers Atterian Cattle Drivers The Atterian Cattle Drivers oversee the extensive movement of livestock in the region surrounding Lake Morovia. Misc.
Baratar Corporation Baratar Corporation The Baratar Corporation provides financial and material support for the operations of the Baratar, the official military branch of the Alperkin government. Misc.
Noctic Fleet Noctic Fleet The Noctic Fleet is a community of privateers ostensibly affiliated with the Alliance of Bassarid Oceans who specialize in smuggling Noctic-Rabrev products on behalf of Noctic-Rabrev farmers and merchants. Misc.

Price Data

Employment Reports