Hypernostria is a large island south of Corum.
Origins and Etymology
Hypernostria is Greek for "furthest south". It was usually used in classical Greek texts as a counterweight to Hyperborea, the furthest north continent. Micras has both a Hyperborea (also called Raikoth) and a Hypernostria. On early Micran maps it was the southernmost landmass until the addition of Sypyr and Leng.
Hypernostria is long, thin, mostly flat and, except a few far northern peninsulae, covered in ice.
Hypernostria was first settled by the short-lived "Beebland", before the country was conquered and absorbed into the United Secular States. They quickly collapsed, and an ill-fated attempt by the Menelmacari to settle there never took hold. It was vacant for about four years, until Riponia settled it as part of their complete domination of the Corum region. Today it is vacant, but ruins of Riponian cities like Dyvelsten still dot the landscape.