Refliasia Self Defense Force

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Phoklandian Imperial Defense Force
Flag of Phoklandian Micras
Phoklandian troops conducting field operations, circa (early ) 2019
Active: 2019 - Present
Allegiance: Phokland
Personnel: 300,200 active duty personnel
(1 million reserved)

Type: Land Forces, Air Forces
Size: 21 x PF-81 Fighters
1 x Deluthe Class Battleship
Nickname: :Heil Der Tsar!"

Current Commander: Monarch
Tsar Charles I
Conflicts & Deployments


The Phoklandian Imperial Defense Force (also known as the PIDF) is the primary (fictional) offensive and defensive military force of the Tsardom of Phokland on Micras. The army's primary job is to provide civil services to the people of Phokland in times of national distress. However, the army is also trained and equipped so as to protect the nation in times of war and to secure the sovereignty of the nation. During times of peace, the army serves a primarily ceremonial role, marching in parades and greeting/protecting high ranking government officials and foreign dignitaries.