Tinker Sprocket

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Tinker Sprocket
Tinker Sprocket.jpg
Full name Tinker Sprocket
AKA Sprocket
Physical information
Species Greivar
Gender Male type chassis
Hair color and style Copper dome
Eye color Green optical sensors
Skin color Polished copper
Biographical information
Father Software from KlaasSoft Corporation
Mother Hardware from Natopian Navy Department of Advanced Research
Date of birth before 1571
Place of birth Coppertone, Natollonia
Residence(s) Lindstrom, Natopia
Nationality Natopian
Allegiance(s) Natopia
Occupation Speaker of the Frenzy

Tinker Sprocket is member of the Greivar, a race of artificially intelligent beings. He is the first and current Speaker of the Frenzy, in Natopia. Prior to his appointment to that position by Chancellor Benjamin Meir, he was the Administrator of the copper mines of Coppertone, in the former Natopian colony of Natollonia. After that colony was lost, he was appointed as operations officer on board the Natopian International Space Station until he was appointed to the newly created position of Speaker of the Frenzy, to serve as an apolitical, neutral clerk and presiding officer to reduce the daily legislative duties of the Chancellor.

Physical Description

Tinker Sprocket is a unique Greivar, for he was entirely copper, eternally polished. He had a graceful human form, shorter than a man, and squat, to give off a jovial and safe feeling to nearby humans, who helped fashion him in their image to act as liaison. His hands were specially designed for human contact with a low-torque servo for hand shaking to prevent crushing the bones in humans.