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Capital | Kolmenitzkiy |
Largest cities | Mazeltov, Mitnik, Padorzhin |
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Number of citizens | 7 |
Number of active citizens | 4 (As of October 2008) |
Date founded | August 2008 |
Government | Parliamentary Democracy |
Current leader | The Nohsi |
Currency | Ashkenatzi Shekl |
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Map versions | 13.6.4 - Present |
The Republic of Ashkenatza was founded by Maksym Izaak Rozenthal and Hesham Jandahar in August 2008 as an experiment in creating a Secular Jewish micronation along Yiddish and Ashkenazi Culture. It was felt an overt name such as Ashkenatza would help stress the essentially Eastern European flavour of the nation, thereby alleviating any impression of an Israeli micronation Ashkenatza would cause. Founded after a period of Edwards' inactivity in Shireroth and the death of his young socialist micronation, the Kazari People's Republic, Ashkenatza was quickly joined by the remaining old guard of the former Zatriarchate of Matbaa, and developed rapidly- its existence only being released to the Micronational Community at large after the Constitution of 2008 was ratified and a Government formed.
Ashkenatza's appearance on the micronational stage in August 2008 was during a time of great confusion for the Anglophone Micronational community- the death of Lovely, the Grand Commonwealth, the MCS-GSO divide and the imminent closure of the Micronational News Network MNN made it very difficult to recruit new citizens, leaving Ashkenatza's citizen base a very particular one, mainly old Matbaics and Babkhans. Ashkenatza's first intermicronational step was claiming land on Benacia, immediately drawing its foreign relations closer to Shireroth, and balancing the Ashkenatzi-Babkhan closeness which had been forming. Babkhan economic and military support to Ashkenatza was highly important, as was contact with Ashkenatza's neighbour Tellia, who shared similar concerns about possible Amokolian belligerence to the North. There had, however, been disagreements with Tellia regarding land expansions, and although Tellia eventually capitulated to Ashkenatzi ownership over the Southern Litovina area, Ashkenatza guaranteed the constitutional rights of ethnic Tellian citizens living there.
Almost immediately, after the threat of war became very real, the Central Benacian Relations Conference, overseen by Shireroth and held in Romero, the capital of Tellia, agreed on a peaceful land expansion to share unclaimed inner Benacia, which allowed expansions for Amokolia, Ashkenatza, Tellia, and Ashkenatza's friendly western neighbour, Batavia. Still, the threat of war lingered and Tellia and Ashkenatza remained militarily very close, supported by Babkha- with whom, however, alliance negotiations were not incredibly successful- and the interventionist foreign policy pursued by Rozenthal, coupled with aggressive military buildup ensured Ashkenatza gained a 'causus belli' on any nation mistreating its Jewish citizens. How the widening rift between monarchist and socialist micronations in the Micras Sector will affect Ashkenatzi politics remains to be seen, but the tenuous coalition of the socialist Bundist Party and social liberal Dray Bagrif Partei under the leadership of Nohsi Laz Krakowski steered an easy going course intermicronationally for the first few months of the nation's existence.
Civil War
On 6th July 2009, Green Thunder party leader Szmhuel Astopov attempted to depose Pachad Emet Ben Mavet as head of the army. Surrounding military forts across the country and blockading roads. A full blown war was avoided by the careful political talks of Moshe Goltz. Although Pachad was almost forced to leave soon after due to his absense.
War with Amokolia
After Amokolia was annexed by Ocia in early June 2009, the borders were closed, devastating trade in the Northern Regeions. After many debates, it was decided to invade and plans drawn up. However before the invasion could go ahead, Amokolia had a revoloution and broke away from Ocian control, helped by military pressure. Ashkenatza has since gained a corridor to the Sea in the North and a few other minor bits of land, in return for helping to stabalize the Amokolia economy and Goverment.
War With Ocia
After the Ocian departure from Amokolia on 22nd August 2009, Ashkenatza is now officialy in cold war arms race with Ocia as the former under Matt Kovac, prepares for an invaision from Ashkenatza and Amokolia. New alliances with Woodstania and its president Woodrow, will allow Ashkennazian aircraft and boats to refuel and collect supplies there.
It must be stressed that the invasion is only for long term security and not for territorial gains, although a colony may be established, the rest of Ocia will become unclaimed if it collapses.
Noteable Companies
Leucothe Air
Formaly Leucothe Inusdtreis started by Szmhuel Astopov and nationalised in 2009. It is now the nations flagship air line.
Shalitov Manufacturing Co.
Begun by Moshe Goltz upon founding of Ashkenatza. Manufacturing manythings, including air ships and locomotives.
Astopov Munitions
A note worthy company started by Szmhuel Astopov and soon to be renamed.
Port Side Munitions
Begun by Alex Allenby on 23rd August 2009. Plans include a space program, new trains for the rail network, the first Ashkenatzian car, guns and the Shark Submarine series, equppied with drill head torpeados.
Kolmeninski-Capital city.
Political Parties
Algemeyner Bund
Green Thunder
An Eco-Integralist party run by Alex Allenby and Szmhuel Astopov. They were in power for a brief period before emergency powers were enforced and the army took over.
People of Note
Moshe Goltz - Currently fith Noshi of Ashkenatza
Szmhuel Astopov - Ex Noshi, leader of green thunder and started of Astopov Munitions.
Pachad Emet ben Mavet - Head of the Army.
Alex Allenby - Started Port Side Munitions and a senior member of green thunder. Also owner of the ciniema and radio station and one miniature railway in kolmeninski
Jess - Amokolian leader and now good friend of Ashkenatza