Lyssansa Rossheim

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Empress Lyssansa

Lyssansa Rossheim, a lich, daughter of Max Rossheim and Kaiseress Mira Raynora Minor, maternal granddaughter of Spraki Krumsson, was co-Queen of Lichbrook (1614–1649, together with her mother and grandmother Mira Raynora the Elder) and Empress of Minarboria 1628–1652. Also held the titles Empress of Greater Sangun, Grand Princess of Treisenberg, Lichgravine of Lywall, Lachmeren, Novodolor and Litel, Princess of Lywind and Baroness of Solecism. Prætor of the Landsraad, 1602–1612.

Had the daughter Octavia Rossheim after a generous donation of fatherly material from Kaiser Aiomide.

Preceded by:
Vilhelm Benkern
Prætor of the Landsraad
Succeeded by
Mira Octavius-Aryani