Council of Arboria

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The Council of Arboria is a body of advisers for counsel regarding the good and proper government of the Principality of Arboria.

Initially established by Consensus of Government bearing date VII.1614 of the Lord Erion, reaffirmed by the 1658 and 1663 Consensus of Government of Isabella Kalirion, further reaffirmed by the 1676 Consensus of Government of Esmeralda al-Osman.


Members of the Council of Arboria

File Photograph Appointee Other Designations Notes Term of Office
Joseph Meir Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the Imperial Embassy of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation at Astérapolis 24.XIV.1676 -
Jaime Augusto Joaquin Primo de Aguilar
Augustus Mirkdale 24.XIV.1676 -
Gunther Bauer Senator of the Principality to the Frenzy 15.XV.1683 -
Nathan Neemite Senator of the Principality to the Frenzy 15.XV.1683 -
Cassandra Eddington Senator of the Principality to the Frenzy 15.XV.1683 -
Michael Maximillian Watson Senator of the Principality to the Frenzy 15.XV.1683 -
Carl Taylor-Citron Senator of the Principality to the Frenzy 15.XV.1683 -
Andi Mehl Senator of the Principality to the Frenzy 15.XV.1683 -
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