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Treaty between Floria and Constancia

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The Treaty for the Promotion of Commerce and Amity between the Florian Republic and the Imperial State of Constancia is a signed treaty between Floria and Constancia. It was negotiated and signed by James Maddison, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Floria and Athanasia Demetria, Foreign Minister and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Micras Treaty Organisation.


A Treaty for the Promotion of Commerce and Amity between the Florian Republic and the Imperial State of Constancia

The President of the Florian Republic and the Autokrator of the Imperial State of Constancia being desirous of strengthening the bonds of friendship which so happily subsist between their respective States and countries, and convinced that the surest means of arriving at this result is to take in concert all the measures requisite for facilitating and developing commercial relations, have resolved to determine by treaty the conditions of the free navigation of the coastal waters of Apollonia and Eura, and thus to remove the obstacles which have hitherto impeded this navigation, and to thereafter define in a comprehensive and precise manner the reciprocal rights, privileges and immunities of the Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Consular Agents (their Chancellors and Secretaries). With this object they have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

For the President of the Florian Republic, His Excellency James Maddison, Minister of Foreign Affairs; and for the Autokrator of the Imperial State of Constancia, Her Excellency Athanasia Demetria, Foreign Minister and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Micras Treaty Organisation;

Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article 1. The high contracting parties recognise the full sovereignty and territorial integrity of the other. The parties commit themselves to resolve any differences by peaceful and non-violent means.

Article 2. If either of the high contracting parties shall be at War with any Nation whatever, the other Party shall not take a Commission from the Enemy nor fight under their Colours.

Article 3. If either of the high contracting party shall be at War with any Nation whatever and take a Prize belonging to that Nation, and there shall be found on board Subjects or Effects belonging to either of the high contracting parties, the Subjects shall be set at Liberty and the Effects returned to the Owners. And if any Goods belonging to any Nation, with whom either of the high contracting parties shall be at War, shall be loaded on Vessels belonging to the other Party, they shall pass free and unmolested without any attempt being made to take or detain them.

Article 4. The parties will establish free trade relations encompassing those territories, and their associated territorial waters, that comprise the high contracting parties international recognised jurisdictions - where international recognition is constituted by the successful registration of a claim submitted to the MCS Council.

Article 5. Trade ships of either of the Parties passing through the territorial waters, as defined by the Convention on the Laws of the Seas, of the other shall not be subject to border checks and other limitations on their right to trade and sail in the other's territory

Article 6. The high contracting parties, being desirous to provide every facility for coastal navigation, agree to maintain beacons and marks pointing out the safe channels of navigation; arising from this a uniform system shall be established by the competent authorities of the high contracting parties, for the collection of the custom-house duties, harbor, lights, police and pilotage dues, along the whole territorial waters which belong to the high contracting parties.

Article 7. Each of the high contracting parties shall be at liberty to establish Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls or Consular Agents at the ports and places of trade of the other party, except those where it may not be convenient to recognise such officers; but this exception shall not apply to one of the high contracting parties without also applying to every other Power. Consuls-General, Consuls and other Consular officers appointed and taking office according to the provisions of this article, in one or the other of the two countries, shall be free to exercise the right accorded them by the present convention throughout the whole of the district for which they may be respectively appointed. The said functionaries shall be admitted and recognised respectively upon presenting their credentials in accordance with the rules and formalities established in their respective countries. The exequatur required for the free exercise of their official duties shall be delivered to them free of charge; and upon exhibiting such exequatur they shall be admitted at once and without interference by the authorities, Federal or State, judicial or executive, of the ports, cities and places of their residence and district, to the enjoyment of the prerogatives reciprocally granted.

Article 8. In the event of a vessel belonging to the Government, or owned by a citizen of one of the two contracting States, being wrecked or cast on shore upon the coast of the other, the local authorities shall inform the Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls or Consular Agents of the district of the occurrence, or if such Consular Agency does not exist, they shall communicate with the Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul or Consular Agent of the nearest district.

Article 9. The high contracting parties shall pay for and maintain a fisheries and commerce protection fleet for the purpose of protecting the shipping of the high contracting parties and other friendly third parties against depredations by pirates and hostile states.

Article 10. The Treaty shall enter into force once the high contracting parties have ratified it in accordance with their constitutional and legal mechanisms; this treaty may be amended with the consent of both of the high contracting parties parties and may be unilaterally withdrawn from only after a period of one year's grace (Ab Nortone) from the date of formal notification by one of the high contracting parties parties to the other of their intent to withdraw from this treaty.

Article 11. The provisions of this Treaty shall be deemed void with the demise of either of the high contracting parties, save that the right of nationals and dependent persons belonging to the former high contracting party may claim, without limitation, the rights of safe harbour and sanctuary within the ports and anchorages of the high contracting party whom remains.

Done at Arak, 13.XII.1670.

FOR The Confederate States of Floria

James Maddison
Minister of Foreign Affairs

FOR The Imperial State of Constancia

Athanasia Demetria
Foreign Minister and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Micras Treaty Organisation

See also