The Theogiorickan is an unknown species of ammonia-based life first encountered in the ruined city of Theogiorick (hence its name). A carcass of a seemingly dead one has been taken to Harthago for examination. As it is ammonia-based, all investigations on it have to be conducted in temperatures lower than -33 degrees Celsius. The following is a field note description by Professor Robyna Markbell-Howells, from rudimentary examination (she is no xenobiologist, and is more specialised in unique biochemistry than descriptions):
Does not look too different from primates in silhouette. Bipedal with two arms, 0.95 rics long, weight 1.35 rics. Arms extend about to the knees. Head has two eyes (each about twice as big as a human eye), two noses (or nostrils on the face?), two antennae (which might act as ears?, about 15 cm long). Colour of skin is brown-to-black, with some golden rashes along the face.
Ammonia-based and silicon-based lifeform. Most likely not indigenous to Micras. Smelly. Smells like old urine. Otherwise carbon-based. Skeletal structure is surprisingly similar to humans (like with safir, suggesting convergent evolution), with a rib cage protecting what are believed to be the vital organs (though this is where similarities end). Based on this one example, unable to determine sex (indeed whether this species has more than one sex, and if so, how many) or age. The brain–body ratio suggests sentience (but unknown if the brain actually is the brain) and intelligence. How did it get here? By spaceship? But how?
The specimen was found with what was initially thought of as an exoskeleton, but now has been determined to be an organic suit (including helmet) that would help the specimen adapt/function in the Micran Antarctic region. The suit is not pressured, but rather seems to be control temperature with cooling (no heating, curiously) and aid in breathing. The examination suggests that the lifeform breathes hydrogen.
- 1717: There is evidence of Theogiorickan presence in Theogiorick dating from around this time.
- 9.XII.1721. Robyna Markbell-Howells with team first see the Theogiorickans in movement.
- 10.XII.1721. First near-encounter with a diseased Theogiorickan, biological examination done at place and thereafter transported to Harthago for further examination and study.
- 16.XIII.1721. Theogiorickans seen with the symbol of Star of Sathrati against black background, on flags and on their suits and on buildings in Theogiorick.
- 18.XIII.1721. Natopian Spacefleet's Orbital Defence Force confirms that there are at least fifty unidentified objects about one half astronomical unit from Micras, having there-before been hidden by or in a comet, if the comet indeed was a comet. At least fifty of these unidentified objects appear each to be at least 800 metres long. The Spacefleet hypothesised that the objects ought to be related to the appearance of the so-called Theogiorickans.
- Spacefleet ordered its main capital ships of the Spacefleet to rendezvous at the Natopian International Space Station, in an effort to form up a battlegroup.
- Spacefleet sends a Zion-class survey ship, escorted by three Virgo-class scout ships, to close with the oncoming vessels in an effort to conduct a more comprehensive scan.
- 20.XIII.1721. The four Natopian ships arrive within kilometres from the alien fleet. On the ships, they see the same flag as in Theogiorick. Curiously, they also observe in the alien fleet, what appears, judging by all measurements and information available, to be a Behemoth-class gravship adapted for spacetravel with an old-style Elwynnese orchid flag on it along with the Star of Sathrati. The Natopian ships attempt to signal, by way of visual projection, messages written in Istvanistani and Âirumâli, ordering the alien fleet to halt. The Behemoth sways off course, towards the Natopian ships, ready to engage in parlay, sending back a message by visual projection, "ALLOW US PASSAGE, WE COME IN PEACE, WE ARE COMING HOME, WE MEAN NO HARM."
- After the essence of the message is relayed, via the NISS, to Space Command in Lindstrom, an answer was delivered along the same route back to the scout ships for broadcast, "Cease approach or be destroyed. Any attempt to land upon our world will be resisted. Divert from your course and state your purpose."
- Concurrently, the Natopian Spacefleet set their course to intercept the oncoming vessels, deploying all available scout and shuttle craft as a screening force. The capital ships formed into a diamond formation with the fleet carrier and two Bismarck-class battleships in the centre, whilst such fighter craft as had been taken onboard before departure from Micras orbit were prepared to sortie.
News of the discovery prompted the dispatch of Investigation & Enforcement officers from Cohort XX to the scene under orders to investigate the specimen, make preparations for its dissection under controlled laboratory conditions, and to evaluate the need for an extermination action in the area around the site of the discovery.
Following review, the species was catalogued as Entity 010 (X). All examples must be terminated immediately, by whatever means necessary, by all Pact aligned forces upon encounter.