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Thorgilsby is an Elwynnese bailiwick and city by Rascals' Bay (Schalkwijk in old North Amokolian; also of the name of a neighbouring bailiwick) in Vattnaland (Amokolia). With a population (1679) of 904,831 inhabitants, the city is an important port and harbour. Its economy is largely based off logistics. The official languages of Thorgilsby are North Amokolian and Istvanistani.

The bailiwick borders Schalkwijk in the north, Stolzfuss in the south, and Herzenstadt in the west.

Founded as Haraldsby in 1623 by the Froyalaners as a processing port and centre for the planned massive FroyalanishStorish immigration (of an anticipated 1 million per year), the planned aspects of the city made the city quickly an efficient one, with a service-based economy in logistics, on which the city still to this day has. After the Auspicious Occasion in 1651, the city remained a processing centre for Froyalaners, but this time as they underwent reclassification from nobles and denizens to protected persons of the Kaiser and thereby brought to steady employment around Shireroth, especially in the Froyalanish National Reserve. The city was around this time also renamed Thorgilsby in honour of Kaiser Dominus's birth name.