New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency

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Logo of the New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency.

From its headquarters in the eastern corridor of the Realm of Passio-Corum, The New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency serves as one of the world's leading scientific research institutes.

Research Departments

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Company Type Notes
Atos System Research Department of Atos System Research The Atos System Research Department is responsible for studying and mapping the Atos System as a whole. Research -
Zimian Climate Research Department of Climate Research The Department of Climate Research is responsible for studying the climate of the various regions which constitute the Bassarid Trade Empire. Research -
Corumian Biology Department Corumian Biology Department The Corumian Biology Department is responsible for studying and documenting the flora and fauna of Corum Research -
Inner Atos System Survey Inner Atos System Survey In contrast to the Atos System Research Department, which studies the Atos System as a whole, the Inner Atos System Survey is responsible for studying the system's innermost planets. Research -
InMicrasian Biohazard Research Institute Micrasian Biohazard Research Institute The Micrasian Biohazard Resarch Institute is responsible for studying infectious diseases and chemical weaponry. Research -