Lake Morovia Shipping Complex

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Lake Morovia Shipping Complex
Founded 35.64 PSSC
Headquarters Vaerinheim, Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa
Products Brokerage

Established in 35.64 PSSC, the Lake Morovia Shipping Complex represents the interests of the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa on the USSO Common Market, the marketplace of the Union of States around the Sovereign Oceans.

Product Lists

Ale of Night Central Brewery

Ale of Night Central Brewery
Headquarters Jogi, Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa
Products Beer

Based in the city of Jogi, the Ale of the Night Central Brewery oversees the production and sale of a type of beer brewed from an unusual crop that derives its energy from darkness rather than sunlight, which when consumed eliminates the need to sleep. This beer is most popular with the people of central Keltia, especially the Haifan pirates associated with the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa, who consume the beer in great quantity before launching their infamous nighttime raids against the region's native inhabitants.

Good/Service Price/Share Price Assessment
Ale of the Night 7/Share 5.6/Share

Northern Morovian Timber Company

Northern Morovian Timber Company
Headquarters Jogi, Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa
Products Timber

The leading exporter of timber from the region surrounding the northern shores of Lake Morovia, the Northern Morovian Timber company was established following the Vaeringheim Campaign, an intelligence and military operation overseen by the privateer Captain Ismael Hatch.

Good/Service Price/Share Price Assessment
Timber 4.3/Share 3.44/Share

Mylecian Coal Ports

Mylecian Coal Ports
Headquarters Mylecia, Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa
Products Coal

Formally established in the early 880s WG, the Mylecian Coal Ports oversees the extraction and sale of coal from the hills which rise to the west of Mylecia.

Good/Service Price/Share Price Assessment
Coal 1.55/Share 1.39/Share

Israati-Haifan Nationalist Movement

Israati-Haifan Nationalist Movement
Headquarters Mylecia, Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa
Products Spirituality

Formed by a group of individuals which represented one of the more radical branches of the Knights of Mt.Nysa, and supported by the work of Ergonians working across the world on behalf of the Ergonian Spy Agency, the Israati-Haifan Nationalist Movement (IHNM) is a band of militant Stripping Path missionaries who espouse the ideas of an independent Haifan empire. The work of the IHNM - originally established in response to the protracted Hammish Civil War - has become increasingly disruptive in recent years, as the group has found support amongst the various Regional Investors representing the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa.

Good/Service Price/Share Price Assessment
Missionaries .045/Share .032/Share