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Trade fleets

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Trade fleets, being substantial armed and escorted convoys of merchantmen organised by the Raspur Pact, are the primary mechanism by which intercontinental trade is carried on between the member economies of the Pact's member states.

First organised in response to Bassarid piracy during the War of Lost Brothers, the trade fleets, assembled by the Saint Andre Trading Company, protected by the Honourable Company, and built around bulk-haulers owned and operated by Kerularios and Company, make four annual sailings between the staple ports of each continent.

Trade fleets of exceptional size or value may also receive an additional escort in the form of one or more capital ships provided from the Maritime Armada.

Trade fleets operating within the Community of Goldfield tend to coordinate their sailings so as to ensure a regular convergence upon the ports of the island of Neridia, where the Neridian Commodities Exchange acts as a centralised clearing mechanism for ensuring that materials gathered in from continental resource extraction zones by the Honourable Company are received by the appropriate manufactories within the Allied Production Matrix.