Constitution of the Bassarid Federation: Difference between revisions

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To pass amendments to the Constitution, a 2/3rd majority is needed in the Federal Chamber and a 1/2th in the Chamber of Deputies.
To pass amendments to the Constitution, a 2/3rd majority is needed in the Federal Chamber and a 1/2th in the Chamber of Deputies.

[[Category:Bassarid Federation]][[Category:USSO]]

Latest revision as of 21:48, 20 July 2021

The Constitution of the Bassarid Federation provides the legal framework for the government of the Bassarid Federation.

Chapter I - Principles of the Federation

The Jingdaoese, Pallisican, Haifan and Hondonese people are united in every respect and inspired by the determination to expand the welfare of its People, to serve peace at home and peace abroad, and to further social progress, has given itself this constitution.

Article 1

The Bassarid Federation is a virtual micronation, based on the planet Micras. The Federation is one and indivisible.

Article 2

The Federation is a federation between the following States:

  • The Jingdaoese Empire, with its Associates:
    • Kingdom of Batavia
    • State of Xang Nam
    • Mozhangguo Vrystaat
  • The Greater Pallisican Trade Association
  • The Empire of Hondon
  • The Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa

Article 3

  1. The official languages of the Federation are Bassarid English, Jingdaoese and Pallisical.
  2. Bassarid English is the common language of the state, and its use is compulsory in the army, in the navy and in all state and public institutions. The use of local (regional) languages and dialects in state and public institutions are determined by State legislation.

Article 4

  1. The primary and predominant Faiths in the Bassarid Federation is the Stripping Path and Tianchaodao.
  2. The Imperial Royals who occupy the Heavenly Throne and Crown of Passio-Corum cannot profess any Faith other than those mentioned in above article.
  3. The Imperial Royals, as examples of the Most Prominent Faiths, are the Supreme Defenders and Guardians of the dogmas of the predominant Faiths and are the Keepers of the purity of those Faiths.
  4. The Federation recognizes the right of its States to promote a state religion within the borders of the States.

Chapter II - Organisation of the Lands

Article 5

The capital of the Federation rotates between its States on either an annual, or a seasonal basis.

Capital cities of the Bassarid Federation shall include:

  • Daocheng, Jingdao.
  • Agripinilla, Passio-Corum.

Article 6

  1. The Bassarid Federation consists of States, Associates, Territories and Protectorates.
    1. State: A full member of the Federation with all rights and duties, which is an integral part of the Nation.
      1. Associate: A member of the Federation which is associated through cultural and political ties to one of the States.
    2. Territory: Land claimed by the Federation, but not distributed among any of the States.
    3. Protectorate: A nation which has sought the protection of the Federation, but is not an integral part of it. The status of protectorates is decided through a treaty.
  2. Independent nations can apply to join the Federation.
  3. As the Federation is a nation made up from States who volunteer to be part of a greater and stronger union, they are allowed to secede.

Article 7

The States are responsible for the internal organisation of their government.

Chapter III: The Federal Administration

Article 8

  1. The Grand Pensionary is the Head of State of the Federation, head of the government and highest representative of the Federation.
  2. The Grand Pensionary is elected for a period of four Norton Years.
  3. The Grand Pensionary is elected by the Federal Assembly, which consists of the Federal Chamber and the Chamber of Deputies.

Article 9

  1. The executive consists of the Grand Pensionary and his Ministers, whom together form the Federal Council.
  2. The Federal Council has the right to govern through Federal Decrees. These Decrees can be retracted by either the Assembly or Chamber with a simple majority and may not contradict any existing Federal Law.

Article 10

The Federal Council consists of the following Ministries, which can be divided into Departments:

  • The Ministry of Federal Affairs
    • Department of Justice
    • Department of Internal Affairs
  • The Ministry of Federal State Security
    • Military Administration Office
    • National Intelligence Agencies
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • State Department
    • Office of Foreign Missions
  • The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment
    • Domestic Trade Commission
    • International Trade Commission

Article 11

  1. The Federal Assembly consists of the Federal Chamber and the Chamber of Deputies. To pass a bill, or elect a candidate for Grand Pensionary, both chambers must provide approval.
  2. Both Chambers are elected for a period of four Norton Years. After each election, the parties of the Federal Chamber take it upon themselves to gather support for the election of a new Grand Pensionary.

Article 12

  1. The Federal Chamber consists of Representatives from Electoral Zones. The number of Representatives for each Zone shall be proportional to the number of citizens.
  2. The Chamber shall consist of one seat per 1,000,000 citizens of the Federation, distributed among the elected Representatives. Each Electoral Zone shall at least own two seats.

Article 13

  1. The Chamber of Deputies consists of five deputies per Electoral Zone. Each State also has the right to send ten 'special deputies' to represent the State government.
  2. Proposals proposed and passed by the Federal Chamber shall be sent to the Chamber of Deputies. The Deputies do not have the right to take initiative to launch law proposals.

Chapter IV: Trade

Article 14

  1. Federation States and Associates shall adopt as their national currency the Thyrsus, which shall derive its value from levels of investment in the Port of Vines.
  2. Federation States shall retain the ability, should they enjoy such an ability, to invest in the USSO Common Market.
  3. Should a Federation State lack the ability to invest in the USSO Common Market, other Federation States shall lobby on its behalf so that it should gain the ability.
  4. Associates and Protectorates of the Federation shall retain the ability to lobby the Federal Council for the right to invest, or to receive investment through in the Port of Vines.
  5. All citizens of the Federation shall retain the right to benefit from the investments of Federation States, Associates, and Protectorates, on the USSO Common Market and/or the Port of Vines.

Chapter V: Responsibilities

Article 15

  1. The following tasks are delegated to the Federal Government:
    1. Issues concerning war and peace.
    2. Issues concerning the security and armed and naval forces of the Federation.
    3. Issues concerning trade and currency.
    4. Issues concerning citizenship.
    5. Issues concerning foreign affairs.
    6. Issues concerning the development of the lands in its possession.
  2. These tasks may be delegated to the States.

Article 16

The Federation recognises three kinds of citizenship, and / or residency:

  • Full Citizenship: Civis Bassarides: Enjoy all the rights guaranteed by law and are able to vote in all federal elections.
  • Secondary Citizenship: Socii Bassarides: Rights depend upon State legislation and can be limited by a State or the Federation.
  • Slaves or bound servants: No rights, exist as the property of Citizens.

Article 17

  1. Citizenship is granted by the Federal Council.
  2. Every immigrant automatically receives Secondary Citizenship (with exception of those purchased or brought into the country as slaves).
  3. It is the right of the authority of the State to alter or amend the status of citizens.

Chapter VI: Revision of the Constitution

Article 18

To pass amendments to the Constitution, a 2/3rd majority is needed in the Federal Chamber and a 1/2th in the Chamber of Deputies.