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[[File:Generalportlogo.png|200px|thumb|right|The seal of the General Port of Lake Morovia. ]]
{| class="toccolours" style="float:right; margin:0 0 1em 1em; font-size:85%; width:30em; background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #000000;"
[[File:Polidrop.png|200px|thumb|left|As of the 48th Era, the Poli - the official currency of the General Port - featured on one side an image of a chamois, standing in a mountain field of [[Noctic-Rabrev]].  On the flip side, it featured an image of [[Thalassa]], the Queen of the Planetary Divines of the [[Reformed Stripping Path]], and the patron deity of [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Vaeringheim|Vaeringheim]].]]
The '''General Port of Lake Morovia''' is a [[A Sustainable Economy|Pallisican-style]] marketplace designed to support the needs of nations surrounding [[Lake Morovia]], namely [[Alperkin]] and the Bassarid Periphery states which directly border Alperkin, such as [[Vaeringheim]] and Lewisburg.  The General Port was established in the aftermath of the [[Haifan Civil War]], following the collapse of the [[Independent Port of Lake Morovia]] and the dissolution of the [[Greater Morovian Independence Initiative]]. 
In the 47th Era PSSC, control of the General Port of Lake Morovia was seized by forces loyal to the newly established government of [[Bassaridia Vaeringheim]].  Following its seizure, the Port was reformed and expanded to include several companies formerly hosted in the [[Port of Haifan Keltiania]].
==Bank of the General Port==
[[File:AgriculturalStore.png|200px|thumb|left|Citizens of Bassaridia Vaeringheim receive vouchers from their respective Associate Regional Investors, which they can redeem at stores such as this, in order to acquire goods products at no personal expense. ]]
===Population Data===
{| class="wikitable"
! 49.98 PSSC (179/3/49 PSSC) !!
| '''City''' || '''Population'''
| '''Vaeringheim Regional Investor''' || '''14,716,460'''
| Vaeringheim || 5,297,926
| Luminaria || 1,618,811
| Serena || 1,692,393
| align=center colspan=2 | <center>'''General Port of Lake Morovia'''
| Lunalis Sancta || 1,986,722
| align=center colspan=2 | [[File:Generalportlogo.png|200px]]
| Sylvapolis || 882,988
| align=center colspan=5 |
| Delphica || 515,076
| '''Type:''' || [ Pallisican-style marketplace]
| Symphonara || 1,103,735
| '''Established:''' || 47th Era PSSC
| Aurelia || 956,570
| '''Location:''' || [ Vaeringheim]
| Ferrum Citadel || 235,463
| '''Control:''' || Merchant General of the General Port of Lake Morovia
| Catonis Atrium || 426,777
| '''Purpose:''' || Supports the economic needs of nations around Lake Morovia and the [[Strait of Haifa]], especially Bassaridia Vaeringheim
| '''Alpazkigz Regional Investor''' || '''13,694,484'''
| '''Currency:''' || Poli, featuring a chamois in a Noctic-Rabrev field on one side and Thalassa, Queen of the Planetary Divines, on the other
| Pyralis || 3,560,566
| '''Associated Companies:''' ||  
* Lake Morovia Blockade Fund 
* Gladeseed Farmers' Union 
* Atterian Cattle Drivers Company 
* The Roving Wind Farm Corporation of Greater Attera 
* Baratar Corporation 
* Noctic Fleet 
* Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind 
* Jogiani Merchants of Manwine 
* Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm 
* Plains of Jogi 
* Ale of the Night Central Brewery 
* Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province 
* Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative 
* East Keltian Iron Company 
* Mylecian Coal Ports 
* Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds 
* Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers 
* Hatch Ministry 
* Anterran Imports and Services 
* East Keltian Timber Company 
* Grand Cave Bee Meadery 
* Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess 
* Cinnamon Plains of Rouge 
* Velvet Homestead 
* Seamstresses of Rouge 
* Ergonian Spy Agency 
* Commune of the Garganid Apostles 
* Oceanic Boot Company 
* Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 
* Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound 
* Couriers of the Lizard Queen 
* Temple University of Delphica 
* Shï Collective 
* Bulhanu Ranchers' Association 
* Suncliff Fisheries 
* Order of the Sphinx 
* Ministers of Mistress Mugwort 
* Blood Vineyards of the Far North 
* Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Farmers Association 
* La Sái Ebile 
* Market Hanavusu 
* Giid Lisea Ranching Import Company 
* Bird Keepers of Saluria 
* Trans-Morovian Railway Company 
* Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin 
* Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik 
* Somniant Stock Fund 
* Aminian Coffee Company
| Nexa || 2,191,117
| align=center colspan=2 |
| Acheron || 1,164,031
| Saluria || 2,122,645
| Erythros || 890,141
| Aetherium || 1,027,086
| Koinonía || 1,506,393
| Aurem || 1,232,504
| '''Odiferia Regional Investor''' || '''12,430,949'''
| Somniumpolis || 4,350,832
| '''Unaffiliated Odiferian Tribes''' ||''' 8,080,117'''
| '''Hafaan Regional Investor''' || '''681,318'''
| '''Jeseri Regional Investor''' ||''' 350,982'''
| '''Hatch Ministry Regional Investor''' || '''4,031,129'''
| '''New South Jangsong Division''' ||''' 5,721,365'''
| Skýrophos || 1,315,914
| Bjornopolis || 1,029,846
| Aegerheim || 858,205
| Norsolyra || 743,777
| Thorsalon || 629,350
| Pelagia || 171,641
| Myrene || 343,282
| Thyrea || 228,855
| Ephyra || 286,068
| Halicarn || 114,427

==Home Brokerage==
[[File:Polidrop.png|200px|thumb|left|As of the 48th Era, the Poli - the official currency of the General Port - featured on one side an image of a chamois, standing in a mountain field of [[Noctic-Rabrev]].  On the flip side, it featured an image of [[Thalassa]], the Queen of the Planetary Divines of the [[Reformed Stripping Path]], and the patron deity of [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Vaeringheim|Vaeringheim]].]]
===Company Information===
{| class="wikitable sortable collapsible" border="1;" width="75%"
The '''General Port of Lake Morovia''' is a [[A Sustainable Economy|Pallisican-style]] marketplace designed to support the needs of nations surrounding [[Lake Morovia]], namely [[Alperkin]] and the Bassarid Periphery states which directly border Alperkin, such as [[Vaeringheim]] and Lewisburg.  The General Port was established in the aftermath of the [[Haifan Civil War]], following the collapse of the [[Independent Port of Lake Morovia]] and the dissolution of the [[Greater Morovian Independence Initiative]]. 
|- bgcolor="#ffcccc"
In the 47th Era PSSC, control of the General Port of Lake Morovia was seized by forces loyal to the newly established government of [[Bassaridia Vaeringheim]].  Following its seizure, the Port was reformed and expanded to include several companies formerly hosted in the [[Port of Haifan Keltiania]].
! scope="col" | Company Logo
! scope="col" | Company Image
==Bank of the General Port==
! scope="col" | Company Name
===Population Data===
! scope="col" | Company Description
The following table presents information from the General Port regarding the number of people in each city who have redeemed or partially redeemed their stipend vouchers from their respective Regional Investors on the given reporting date. Under the constitution of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, Regional Investors are required to issue vouchers, typically at the start of every 61-day month; these vouchers can then be exchanged for various goods or services, as detailed in the daily price tables. The counts in this table serve as a snapshot of active voucher usage across multiple cities and regions.
! scope="col" | Company Type
! scope="col" | Notes
While these figures are useful in estimating the approximate population of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, they do not necessarily represent an exact headcount. Not every individual redeems any portion of their vouchers on every reporting day, and some citizens choose to forgo the voucher system entirely. As such, the numbers recorded here can be understood as a strong indicator of daily activity rather than a comprehensive population census.
{| class="wikitable"
! 51.00 PSSC (1/1/51 PSSC) !!  
| City || Population
| [[File:Blockadefund.png|150px|border|Lake Morovia Blockade Fund]]  || [[File:MorovianScene.png|150px|border|Lake Morovia Blockade Fund]]  || Lake Morovia Blockade Fund ||Established in response to the [[Hammish Civil War]], the '''Lake Morovia Blockade Fund''' - the third of the major pirate organizations which operate in the [[Strait of Haifa]] - serves to limit the flow of foreign goods, currency, and services into [[Lake Morovia]], in central [[Keltia]].  In 37.67 [[PSSC]] the Blockade Fund defected from the [[Port of Jogi]], to become the first company represented on the newly established [[Independent Port of Lake Morovia]].  Following the dissolution of Morovian control of the Independent Port in the 41.50s, the Lake Morovia Blockade Fund again re-located operations, this time to the General Port of Lake Morovia.  || Intelligence/Other  ||
| '''Vaeringheim Regional Investor''' || '''12,451,352'''
| [ Vaeringheim] || 4,482,487
| [[File:GladseedFarmers.png|150px|border|Gladeseed Farmers' Union]] || [[File:GladeseedScene.png|150px|border|Gladeseed Farmers' Union]]  || Gladeseed Farmers' Union || A collective of farmers and ranchers who specialize in the production of endemic crops and livestock, the Gladeseed Farmers' Union is the largest supplier of food to the Greater Morovian Independence Initiative  || Food  ||
| [ Luminaria] || 1,369,649
| [[File:Atteriancattledrivers.png|150px|border|Atterian Cattle Drivers]] || [[File:AtterianScene.png|150px|border|Atterian Cattle Drivers]] || Atterian Cattle Drivers Company || The Atterian Cattle Drivers Company oversee the extensive movement of livestock in the region surrounding Lake Morovia. || Misc.  ||  
| [ Serena] || 1,431,905
| [[File:Rovingwindfarms.png|150px|border|The Roving Wind Farm Corporation of Greater Attera]] || [[File:RovingWindScene.png|150px|border|The Roving Wind Farm Corporation of Greater Attera]] || The Roving Wind Farm Corporation of Greater Attera || The Roving Wind Farm Corporation of Greater Attera provides for the electrical n1eeds of the people of [[Lake Morovia]] using their half dozen autonomous roving wind farms which operate across the region || Misc.  ||  
| [ Lunalis Sancta] || 1,680,932
| [[File:BaratarCorp.png|150px|border|Baratar Corporation]] ||[[File:BaratarScene.png|150px|border|Baratar Corporation]] || Baratar Corporation || The Baratar Corporation provides financial and material support for the operations of the Baratar, the official military branch of the [[Alperkin]] government. || Misc.  ||
| [ Sylvapolis] || 747,081
| [[File:Nocticfleetlogo.png|150px|border|Noctic Fleet]] ||[[File:NocticFleetScene.png|150px|border|Noctic Fleet]] || Noctic Fleet || The Noctic Fleet is a community of privateers ostensibly affiliated with the [[Alliance of the Bassarid Oceans]] who specialize in smuggling [[Noctic-Rabrev]] products on behalf of [[Noctic-Rabrev]] farmers and merchants.|| Misc.  ||
| [ Delphica] || 435,797
| [[File:Laprindlogo.png|150px|border|Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind]] || [[File:BloodbathsScene.png|150px|border|Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind]] || Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind || Located in the western reaches of the Western Highlands region of [[Alperkin]], the Bloodbaths of Laprind are a series of temples where practitioners of the region's major native religion gather to bathe in pools of highly sulfuric water mixed with wine and animal blood.  These pools, which are believed to have restorative properties, especially for those suffering the worst effects of [[Micrasian Biohazard Research Institute|Noctic-Vampirism]], are maintained by an order of select priestesses known Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind.  Only a few highly noteworthy individuals are allowed to join this order, and in order to be admitted, they must appeal directly to the mercy of the Heavenlet itself. || Misc.  ||
| [ Symphonara] || 933,851
| [[File:Manwinelogo.png|150px|border|Merchants of Manwine]] || [[File:Manwine719.png|150px|border|Merchants of Manwine]] || Jogiani Merchants of Manwine || The Jogiani Merchants of Manwine is a loose organization of merchants who specialize in the sale of spiced and seasoned, fermented human blood and other bodily fluids || Misc.  ||
| [ Aurelia] || 809,338
| [[File:Zoeelmlogo.png|150px|border|Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm]]  || [[File:Zoeelm719.png|150px|border|Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm]] || Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm || An incredibly secretive convent of [[Wikipedia:Sabazios|Sabazios]]-worshipping centaur-sorcerers who inhabit the remote highlands of the eastern [[Laceran Mountains]], the Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm have since time immemorial, borne the responsibility - assigned to them by the [[wikipedia:Charon (mythology)|ferryman]] of the River Styx - of protecting the sacred [[Grove of Zoe Elm]], itself a grove of millennia-old trees which produce the very resin used in the complex dark arts of the Cult of Maskmakers.  With that said, the Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm and the Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers maintain an ancient, albeit highly uneasy, working relationship.  It is believed by some practitioners of the Stripping Path that the secret properties of Zoe Elm resin were revealed to mankind by [[wikipedia:Zagreus|Tar]], the highest god of the [[Alperkin]] religion. || Misc.  ||
| [[File:Plainsofjogilogo.png|150px|border|Plains of Jogi]]  || [[File:Plainsofjogi719.png|150px|border|Plains of Jogi]] || Plains of Jogi || Based in the fertile plains of central [[Keltia]], the '''Plains of Jogi''' oversees oversees the majority of agricultural production for the [[Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa]]. || Food  ||
| [ Ferrum Citadel] || 199,222
| [[File:Alelogo.png|150px|border|Ale of the Night Central Brewery]]  || [[File:Aleofthenight719.png|150px|border|Ale of the Night Central Brewery]|| Ale of the Night Central Brewery || Based in the city of [[Jogi]], the '''Ale of the Night Central Brewery''' oversees the production and sale of a type of beer brewed from the flowers of the [[Noctic-Rabrev]], an unusual crop that derives its energy from darkness rather than sunlight, which when consumed eliminates the need to sleep.  This beer is most popular with the people of central [[Keltia]], especially the [[Haifan]] pirates associated with the [[Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa]], who consume the beer in great quantity before launching their infamous nighttime raids against the region's native inhabitants.  || Food  ||
| [ Catonis Atrium] || 361,089
| [[File:Camelhereders79.png|150px|border|Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province]]  || [[File:Camelherders719.png|150px|border|Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province]]  || Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province || An ancient tribe of nomads who roam the deeply haunted, frozen wilderness surrounding the city of [[Manduay]], the Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province retain a spiritual belief that the consumption of camel meat can help protect travelers along the northern [[Strait of Haifa]] from the region's parasitic Will o' Wisps. || Food  ||
| '''Alpazkigz Regional Investor''' || '''17,138,291'''
| [[File:ThalassianGranite.png|150px|border|ThalassianTempleGraniteExportCoop]]  || [[File:Thalassiangranite719.png|150px|border|ThalassianTempleGraniteExportCoop]]  || Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative || Based in the region surrounding southern Lake Morovia, the Thalassian Temple Granite Export Copperative quarries and exports a type of special purple granite which is regarded as sacred, and which is used in the majority of major statues and monuments in Bassaridia Vaeringheim|| Misc.  ||
| [ Pyralis] || 4,455,956
| [[File:Eastkeltianiron.png|150px|border|EastKeltianIronCompany]]  || [[File:Eastkeltianiron719.png|150px|border|EastKeltianIronCompany]]  || East Keltian Iron Company || Based in the region surrounding southern Lake Morovia, the Thalassian Temple Granite Export Copperative quarries and exports a type of special purple granite which is regarded as sacred, and which is used in the majority of major statues and monuments in Bassaridia Vaeringheim || Misc.  ||
| [ Nexa] || 2,742,127
| [[File:Mylecian710.png|150px|border|Mylecian Coal Ports]] || [[File:Myleciancoal719.png|150px|border|Mylecian Coal Ports]]  || Mylecian Coal Ports || Formally established in the early 880s WG, the '''Mylecian Coal Ports''' oversees the extraction and sale of coal from the hills which rise to the west of [[Mylecia]].|| Energy ||
| [ Acheron] || 1,456,755
| [[File:Merchantsdiamonds710.png|150px|border|Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds]|| [[File:Valleyofdiamonds719.png|150px|border|Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds]]  || Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds || A highly secretive guild of traders based in the city of Mylecia, the Merchants of the [[wikipedia:Sinbad the Sailor|Valley of Diamonds]] are the sole proprietors of knowledge relating to the location of a valley in central [[Keltia]], where legend holds that diamonds litter the ground like pebbles in a riverbed.  || Misc.  ||
| [ Saluria] || 2,656,435
| [[File:Maritimeguild714.png|150px|border|Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers]]  || [[File:MaskmakersScene.png|150px|border|Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers]]  || Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers || The '''Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers''' is a business enterprise which represents the financial interests of the priestesses of the [[Cult of Maskmakers]], a highly secretive [[Haifan]] cult of [[wikipedia:Dionysus|Dionysus]], whose most devout members are endowed with the dark magical ability to change people's faces.  The magic which is practiced by the Cult of maskmakers is implicitly illegal in most parts of the world.
The most prominent of the high priestesses of the Cult of Maskmakers is [[Díapaza Bréidle]], who in Era 38 [[PSSC]] ascended to the position of [[Council of Courts#Crown of Passio-Corum|Crown of Passio-Corum]].  Bréidle's involvement in the Cult of Maskmakers has led to the rise of conspiracy theories which hold that she is partially, willfully responsible for the emergence of the illicit [[Noctic-Rabrev]] trade in [[Keltia]].
|| Misc.  ||
| [[File:Hatchministrylogo710.png|150px|border|Hatch Ministry]]  || [[File:Hatchministry720.png|150px|border|Hatch Ministry]|| Hatch Ministry || Founded in northern [[Keltia]] in the aftermath of the departure of [[Captain Ismael Hatch]] from the city of [[Jangsong]], the Hatch Ministry is an order or fearsome arctic pirates who regard Hatch as a prophet of Dionysus, sent to spread the word of the Stripping Path to the far north.  In support of this belief, practitioners highlight Hatch's unique ability to survive multiple journeys through the haunted wastes of the northern [[Strait of Haifa]] as a testament to his status as a divine figure.
| [ Erythros] || 1,113,989
In the early 36.60's privateers associated with the Hatch Ministry played an important role in offsetting the role of Shireithian [[Sea-Rovers]] operating in the Great Western Sea and eastern [[Taylor Bay]].  Operating from the Gulf of Jangsong as far east as the waters surrounding the [[Brettish Isles]], these privateers targetted goods passing between SANE-controlled territories in northern [[Keltia]]. In response to these, and other instances of maritime harassment, the Sxiro-Natopian allies introduced a defensive convoy system under the direction of [[SATCo]].  With a loss of prospects at sea following the establishment of Satco, many members of the Hatch Ministry returned to land in order to fight, and to raid, along the warriors of the [[Jogi Regiment]].  Fighting alongside the Jogi Regiment, the Hatch Ministry primarily sought to capture prisoners who could be ransomed or sacrificed.
As an official sponsored militia of the [[New Zimian War League#Hatch Ministry|New Zimian War League]], the Hatch Ministry is the largest and best equipped of the various pirate fleets affiliated with the [[Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa]].
Pirates who sail under the banner of the Hatch Ministry are widely regarded for their extensive consumption of the psycho-active wine produced by the [[Foreign Ports of the Stripping Path#Blood Vineyards of the Far North|Blood Vineyards of the Far North]].
|| Religious  || 
|[[File:Anterran710.png|150px|border|Anterran Imports and Services]] ||[[File:Anterranimports720.png|150px|border|Anterran Imports and Services]]  || Anterran Imports and Services || Established in the years following [[New Zimia]]'s victorious military campaign in the [[War of Jingdaoese Aggression]], '''Anterran Imports and Services''' is a leading exporter of the finest pearls and abalone. || Food  || -
| [ Aetherium] || 1,285,372
| [[File:Eastkeltiantimber710.png|150px|border|East Keltian Timber Company]]  || [[File:Eastkeltiantimber720.png|150px|border|East Keltian Timber Company]]  || East Keltian Timber Company || The first company established under the reign of the [[Pallisican]] ruler [[Opyeme Amor]], and the first company established following Pallisican unification, the '''East Keltian Timber Company''' oversees the export of timber from the ancient Passasian colonial city of [[New Kingsland]], in southeastern [[Keltia]].  The company was established around the turn of the year 905 WG, as part of a joint investment between the [[New Zimian War League]], the [[Protectorate of the Wallis Islands]], and the government of [[Passas]]. || Misc.  || -
| [ía Koinonía] || 1,885,212
| [[File:Cavebeemeadery710.png|150px|border|Grand Cave Bee Meadery]]  || [[File:CaveBee720.png|150px|border|Grand Cave Bee Meadery]] || Grand Cave Bee Meadery || Located atop a vast cave system to the south of [[Mylecia]], the '''Grand Cave Bee Meadery''' produces high quality mead using the honey made by bees who live in the caverns below.  This mead, once a secretive ritual concoction which could only be consumed by select priestesses, is today a favorite of most central [[Keltia|Keltian]] followers of [[wikipedia:Dionysus|Dionysus]].  || Food  ||
| [ Aurem] || 1,542,446
| [[File:Poppygoddesslogo.png|150px|border|Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess]]  || [[File:Poppycult720.png|150px|border|Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess]]  || Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess || The Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess represents the financial interests of the priestesses of the Cult of the Poppy Goddess, an order of the [[Stripping Path]] which is devoted to the worship of the extra-Micrasian goddess [[wikipedia:Demeter|Demeter]]. || Religious  ||
| '''Odiferia Regional Investor''' || '''14,147,943'''
| [[File:Cinnamonrouge711.png|150px|border|Cinnamon Plains of Rouge]|| [[File:Cinnamon720.png|150px|border|Cinnamon Plains of Rouge]]  || Cinnamon Plains of Rouge || An expansive forest of giant [[wikipedia:Cinnamomum verum|Ceylon cinnamon trees]], the Cinnamon Plain of Rouge is regarded as one of the east's great natural wonders.  The industrial production of cinnamon on the island of Rouge is heavily regulated for this reason. || Food  ||
| [ Somniumpolis] || 4,951,780
| [[File:Velvethomestead711.png|150px|border|Velvet Homestead]]|| [[File:VelvetHomestead720.png|150px|border|Velvet Homestead]]|| The Velvet Homestead || The Velvet Homestead is a community of ranchers living in the cinnamon plains of [[Rouge]], who raise domesticated herds of giant [[wikipedia:Onychophora|velvet worms]] in order to sell their sweet and chewy meat. || Misc.  ||
| Unaffiliated Odiferian Tribes || 9,196,163
| [[File:Seamstresses719.png|150px|border|Seamstresses of Rouge]]|| [[File:Seamstresses720.png|150px|border|Seamstresses of Rouge]]|| Seamstresses of Rouge || Using the fibers produced by the [[Centauri Rouge]], who roam the tropical grasslands of the [[Corprian Strait]], the '''Seamstresses of Rouge''' - an order of near immortals who have inhabited the region for thousands of years - produce and export some of the highest quality silk fabric in the world.  Among the foremost customers of the Seamstresses of Rouge are the pirate communities of the [[Strait of Haifa]], such as the [[Fleet of Blore Heath]] and the [[Bacchian Vine Fleet]]. || Misc.  ||
| '''Hafaan Regional Investor''' || '''805,536'''
| [[File:Ergonianspy711.png|150px|border|Seamstresses of Rouge]]|| [[File:Ergonian721.png|150px|border|Ergonian Spy Agency]]|| Ergonian Spy Agency || Established in 33.85 PSSC, the Ergonian Spy Agency employs hundreds of citizens of the former Independent Realm of Ergonia, who work throughout Eastern Keltia to secure and maintain Bassarid interests. || Misc.  ||
| '''Jeseri Regional Investor''' || '''509,778'''
| [[File:Garganidapostles712.png|150px|border|Commune of the Garganid Apostles]]|| [[File:Garganidapostles721.png|150px|border|Commune of the Garganid Apostles]]|| Commune of the Garganid Apostles || The Commune of the Garganid Apostles is a commune of Bassarid cultists who worship the Garganram, an epic beast which inhabits the shores of Lake Morovia, who earn their living by selling rich fertilizer || Misc.  ||
| '''Hatch Ministry Regional Investor''' || '''5,094,017'''
| [[File:Onceanicboot711.png|150px|border|Oceanic Boot Company]]|| [[File:Onceanicboot721.png|150px|border|Oceanic Boot Company]]|| Onceanic Boot Company || The Oceanic Boot Company is a company famous across Lake Morovia for the high quality boots which it produces using the hide of the Oceanic Armored Rhino || Misc.  ||  
| '''New South Jangsong Division''' || '''6,870,680'''
| [[File:Reformedstriping.png|150px|border|Reformed Stripping Path]]|| [[File:TempleBank722.png|150px|border|Reformed Stripping Path]]|| Temple Bank of the [[Reformed Stripping Path]] || The Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path finances the operations of the religion's various temples.|| Misc.  ||  
| [ýrophos Skýrophos] || 1,580,256
| [[File:Salurian711.png|150px|border|HorehoundofSaluria]]|| [[File:Saluria721.png|150px|border|Horehound Fields of Saluria]]|| Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound || The Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound oversees the cultivation of sacred Horehound, and the production of Horehound based products including infused mead.|| Misc.  ||
| [ Bjornopolis] || 1,236,722
| [[File:Lizardqueen711.png|150px|border|Couriers of the Lizard Queen]]|| [[File:Couriers721.png|150px|border|Couriers of the Lizard Queen]]||Couriers of the Lizard Queen|| Formally established in 35.90 PSSC following a schism within the highest orders of the [[Port of Mylecia|Maenads of Mylecia]], the Couriers of the Lizard Queen - based in [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Delphica|Delphica]] - are an order of prostitutes who possess magical abilities which are essential to any journey through the wastes of the haunted northern Strait of Haifa.|| Misc.  ||
| [ Aegerheim] || 1,030,602
| [[File:Delphicauniversity.png|150px|border|Temple University]]|| [[File:Templeuniversity721.png|150px|border|Temple University]]||Temple University of Delphica|| The Temple University of Delphica is the largest institute of higher education in Bassaridia Vaeringheim.|| Misc.  ||
| [ Norsolyra] || 893,188
| [[File:Shicollective713.png|150px|border|ShiCollective]]|| [[File:Shicollective721.png|150px|border|Shi Collective]]||Shï Collective|| Based in [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Aureum|Aureum]], the Shï Collective is a community of artists, sculptors, and jewelers whose products are highly sought across Bassaridia Vaeringheim and central [[Keltia]].|| Misc.  ||
| [ Thorsalon] || 755,775
| [[File:Bulhanuranchers713.png|150px|border|Beef of Bulhanu]]|| [[File:Bulhanuranchers.png|150px|border|Beef of Bulhanu]]||Bulhanu Ranchers' Association|| Based in [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Somniumpolis|Somniumpolis]], the Bulhanu Ranchers' Association is a collective of ranchers who raise [[Strait of Haifa#Aquatic Fauna|Bulhanu's Sea Cow]] in order to sell its high quality meat.|| Misc.  ||
| [ Pelagia] || 206,120
| [[File:Suncliff713.png|150px|border|SuncliffFisheries]]|| [[File:Suncliff721.png|150px|border|Suncliff Fisheries]]||Suncliff Fisheries|| Based the city of [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Skýrophos|Skýrophos]], in the territory of New South Jangsong, the Suncliff Fisheries specialize in the cultivation of [[Strait of Haifa#Aquatic Fauna|Atterian Armored Pufferfish]].  The Fisheries, furthermore, work closely with fishermen in [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Aegirheim|Aegirheim]] to bring [[Strait of Haifa#Aquatic Fauna|Amina Crab]] and [[Strait of Haifa#Aquatic Fauna|Morovian Saucer-Eyed Giant Eel]] to the Bassarid marketplace.  || Misc.  ||
| [ Myrene] || 412,241
| [[File:Orderofsphinx713.png|150px|border|OrderoftheSphinx]]|| [[File:Orderofsphinx721.png|150px|border|Order of the Sphinx]]||Order of the Sphinx|| Order of the Sphinx is a [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Bjornopolis|Bjornopolis]]-based corporation which specializes in the production of clothing and apparel made from the silk produced by native [[wikipedia:Sphingidae|sphinx moth]].  || Misc.  ||  
| [ Thyrea] || 274,827
| [[File:Mistressmugwort713.png|150px|border|Ministers of Mistress Mugwort]] ||[[File:Mugwort722.png|150px|border|Ministers of Mistress Mugwort]]|| Ministers of Mistress Mugwort || A radical ascetic order of the [[Pallisican Religion#Lower Paths|Däkengha Paß]], the religious practices of the Ministers of Mistress Mugwort are defined by the ecstatic ritual consumption of [[wikipedia:Mugwort|the remembering flower]], which is revered for its ability to induce the recollection of extremely vivid dreams and visions, and of [[wikipedia:Cannabis|the forgetting flower]], which is revered for its ability to induce forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. || Misc.  ||
| [ Ephyra] || 343,534
| [[File:Bloodvineyards713.png|150px|border|Blood Vineyards of the Far North]]  ||[[File:Bloodvineyards722.png|150px|border|Blood Vineyards of the Far North]]||  Blood Vineyards of the Far North || The Blood Vineyards of the Far North are responsible for the production and sale of a highly unusual type of wine which is flavored with the blood of voluntary human sacrifices - mostly radicalized Normarkian converts to the Bassarid Faith - and which is often consumed in ritual conjunction with large quantities of the [[wikipedia:Amanita muscaria#Psychoactive use|amanita muscaria]] mushroom.  The wine produced by the Blood Vineyards is a favorite of the pirates who sail in affiliation with the Hatch Ministry. || Food  ||
| [ Halicarn] || 137,414
| [[File:Wisprice713.png|150px|border|Norsolyrian Wisp Rice]]  ||[[File:Norsolyrian722.png|150px|border|Norsolyrian Wisp Rice]]||  Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Farmers Association || The [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Norsolyra|Norsolyrian]] Wisp Rice Farmers Association is a community of farmers who are famous for their production of a type of rice which is fertilized with the droppings of the region's parasitic [[Strait of Haifa#Ghosts of the Northern Strait|wisps]]. || Food  ||
| '''Haifan Bassaridia Division''' || '''12,053,201'''
| [[File:Saiebile723.png|150px|border|LaLaSáiEbile]] ||[[File:Lasie723.png|150px|border|LaSáiEbile]] ||  La Sái Ebile || Based in [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Erythros|Erythros]], La Sái Ebile is a traveling carnival troupe renowned for its traditional music, dance, and theater. The troupe is responsible for organizing extravagant performances, exciting cultural festivals, and meaningful educational programs that highlight the artistic heritage not only of Erythros, but of the Bassaridian nation as a whole.  || Entertainment  ||
| [ Keybir-Aviv] || 2,531,172
| [[File:Markethanavusu723.png|150px|border|LaLaSáiEbile]]  ||[[File:Hanuvusu723B.png|150px|border|LaSáiEbile]] || Market Hanavusu || Market Hanavusu is a market district in downtown [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Lunalis Sancta|Lunalis Sancta]] which is famous for its vendors who specialize in the production and sale of a range of aromatic products such as perfume, cologne, and incense, among many others. || Food  ||
| [ Tel-Amin] || 2,290,108
| [[File:GiidLiseaImport.png|150px|border|GiidLiseaRanching]] ||[[File:GiidLiseaRanch.png|150px|border|GiidLiseaRanching]] ||  Giid Lisea Ranching Import Company || Based in [[List of cities in Bassaridia Vaeringheim#Myrene|Myrene]], the Giid-Lisea Import Ranching Company oversees the import of herds of [[Giid-Lisea-Eda]] from northern [[Corum]].||  ||
| [ Diamandis] || 1,566,916
| [[File:Ftobt7wk.png|150px|border|BirdKeepersofSaluria]] ||[[File:Orb58kp5.png|150px|border|BirdKeepersofSaluria]] ||  Bird Keepers of Saluria || The BirdKeepers of Saluria is a company which specializes in raising the native birds of Lake Morovia and the Strait of Haifa for human consumption, including [[Strait of Haifa#Avian Fauna|Vaeringheim's Turkey]] and [[Strait of Haifa#Avian Fauna|Salurian Swamp Quail]].||  ||
| [ Jogi] || 2,169,576
| [[File:Railwaycompany.png|150px|border|TransMorovianRailwayCompany]]  ||[[File:TransMorovianRailwayCompanyLogo.png|150px|border|TransMorovianRailwayCompany]] ||  Trans-Morovian Railway Company || The Trans-Morovian Railway Company operates passenger and freight railway networks connecting the various major and minor cities of Bassaridia Vaeringheim.|| ||
| [ Lewisburg] || 1,807,980
| [[File:HuntersoftheFanged.png|150px|border|FangedPenguin]]  ||[[File:Fangedcamp.png|150px|border|FangedPenguin]] ||Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin||  The Hunters of the [[Giant Fanged Penguin]] are a collective of hunters who are specially trained in the art of preying upon the giant predatory sea-birds who inhabit the [[Gulf of Jangsong]]. || ||
| [ Thermosalem] || 723,192
| [[File:Hellhoundbreederslogo.png|150px|border|HellhoundBreeders]]  ||[[File:Hellhoundscene.png|150px|border|HellhoundBreeders]] ||Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik||  Deep in the dark wastes of the far northern [[Guardian Deadlands]], the native peoples of the former Presidential Republic of [[Høgmårk]] raise a breed of canine renowned across the [[Lindley Sea]] for its incredible savagery and intelligence.  || ||
| [óstadium Akróstadium] || 602,660
| [[File:SomniantStockFund.png|150px|border|SomniantStockFund]||[[File:SomniantStockFundLogo.png|150px|border|SomniantStockFund]] ||Somniant Stock Fund||  Modelled after the [[Shirley Stock Fund]], the largest arms manufacturer tasked with developing weaponry and military vehicles for the [[Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union]], the Somniant Stock Fund is responsible for the development and production of new weaponry and vehicles designed specifically for Bassaridia Vaeringheim.  || ||
| [ Sufriya] || 120,532
| [ Lykopolis] || 241,064

===Product and Price List===
===Market Activity===
====Policy Summary====
====Market Activity in Bassaridia Vaeringheim====
[[File:Somniumroad49.png|200px|thumb|right|In 49.79 PSSC, the Bassarid Council of Kings supported a comprehensive overhaul of the nation's critical infrastructure.  As part of the Council's investment, roads connecting Vaeringheim and Somniumpolis were radically improved and expanded. ]]
The daily reporting of investor stock activity in Bassaridia Vaeringheim offers a clear perspective on the nation’s ongoing economic trends. Each Regional Investor—such as those representing Vaeringheim, Alpazkigz, or Odiferia—reports on changes in their stock levels, providing insight into how financial circumstances evolve from day to day. These updates reflect a range of underlying factors, including shifts in trade agreements, resource discoveries, consumer demand, and notable local events.
The following provides a breakdown of the key events which influence the growth and reduction of the Bassarid economy during each economic reporting period.
{| class="wikitable"
! Date !! Production Modifier !! Summary !! Description
| 49.79 || 1.2% (^) || Comprehensive Infrastructure Overhaul ||
'''Transport Network'''
*Highways and Roads
The overhaul begins with the development of a modern, extensive network of highways and roads connecting major cities like Vaeringheim, Skýrophos, and Somniumpolis. This network includes the construction of new roads and the upgrading of existing ones, ensuring safe and efficient transportation for goods and people. Key routes will connect:
**Vaeringheim to Skýrophos: This vital northern corridor will enhance trade and movement between the capital and the northern regions, particularly benefiting cities like Halicarn and Aegirheim.
**Vaeringheim to Somniumpolis: A southern route will open up access to the economic activities in Somniumpolis and the unique resources of Aureum and Ferrum Citadel.
*Bridges and Tunnels
To overcome natural barriers, the project includes the construction of state-of-the-art bridges and tunnels. For instance:
**Mountain Pass Tunnels: Linking Aetherium, Nexa, and Koinonía through tunnels that cut travel time and enhance the flow of resources from the mountainous regions.
**Bridges Over the Ephyrian River: Connecting Serena and Myrene to the rest of the region, facilitating easier access to the eastern coastal cities.

'''Economic Hubs and Trade Centers'''
====Reasons for Changes====
*Trade Ports and Harbors
Alongside the numerical shifts in stock levels, each investor’s report typically includes a reason or rationale explaining why the change took place. These explanations highlight both supportive developments, such as new shipping lanes or trade symposiums, and disruptive events, like piracy concerns or unfavorable weather. By detailing the causes behind each increase or decrease, the daily reports help observers understand the broader interplay between social, cultural, and economic dynamics affecting the nation’s markets.
Improving and expanding trade ports in coastal cities like Delphica and Symphonara will boost maritime trade. Modern harbors will support larger ships, increase cargo handling capacity, and streamline customs procedures.
*Logistics Hubs
Creating central logistics hubs in cities like Catonis Atrium and Serena will coordinate the storage and distribution of goods. These hubs will act as central nodes in the trade network, ensuring efficient movement of goods across the region.

'''Energy and Utilities'''
====Structure and Significance====
*Renewable Energy Projects
A standard report lists opening stock values, any purchased or sold quantities, and the final totals, along with their overall financial worth expressed in Polis, the national currency. This data is then compiled into a summary row indicating the aggregate difference in value for all featured investors. These daily snapshots allow citizens, policy makers, and external analysts to monitor the health of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s economy, spot emerging trends, and gauge the impact of diverse regional activities on overall market sentiment.
Investing in renewable energy sources such as wind farms near Aurelia and Lunalis Sancta, and solar power plants in the sun-rich areas around Erythros, will provide sustainable energy to the cities. This reduces dependence on non-renewable sources and supports long-term economic stability.
*Water Management Systems\
Upgrading the water management infrastructure in cities like Sylvapolis and Saluria ensures a reliable water supply for agriculture and industry. Advanced irrigation systems in agricultural hubs like Myrene and Norsolyra will increase crop yields and support food security.  

'''Cultural and Tourism Development'''
==Home Brokerage==
*Heritage Preservation and Tourism:
===Company Information===
Investing in the preservation of cultural heritage sites in cities like Serena and Lunalis Sancta, and developing tourism infrastructure in scenic areas such as Delphica and Aurelia, will attract tourists and promote cultural exchange.
The General Port of Lake Morovia is a bustling epicenter of commerce and industry, uniting companies from agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and an array of service-based ventures under one expansive market. Agricultural collectives such as the Gladeseed Farmers’ Union, Plains of Jogi, and Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province ensure a steady supply of food staples—ranging from rice and oats to more exotic offerings like camel meat, Noctic-Rabrev flowers, and velvet worm products—while major mining and manufacturing enterprises like the East Keltian Iron Company, Mylecian Coal Ports, and Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative provide raw materials for construction, infrastructure, and trade. These foundational sectors interact seamlessly with a broad spectrum of service providers, including the Temple University of Delphica, the Ergonian Spy Agency, and the maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers, each contributing specialized expertise and unique cultural elements.
*Festivals and Events:
Supporting cultural festivals and events, such as the annual spiritual gatherings in Erythros and the artisanal fairs in Aureum, will boost local economies and highlight the region's diverse cultural heritage.

'''Economic Incentives'''
At the same time, the port hosts organizations that wield economic power in less conventional ways, from pirate militias (the Hatch Ministry) and privateer fleets (the Noctic Fleet) to religious financial institutions (the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path). This dynamic mix of legitimate trade, clandestine operations, and spiritual endeavors enriches the port’s trading ecosystem, bringing together everything from smuggled goods and ritual beverages to high-quality boots, precious diamonds, and fermentation-based products like manwine. In doing so, Lake Morovia’s General Port becomes not just a hub of goods and services, but a crossroads of cultural exchange and economic innovation that underpins Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s continued growth and global reach.
*Tax Incentives and Subsidies:
Offering tax incentives and subsidies to businesses investing in infrastructure, renewable energy, and technology will stimulate economic growth and attract foreign investment.
*Public-Private Partnerships:
Encouraging public-private partnerships will leverage private sector expertise and investment in infrastructure projects, ensuring efficient execution and long-term sustainability.

{| class="wikitable sortable collapsible" border="1;" width="75%"
*Increased Connectivity: Enhanced transport and communication networks reduce travel time, lower transportation costs, and improve the flow of goods and people.
|- bgcolor="#ffcccc"
*Economic Growth: The improved infrastructure supports increased production, efficient distribution, and access to new markets, driving economic growth.
! Logo
*Sustainable Development: Investments in renewable energy and water management ensure sustainable and resilient economic progress.
! Image
*Cultural Flourishing: The focus on cultural heritage and tourism preserve the region's rich traditions while generating income and promoting international cultural exchange.|| 
! Name
! Description
! Industry
! Additional Notes
| [[File:Blockadefund.png|150px|border|Lake Morovia Blockade Fund]]
| [[File:MorovianScene.png|150px|border|Lake Morovia Blockade Fund]]
| **Lake Morovia Blockade Fund**
| Established in response to the [[Hammish Civil War]], this organization operates in the [[Strait of Haifa]], specializing in limiting the flow of foreign goods and currency into [[Lake Morovia]].
| Service
| Relocated operations to the General Port of Lake Morovia in 41.50s [[PSSC]].
| 49.97 || 1.1% (v) || Breakthroughs in Renewable Energy ||
| [[File:GladseedFarmers.png|150px|border|Gladeseed Farmers' Union]]
'''Transport Network'''
| [[File:GladeseedScene.png|150px|border|Gladeseed Farmers' Union]]
| **Gladeseed Farmers' Union**  
'''Highways and Roads'''
| A collective of farmers and ranchers producing endemic crops and livestock.
| Agricultural
*Vaeringheim to Skýrophos Highway: The construction of this key northern corridor plays a pivotal role in supporting the region’s renewable energy projects. The highway facilitates the transport of essential materials such as solar panels and wind turbine components from manufacturing hubs to installation sites. The improved road infrastructure ensures that these materials reach Skýrophos efficiently, minimizing delays and reducing transportation costs. This is particularly beneficial for the Suncliff Fisheries in Skýrophos, which rely on renewable energy to power their operations. The highway also supports the distribution of clean energy generated in Skýrophos to other regions, enhancing the overall energy grid.
| Largest food supplier to Bassaridia Vaeringheim.
*Vaeringheim to Somniumpolis Route: This southern route is critical for the transportation of geothermal equipment to Somniumpolis. The route provides a direct connection between Vaeringheim, the capital and major economic center, and Somniumpolis, where geothermal plants are located. These geothermal plants harness underground heat sources to generate sustainable energy, which powers the city’s industrial sectors, including the Bulhanu Ranchers' Association. The upgraded roads ensure that energy can be transported efficiently from these plants to surrounding areas, supporting both local industries and residential energy needs.
'''Bridges and Tunnels'''
*Mountain Pass Tunnels: These strategically constructed tunnels connect Aetherium, Nexa, and Koinonía, three cities located in mountainous regions rich in natural resources. The tunnels significantly reduce travel time and enable the smooth transport of heavy machinery and materials required for renewable energy projects. For example, the tunnels are essential for moving wind turbine components from manufacturing sites in Nexa to installation locations in higher altitudes, where wind energy potential is highest. The tunnels also facilitate the movement of resources needed for solar farm installations in Aetherium, contributing to the rapid deployment of renewable energy infrastructure.
*Bridges Over the Ephyrian River: These bridges, spanning the Ephyrian River, connect Serena and Myrene to the broader region, providing crucial access to renewable energy facilities. The bridges support the transport of hydropower equipment and maintenance crews to hydropower plants situated along the river. The enhanced connectivity ensures that these facilities remain operational and can efficiently supply clean energy to surrounding cities. The bridges also play a key role in transporting surplus energy generated by these plants to other parts of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, strengthening the region’s energy grid.
Economic Hubs and Trade Centers
'''Logistics Hubs'''
*Catonis Atrium: As a central logistics hub, Catonis Atrium coordinates the storage and distribution of renewable energy resources across Bassaridia Vaeringheim. The hub manages the flow of solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal equipment, ensuring that these resources reach their intended destinations on time. Catonis Atrium’s strategic location allows it to serve as a critical node in the renewable energy supply chain, linking production facilities with installation sites. The hub also supports the export of renewable energy technologies to neighboring regions, further boosting the local economy.
*Serena: Serena serves as a logistics hub specializing in the distribution of hydropower-generated energy. The city’s proximity to the Ephyrian River’s hydropower plants enables it to efficiently manage the flow of energy resources. Serena coordinates the transportation of energy generated by these plants to other cities in the region, ensuring a steady supply of clean power. The hub also facilitates the movement of maintenance teams and equipment, keeping the hydropower facilities in optimal condition and supporting their continuous operation.
'''Energy and Utilities'''
*Solar and Wind Energy
Aurelia and Lunalis Sancta Wind Farms: These wind farms are strategically located in regions known for their strong and consistent winds. The wind farms near Aurelia and Lunalis Sancta harness these natural resources to generate clean, renewable energy, which is then used to power local industries and communities. The energy generated by these wind farms supports businesses like the Giid-Lisea Ranching Import Company, which requires a reliable and sustainable power supply to maintain its operations. The wind farms contribute significantly to the region’s energy independence, reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels and lowering overall energy costs.
Erythros Solar Power Plants: In the sun-drenched region of Erythros, expansive solar power plants convert sunlight into clean energy. These plants supply power to a variety of local industries, including the Temple of Sacred Horehound, which relies on sustainable energy to support its operations and rituals. The solar energy generated here is also distributed to nearby cities, ensuring a steady and reliable supply of clean power. The solar plants play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of the region and advancing Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
Skýrophos Hydropower Plants: The hydropower plants located along the Ephyrian River near Skýrophos provide a consistent and reliable source of clean energy for the region. These plants are crucial for industries like the Suncliff Fisheries, which depend on hydropower to operate their fish cultivation and processing facilities. The energy generated by these plants is also distributed to nearby towns and cities, contributing to the overall stability of the region’s power grid. The use of hydropower in Skýrophos not only supports local economic activities but also aligns with the region’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable energy sources.
*Geothermal Energy
Somniumpolis and Ferrum Citadel Geothermal Plants: Geothermal plants in Somniumpolis and Ferrum Citadel tap into the earth’s natural heat to generate energy. This geothermal energy is vital for powering the industrial sectors in these cities, including the Bulhanu Ranchers' Association, which uses the energy to process and preserve meat products. The reliable and sustainable energy provided by these geothermal plants reduces operational costs for local businesses and contributes to the overall economic resilience of the region. The use of geothermal energy also reduces the region’s reliance on fossil fuels, supporting its long-term environmental goals.
'''Cultural and Tourism Development'''
*Sustainable Practices
Cultural Sites Powered by Renewable Energy: In cities like Lunalis Sancta and Aurelia, cultural heritage sites and tourism facilities are increasingly powered by renewable energy sources. Solar panels installed on the roofs of historical buildings and wind turbines positioned outside city limits provide clean energy that powers museums, cultural centers, and visitor accommodations. This integration of renewable energy not only reduces the environmental impact of tourism but also enhances the appeal of these sites to eco-conscious visitors. The use of renewable energy in cultural and tourism development highlights Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s commitment to sustainability and positions the region as a leader in eco-friendly tourism.
'''Economic Incentives'''
*Tax Incentives and Subsidies
Support for Renewable Energy Investments: The government of Bassaridia Vaeringheim offers tax incentives and subsidies to businesses that invest in renewable energy projects. Companies like the Temple of Sacred Horehound and the Giid-Lisea Ranching Import Company benefit from these incentives, which reduce the financial burden of transitioning to clean energy sources. These incentives encourage more businesses to adopt renewable energy, driving growth in the sector and contributing to the overall economic expansion of the region. The favorable economic policies also attract foreign investment, further boosting the renewable energy industry.
*Public-Private Partnerships
Collaborative Renewable Energy Projects: Public-private partnerships are a cornerstone of the renewable energy expansion in Bassaridia Vaeringheim. The government collaborates with private companies to develop large-scale renewable energy projects, such as the wind farms near Aurelia and the geothermal plants in Somniumpolis. These partnerships leverage the expertise and resources of the private sector, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently and meet high standards of quality. The collaboration between public and private entities also fosters innovation in renewable energy technologies, positioning Bassaridia Vaeringheim as a leader in the global transition to sustainable energy.
*Increased Connectivity
The expansion of renewable energy projects, supported by an improved transport network, enhances connectivity across Bassaridia Vaeringheim. The efficient transportation of renewable energy resources and the reliable distribution of clean energy strengthen the region’s energy grid, ensuring that both urban and rural areas have access to sustainable power.
*Economic Growth
The growth of the renewable energy sector contributes to a 10% increase in the economy of Bassaridia Vaeringheim. The reduction in energy costs, combined with increased productivity and access to new markets, drives economic expansion. The renewable energy industry also creates new jobs in construction, maintenance, and research and development, further boosting the local economy.
*Sustainable Development
Investments in renewable energy ensure that Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s economic growth is sustainable and resilient. The region’s commitment to clean energy aligns with global environmental goals, reducing its carbon footprint and promoting long-term ecological balance. The use of renewable energy also enhances the region’s energy security, reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels.
*Cultural Flourishing
The integration of renewable energy into cultural and tourism sites supports the preservation of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s rich cultural heritage. By powering these sites with clean energy, the region promotes eco-friendly tourism and attracts visitors who value sustainability. This approach generates income, fosters cultural exchange, and enhances the region’s international reputation as a leader in both cultural preservation and environmental stewardship.|| 
| [[File:Atteriancattledrivers.png|150px|border|Atterian Cattle Drivers]]
| [[File:AtterianScene.png|150px|border|Atterian Cattle Drivers]]
====Agricultural Sector====
| **Atterian Cattle Drivers Company**
=====49.98 PSSC (8:09:36 179/3/49 PSSC)=====
| Oversees livestock movement in the region surrounding Lake Morovia.
{| class="wikitable"
| Agricultural
! Product or Service !! Producing Company !! Base Price (Units/Share) !! Tier III Investments (Units/Share) !! Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) !! Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
| Significant contributor to livestock trade in Keltia.
| Rice || Gladeseed Farmers' Union || 9.90 || 1.98 || 5.45 || 8.91
| Edible Algae || Gladeseed Farmers' Union || 23.10 || 4.62 || 12.71 || 20.79
| [[File:Rovingwindfarms.png|150px|border|Roving Wind Farms]]
| [[File:RovingWindScene.png|150px|border|Roving Wind Farms]]
| **Roving Wind Farm Corporation**
| Operates autonomous wind farms supplying electricity across Lake Morovia.
| Service
| Operates six autonomous wind farms.
| Shrimp || Gladeseed Farmers' Union || 16.50 || 3.30 || 9.08 || 14.85
| [[File:BaratarCorp.png|150px|border|Baratar Corporation]]
| [[File:BaratarScene.png|150px|border|Baratar Corporation]]
| **Baratar Corporation**
| Provides financial and material support for the Baratar military branch of the [[Alperkin]] government.
| Service
| Key supplier to military operations.
| Anterran Spicy Onion || Gladeseed Farmers' Union || 19.80 || 3.96 || 10.89 || 17.82
| [[File:Nocticfleetlogo.png|150px|border|Noctic Fleet]]
| [[File:NocticFleetScene.png|150px|border|Noctic Fleet]]
| **Noctic Fleet**
| A community of privateers affiliated with the [[Alliance of the Bassarid Oceans]], specializing in smuggling [[Noctic-Rabrev]] products.
| Service
| Operates across Keltian trade routes.
| Queen's Garlic || Gladeseed Farmers' Union || 29.70 || 5.94 || 16.34 || 26.73
| [[File:Laprindlogo.png|150px|border|Bloodbaths of Laprind]]
| [[File:BloodbathsScene.png|150px|border|Bloodbaths of Laprind]]
| **Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind**
| Maintains temples where sulfuric pools mixed with wine and blood are believed to have restorative properties.
| Service
| Reserved for elite individuals admitted by the Heavenlet.
| Morovian Water Buffalo || Atterian Cattle Drivers || 7.26 || 1.45 || 3.99 || 6.53
| [[File:Manwinelogo.png|150px|border|Merchants of Manwine]]
| [[File:Manwine719.png|150px|border|Merchants of Manwine]]
| **Jogiani Merchants of Manwine**
| Specializes in selling fermented human blood and other bodily fluids.
| Service
| Products used in specific cultural practices.
| Unprocesed Noctic-Rabrev Flower || Noctic Fleet || 6.60 || 1.32 || 3.63 || 5.94
| [[File:Zoeelmlogo.png|150px|border|Keepers of the Grove]]
| [[File:Zoeelm719.png|150px|border|Keepers of the Grove]]
| **Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm**
| Protectors of the sacred [[Grove of Zoe Elm]], producing resin used in dark arts by the Cult of Maskmakers.
| Agricultural
| Centaur sorcerers inhabit the Laceran Mountains.
| Processed Noctic Rabrev Flower || Noctic Fleet || 2.75 || 0.55 || 1.51 || 2.48
| [[File:Plainsofjogilogo.png|150px|border|Plains of Jogi]]
| [[File:Plainsofjogi719.png|150px|border|Plains of Jogi]]
| **Plains of Jogi**
| Oversees agricultural production for the [[Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa]].
| Agricultural
| Key food supplier to regional trade markets.
| Noctic-Rabrev Flower Concentrate || Noctic Fleet || 3.30 || 0.66 || 1.82 || 2.97
| [[File:Alelogo.png|150px|border|Ale of the Night]]
| [[File:Aleofthenight719.png|150px|border|Ale of the Night]]
| **Ale of the Night Central Brewery**
| Produces beer from [[Noctic-Rabrev]] flowers, eliminating the need for sleep.
| Agricultural
| Popular with [[Haifan]] pirates during raids.
| Unprocessed Noctic-Rabrev Leaf || Noctic Fleet || 16.50 || 3.30 || 9.08 || 14.85
| [[File:Camelhereders79.png|150px|border|Camel Herders]]
| [[File:Camelherders719.png|150px|border|Camel Herders]]
| **Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province**
| Ancient nomads who believe consuming camel meat protects against Will-o'-Wisps in the northern Strait of Haifa.
| Agricultural
| Integral to local spiritual and cultural practices.
| Processed Noctic-Rabreb Leaf || Noctic Fleet || 6.37 || 1.27 || 3.50 || 5.73
| [[File:ThalassianGranite.png|150px|border|Thalassian Granite]]
| [[File:Thalassiangranite719.png|150px|border|Thalassian Granite]]
| **Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative**
| Quarries and exports sacred purple granite for statues and monuments in Bassaridia Vaeringheim.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Highly regarded for its symbolic significance.
| Unprocessed Noctic-Rabrev Leaf Concentrate || Noctic Fleet || 6.60 || 1.32 || 3.63 || 5.94
| [[File:Eastkeltianiron.png|150px|border|East Keltian Iron]]
| [[File:Eastkeltianiron719.png|150px|border|East Keltian Iron]]
| **East Keltian Iron Company**
| Exports high-quality iron from Lake Morovia’s southern region.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Supplies major infrastructure projects.
| Processed Noctic-Rabrev Leaf Concentrate || Noctic Fleet || 3.30 || 0.66 || 1.82 || 2.97
| [[File:Mylecian710.png|150px|border|Mylecian Coal]]
| [[File:Myleciancoal719.png|150px|border|Mylecian Coal]]
| **Mylecian Coal Ports**
| Extracts and exports coal from the hills west of Mylecia.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Established in the early 880s WG to support regional industries.
| Manwine || Jogiani Merchants of Manwine || 2.28 || 0.46 || 1.25 || 2.05
| [[File:Merchantsdiamonds710.png|150px|border|Valley of Diamonds]]
| [[File:Valleyofdiamonds719.png|150px|border|Valley of Diamonds]]
| **Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds**
| Exclusive guild managing access to a legendary diamond-rich valley in Keltia.
| Service
| Location shrouded in secrecy and myth.
| Milkwine || Jogiani Merchants of Manwine || 6.60 || 1.32 || 3.63 || 5.94
| [[File:Maritimeguild714.png|150px|border|Maskmakers]]
| [[File:MaskmakersScene.png|150px|border|Maskmakers]]
| **Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers**
| Financial enterprise of a cult practicing face-altering magic, often deemed illegal.
| Service
| Associated with conspiracy theories regarding illicit trade.
| Zoe Elm Resin (Unrefined) || Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm || 0.03 || 0.01 || 0.02 || 0.03
| [[File:Hatchministrylogo710.png|150px|border|Hatch Ministry]]
| [[File:Hatchministry720.png|150px|border|Hatch Ministry]]
| **Hatch Ministry**
| Arctic pirate militia following Captain Ismael Hatch, revered as a prophet of Dionysus.
| Service
| Largest militia fleet in the Maritime Markets.
| Zoe Elm Resin (Refined) || Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm || 0.04 || 0.01 || 0.02 || 0.04
| [[File:Anterran710.png|150px|border|Anterran Imports]]
| [[File:Anterranimports720.png|150px|border|Anterran Imports]]
| **Anterran Imports and Services**
| Exports pearls and abalone, renowned for their quality.
| Service
| Emerged post-War of Jingdaoese Aggression.
| Sea Elm Flavored Mead || Sea-Elm Southern Meadery || 1.22 || 0.24 || 0.67 || 1.10
| [[File:Eastkeltiantimber710.png|150px|border|East Keltian Timber]]
| [[File:Eastkeltiantimber720.png|150px|border|East Keltian Timber]]
| **East Keltian Timber Company**
| Oversees timber exports from New Kingsland, southeastern Keltia.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Founded under ruler Opyeme Amor.
| Wheat || Plains of Jogi || 0.33 || 0.07 || 0.18 || 0.29
| [[File:Cavebeemeadery710.png|150px|border|Cave Bee Meadery]]
| [[File:CaveBee720.png|150px|border|Cave Bee Meadery]]
| **Grand Cave Bee Meadery**
| Produces ritual mead from honey collected in subterranean caves.
| Agricultural
| Ritual beverage turned commercial favorite.
| Oats || Plains of Jogi || 0.25 || 0.05 || 0.14 || 0.22
| [[File:Poppymerchant.png|150px|border|Poppy Goddess]]
| [[File:Poppycult720.png|150px|border|Poppy Goddess]]
| **Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess**
| Financial branch of the cult devoted to Demeter, goddess of fertility and harvest.
| Service
| Significant presence in the Stripping Path network.
| Cereal || Plains of Jogi || 0.57 || 0.11 || 0.32 || 0.52
| [[File:Cinnamonrouge711.png|150px|border|Cinnamon Plains]]
| [[File:Cinnamon720.png|150px|border|Cinnamon Plains]]
| **Cinnamon Plains of Rouge**
| Regulated production of Ceylon cinnamon in Rouge’s expansive forest.
| Agricultural
| One of the east's natural wonders.
| Hay || Plains of Jogi || 0.50 || 0.10 || 0.27 || 0.45
| [[File:Velvethomestead711.png|150px|border|Velvet Homestead]]
| [[File:VelvetHomestead720.png|150px|border|Velvet Homestead]]
| **Velvet Homestead**
| Ranchers specializing in sweet and chewy meat from domesticated velvet worms.
| Agricultural
| Located in Rouge’s cinnamon plains.
| Ale of the Night || Ale of the Night Central Brewery || 2.67 || 0.53 || 1.47 || 2.41
| [[File:Seamstresses719.png|150px|border|Seamstresses]]
| [[File:Seamstresses720.png|150px|border|Seamstresses]]
| **Seamstresses of Rouge**
| Crafts silk fabric from fibers produced by the Centauri Rouge.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Highly sought after by pirates and luxury buyers.
| Camels || Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province || 1.15 || 0.23 || 0.63 || 1.03
| [[File:Ergonianspy711.png|150px|border|Ergonian Spy Agency]]
| [[File:Ergonian721.png|150px|border|Ergonian Spy Agency]]
| **Ergonian Spy Agency**
| Employs operatives across eastern Keltia to secure Bassarid interests.
| Service
| Founded in 33.85 PSSC for regional espionage.
| Camel Meat || Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province || 38.12 || 7.62 || 20.96 || 34.30
| [[File:Garganidapostles712.png|150px|border|Garganid Apostles]]
| [[File:Garganidapostles721.png|150px|border|Garganid Apostles]]
| **Commune of the Garganid Apostles**
| A commune of Bassarid cultists who worship the Garganram and earn their living selling fertilizer.
| Agricultural
| Fertilizer used in Lake Morovia’s agricultural practices.
| Camel Milk || Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province || 5.72 || 1.14 || 3.15 || 5.15
| [[File:Onceanicboot711.png|150px|border|Oceanic Boot Company]]
| [[File:Onceanicboot721.png|150px|border|Oceanic Boot Company]]
| **Oceanic Boot Company**
| Produces high-quality boots using hides from the Oceanic Armored Rhino.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Renowned for durability and craftsmanship.
| Camel Hump Water || Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province || 3.81 || 0.76 || 2.10 || 3.43
| [[File:TempleBankCrest.png|150px|border|Reformed Stripping Path]]
| [[File:TempleBank722.png|150px|border|Reformed Stripping Path]]
| **Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path**
| Finances operations of the various temples associated with the Reformed Stripping Path religion.
| Service
| Central to the religion's global financial network.
| Camel Hump Water Tea || Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province || 0.95 || 0.19 || 0.52 || 0.86
| Pearls || Anterran Imports and Services || 0.87 || 0.17 || 0.48 || 0.78
| [[File:Salurian711.png|150px|border|Horehound of Saluria]]
| [[File:Saluria721.png|150px|border|Horehound of Saluria]]
| **Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound**
| Oversees the cultivation of sacred Horehound and production of Horehound-based products.
| Agricultural
| Products include infused mead and other beverages.
| Abalone || Anterran Imports and Services || 2.90 || 0.58 || 1.60 || 2.61
| [[File:Lizardqueen711.png|150px|border|Couriers of the Lizard Queen]]
| [[File:Couriers721.png|150px|border|Couriers of the Lizard Queen]]
| **Couriers of the Lizard Queen**
| A mystical order of prostitutes with magical abilities aiding navigation through the northern Strait of Haifa.
| Service
| Provides magical protection against Will-o'-Wisps.
| Opium || Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess || 0.20 || 0.04 || 0.11 || 0.18
| [[File:Delphicauniversity.png|150px|border|Temple University]]
| [[File:Templeuniversity721.png|150px|border|Temple University]]
| **Temple University of Delphica**
| The largest institute of higher education in Bassaridia Vaeringheim.
| Service
| Offers programs in various fields of study.
| Hash || Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess || 0.19 || 0.04 || 0.10 || 0.17
| [[File:Shicollective713.png|150px|border|Shi Collective]]
| [[File:Shicollective721.png|150px|border|Shi Collective]]
| **Shï Collective**
| A community of artists, sculptors, and jewelers producing highly sought-after works.
| Service
| Based in Aureum, known for luxury craftsmanship.
| Mead || Grand Cave Bee Meadery || 0.54 || 0.11 || 0.30 || 0.49
| [[File:Bulhanuranchers713.png|150px|border|Bulhanu Ranchers]]
| [[File:Bulhanuranchers.png|150px|border|Bulhanu Ranchers]]
| **Bulhanu Ranchers' Association**
| A collective raising Bulhanu's Sea Cow to sell its high-quality meat.
| Agricultural
| Based in Somniumpolis, central to local cuisine.
| Cinammon || Cinammon Plains of Roue || 0.50 || 0.10 || 0.27 || 0.45
| [[File:Suncliff713.png|150px|border|Suncliff Fisheries]]
| [[File:Suncliff721.png|150px|border|Suncliff Fisheries]]
| **Suncliff Fisheries**
| Specializes in cultivating aquatic fauna like Atterian Armored Pufferfish.
| Agricultural
| Works closely with local fishermen to supply markets.
| Velvet Worm Meat || The Velvet Company || 1.14 || 0.23 || 0.63 || 1.03
| [[File:Orderofsphinx713.png|150px|border|Order of the Sphinx]]
| [[File:Orderofsphinx721.png|150px|border|Order of the Sphinx]]
| **Order of the Sphinx**
| Specializes in producing clothing made from silk by native sphinx moths.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Based in Bjornopolis.
| Velvet Worm Eggs || The Velvet Company || 0.39 || 0.08 || 0.21 || 0.35
| [[File:Mistressmugwort713.png|150px|border|Mistress Mugwort]]
| [[File:Mugwort722.png|150px|border|Mistress Mugwort]]
| **Ministers of Mistress Mugwort**
| A radical ascetic order consuming the remembering and forgetting flowers for rituals.
| Agricultural
| Practices steeped in dream and memory rituals.
| Silk || Seamstresses of Rouge || 5.50 || 1.10 || 3.03 || 4.95
| [[File:Bloodvineyards713.png|150px|border|Blood Vineyards]]
| [[File:Bloodvineyards722.png|150px|border|Blood Vineyards]]
| **Blood Vineyards of the Far North**
| Produces psychoactive wine flavored with human blood and mushrooms.
| Agricultural
| Favored by pirates affiliated with the Hatch Ministry.
| Horehound Mead || Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound || 0.05 || 0.01 || 0.03 || 0.04
| [[File:Wisprice713.png|150px|border|Norsolyrian Wisp Rice]]
| [[File:Norsolyrian722.png|150px|border|Norsolyrian Wisp Rice]]
| **Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Farmers Association**
| Cultivates rice fertilized by parasitic wisps.
| Agricultural
| Unique fertilization method contributes to its fame.
| Horehound Beer || Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound || 0.07 || 0.01 || 0.04 || 0.07
| [[File:Saiebile723.png|150px|border|La Sái Ebile]]
| [[File:Lasie723.png|150px|border|La Sái Ebile]]
| **La Sái Ebile**
| A traveling carnival troupe organizing cultural festivals and educational programs.
| Service
| Highlights Bassarid artistic heritage.
| Sea Cow Beef || Bulhanu Ranchers' Association || 9.35 || 1.87 || 5.14 || 8.42
| [[File:Markethanavusu723.png|150px|border|Market Hanavusu]]
| [[File:Hanuvusu723B.png|150px|border|Market Hanavusu]]
| **Market Hanavusu**
| A market district specializing in aromatic products like perfume and incense.
| Service
| Based in Lunalis Sancta.
| Atterian Armored Pufferfish || Suncliff Fisheries || 3.30 || 0.66 || 1.82 || 2.97
| [[File:GiidLiseaImport.png|150px|border|Giid Lisea Ranching]]
| [[File:GiidLiseaRanch.png|150px|border|Giid Lisea Ranching]]
| **Giid-Lisea Ranching Import Company**
| Oversees the import of Giid-Lisea-Eda herds from northern Corum.
| Agricultural
| Key supplier for regional ranching.
| Morovian Saucer Eyed Giant Eel || Suncliff Fisheries || 8.25 || 1.65 || 4.54 || 7.43
| [[File:Ftobt7wk.png|150px|border|Bird Keepers]]
| [[File:VaeringheimsTurkey11727.png|150px|border|Bird Keepers]]
| **Bird Keepers of Saluria**
| Raises native birds like Vaeringheim's Turkey for consumption.
| Agricultural
| Essential to local culinary traditions.
| Amina Crab || Suncliff Fisheries || 6.60 || 1.32 || 3.63 || 5.94
| [[File:Railwaycompany.png|150px|border|Trans-Morovian Railway]]
| [[File:TransMorovianRailwayCompanyLogo.png|150px|border|Trans-Morovian Railway]]
| **Trans-Morovian Railway Company**
| Operates passenger and freight railway networks across Bassaridia Vaeringheim.
| Service
| Central to regional trade and connectivity.
| Mugwort Oil || Ministers of Mistress Mugwort || 0.39 || 0.08 || 0.21 || 0.35
| [[File:HuntersoftheFanged.png|150px|border|Fanged Penguin]]
| [[File:Fangedcamp.png|150px|border|Fanged Penguin]]
| **Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin**
| Specialized hunters preying on predatory seabirds in the Gulf of Jangsong.
| Service
| Trained in unique techniques for avian hunting.
| Ground Mugwort || Ministers of Mistress Mugwort || 0.83 || 0.17 || 0.45 || 0.74
| [[File:Hellhoundbreederslogo.png|150px|border|Hellhound Breeders]]
| [[File:Hellhoundscene.png|150px|border|Hellhound Breeders]]
| **Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik**
| Breeders raising a ferocious canine breed renowned for intelligence and savagery.
| Agricultural
| Known for its use in northern defense.
| Mugwort Tincture || Ministers of Mistress Mugwort || 0.11 || 0.02 || 0.06 || 0.10
| [[File:SomniantStockFund.png|150px|border|Somniant Stock Fund]]
| [[File:OnceanicReconVehicle.png|150px|border|Hellhound Breeders]]
| '''[[Somniant Stock Fund Military Hardware|Somniant Stock Fund]]'''
| Leading manufacturer of weapons and weapons systems for the Bassaridian War League.
| Mining/Manufacturing
| Based in [ Somniumpolis].
| Blood InfusedRed Wine || Blood Vineyards of the Far North || 0.43 || 0.09 || 0.24 || 0.39
| [[File:AminianCoffeeCompany.png|150px|border|AminianCoffeeCompany]]
| [[File:AminianCoffeeCompanyScene.png|150px|border|AminianCoffeeCompany]]
| **Aminian Coffee Company**
| Largest exporter of coffee in Bassaridia Vaeringheim
| Agricultural
| Cultivated in the Plains of Melusine surrounding [ Tel-Amin].
| Wisp Rice || Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Farmers Association || 16.50 || 3.30 || 9.08 || 14.85
| Giid-Lisea-Eda || Giid Lisea Ranching Import Company || 0.45 || 0.09 || 0.25 || 0.41
===Daily Price Tables===
The daily price tables published by the General Port provide essential information on the quantity of goods and services that citizens may redeem via stipend vouchers. Under the constitution of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, Regional Investors are required to issue such vouchers to every citizen they represent. In practice, vouchers are typically distributed at the beginning of each 61-day month, ensuring that citizens have regular access to a wide range of items, including staple commodities like rice and specialized services such as transport or healthcare.
====Purpose and Function====
The key function of the tables is to display both the base price of a product or service and the adjusted price as determined by daily market dynamics. When an adjusted price is labeled as “Low,” it signifies that the adjusted price is actually higher than the base price. In these circumstances, a higher adjusted price results in a greater quantity of the product that can be redeemed per voucher on that day. Conversely, when an adjusted price is labeled as “High,” it is lower than the base price, meaning the quantity of that product a citizen can obtain with a single voucher will be reduced.
====Impact on Citizen Planning====
Because daily price fluctuations can significantly alter the amount of goods or services redeemable, these tables have become an integral tool for personal and communal planning. Citizens frequently check the tables to determine if they should redeem their vouchers immediately—or wait until a particular product’s price shifts in their favor. For instance, if a family observes that the adjusted price of rice is marked “Low” on a given day, they may opt to cash in their stipend at that time, ensuring they receive a maximum yield. On the other hand, if an important item is listed as “High,” residents might choose to delay redemption until the market swings once more.
====Constitutional Obligations of Regional Investors====
Under the governance structure of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, each Regional Investor—such as the Vaeringheim Regional Investor or the Jeseri Regional Investor—is obligated to provide stipend vouchers to their constituents. These distributions occur at the start of every 61-day month, guaranteeing a consistent flow of vouchers throughout the year. The daily price tables, therefore, are not merely a reflection of market forces but also part of a broader system of economic rights and responsibilities that affect both investors and citizens alike.
====Agricultural Sector====
[[File:AgriculturalStore.png|200px|thumb|left|Citizens of Bassaridia Vaeringheim receive vouchers from their respective Associate Regional Investors, which they can redeem at stores such as this, in order to acquire goods products at no personal expense. ]]
Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s agricultural sector is a vast, ever-evolving network of farmers, ranchers, and specialized producers working together to meet the region’s diverse food demands—while simultaneously shaping a vibrant culinary tradition. Major contributors like the Gladeseed Farmers’ Union grow staple crops such as rice, edible algae, and shrimp, while the Plains of Jogi supply wheat, oats, and cereal to sustain basic dietary needs. More niche producers—like the Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province, the Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound, and the Noctic Fleet—offer culturally significant goods such as camel meat, horehound-based beverages, and Noctic-Rabrev flower concentrates. These offerings underscore deep ties between agriculture, local customs, and spiritual practices, manifesting in inventive dishes that blend Haifan spices, Alperkin foraging traditions, and resourceful Bassaridian cooking methods—evident in favorites like cinnamon-spiced velvet worm breakfast hash and Morovian eel and rice patties.
At the heart of this dynamic system is an automated daily price table, which factors in both regular supply-demand shifts and special events—such as festival days or commemorations—to set updated product prices. By adjusting prices based on the date, it provides farmers, merchants, and other stakeholders with timely information, allowing them to respond swiftly to market changes. Over time, this adaptability has fueled culinary innovations, as chefs and home cooks experiment with fresh or newly affordable ingredients—like shrimp from Suncliff Fisheries or camel milk from Jangsong—ensuring Bassaridian cuisine remains practical, resourceful, and ever-evolving.
Thanks to this robust agricultural backbone, Bassaridia Vaeringheim not only supplies essential staples but also fosters a market for exotic goods—ranging from edible algae and Morovian water buffalo to Noctic-Rabrev flower concentrates. The resulting cuisine, celebrated for its creative fusion of heritage and available resources, exemplifies how the nation’s agricultural sector and cultural depth are inextricably linked, producing dishes that honor tradition while embracing constant change.

====Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors====
====Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors====
=====49.98 PSSC (8:09:36 179/3/49 PSSC)=====
[[File:TartarianAmphibiousAssaultCraft.png|200px|thumb|left|The Somniant Stock Fund is responsible for manufacturing the advanced, specialized weaponry used by the Bassaridian War League in its complex operations across Lake Morovia and the Strait of Haifa.]]
{| class="wikitable"
Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s manufacturing sector stands at the core of the nation’s industrial might, providing the fundamental materials, refined products, and sophisticated weaponry that underpin both everyday commerce and the Bassaridian War League’s military operations. Major producers such as the East Keltian Iron Company and Mylecian Coal Ports offer a steady flow of iron, steel, coal, and concrete—essential components for infrastructure and consumer goods alike. In addition, the Thalassian Temples Granite Export Cooperative and the East Keltian Timber Company supply high-grade granite and timber for projects ranging from civic construction to advanced manufacturing. Specialized manufacturers, including the Baratar Corporation and the Onceanic Boot Company, deliver products suited to both civilian life (e.g., perfumes, boots, and jewelry) and combat needs (e.g., firearms and tactical gear).
! Product or Service !! Producing Company !! Base Price (Units/Share) !! Tier III Investments (Units/Share) !! Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) !! Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
An automated daily price table helps set dynamic costs for these commodities and finished goods, reflecting changes in supply, demand, and national observances. Most items listed on this table are accessible to private citizens, who acquire them using their constitutionally mandated monthly vouchers. These vouchers enable individuals and families to participate in the country’s industrial output, ensuring equitable distribution of resources. However, not every product included in the table is intended for the general populace. Some—particularly those produced by entities such as the Somniant Stock Fund—are developed and reserved for military or government purposes. Tanks, artillery pieces, aircraft, and other advanced systems remain exclusively available to the Bassaridian War League and official governmental agencies, underscoring their strategic importance and restricted nature.
| BT-01 Rifle || Baratar Corporation || 3.47 || 0.69 || 1.91 || 3.12
The Bassaridian War League relies heavily on the agility and productivity of the manufacturing sector. Whether the need is for infrastructural resources like granite and timber, or cutting-edge military equipment such as new prototype tanks and automated artillery systems, manufacturing plays a decisive role in securing the nation’s defensive and offensive capabilities. As each division across Vaeringheim, Alpazkigz, Odiferia, Jeseri, and the Hatch Ministry seeks to stay prepared for emerging threats, the sector’s adaptability and robust output help maintain Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s readiness on land, sea, and air.
| Q31 Spearhead || Baratar Corporation || 0.30 || 0.06 || 0.16 || 0.27
By balancing widespread consumer access to most goods with strategic oversight of specialized weaponry, the manufacturing sector ensures that both civilian and military needs are met. This dual focus fosters overall economic prosperity, sustains ongoing technological innovation, and preserves Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s capacity to respond effectively to challenges at home and abroad.
| Q31 Recon || Baratar Corporation || 2.48 || 0.50 || 1.36 || 2.23
| Lowland 9mm || Baratar Corporation || 4.29 || 0.86 || 2.36 || 3.86
| q38.7 Sniper Rifle || Baratar Corporation || 0.50 || 0.10 || 0.27 || 0.45
| Electricity || Atterian Cattle Drivers || 605.00 || 121.00 || 332.75 || 544.50
| Purple Granite || Thalassian Temples Granite Export Cooperative || 0.04 || 0.01 || 0.02 || 0.04
| Iron || East Keltian Iron Company || 1.86 || 0.37 || 1.02 || 1.68
| Steel || East Keltian Iron Company || 2.65 || 0.53 || 1.46 || 2.39
| Concrete || East Keltian Iron Company || 6.64 || 1.33 || 3.65 || 5.98
| Coal || Mylecian Coal Ports || 0.42 || 0.08 || 0.23 || 0.37
| Diamonds || Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds || 0.06 || 0.01 || 0.03 || 0.05
| Timber || East Keltian Timber Company || 6.19 || 1.24 || 3.41 || 5.57
| Mens' Boots || Onceanic Boot Company || 2.20 || 0.44 || 1.21 || 1.98
| Womens' Boots || Onceanic Boot Company || 3.30 || 0.66 || 1.82 || 2.97
| Garganram Sign Plains Fertilizer || Commune of the Garganid Apostles || 0.66 || 0.13 || 0.36 || 0.59
| Gold Necklaces || Shï Collective || 0.17 || 0.03 || 0.09 || 0.15
| Gold Rings || Shï Collective || 0.44 || 0.09 || 0.24 || 0.40
| Gold Bracelets || Shï Collective || 0.30 || 0.06 || 0.16 || 0.27
| Gold Earrings || Shï Collective || 0.72 || 0.14 || 0.39 || 0.64
| Robes || Order of the Sphinx || 1.43 || 0.29 || 0.79 || 1.29
| Dresses || Order of the Sphinx || 0.72 || 0.14 || 0.39 || 0.64
| Tarnkappes || Order of the Sphinx || 2.31 || 0.46 || 1.27 || 2.08
| Coats || Order of the Sphinx || 1.16 || 0.23 || 0.64 || 1.04
| Perfume || Market Hanavusu || 0.35 || 0.07 || 0.19 || 0.32
| Cologne || Market Hanavusu || 0.50 || 0.10 || 0.27 || 0.45
| Incense || Market Hanavusu || 0.99 || 0.20 || 0.54 || 0.89
| Candles || Market Hanavusu || 0.80 || 0.16 || 0.44 || 0.72

====Services and Other Sectors====
====Services and Other Sectors====
=====49.98 PSSC (8:09:36 179/3/49 PSSC)=====
[[File:Nebulous.png|200px|thumb|left|Reformed Bassaridian missionary operations are supported with funding through the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping.]]
{| class="wikitable"
Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s service sector spans a diverse array of organizations—from pirate fleets and espionage agencies to missionary networks and religious banks—each leveraging the region’s intricate trade routes to exert economic and cultural influence. On one hand, bodies like the Lake Morovia Blockade Fund and the Noctic Fleet capitalize on maritime commerce, funding their privateering and blockade operations through plunder, currency exchanges, and clandestine smuggling. On the other hand, institutions such as the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path funnel these same economic currents into organized religious expansion, underwriting the dispatch of missionaries to regions like New South Jangsong and facilitating the growth of the Reformed Stripping Path. This blending of piracy, commerce, and religion underlines the service sector’s dynamic, sometimes volatile nature—where daily price tables shift with market fluctuations and special events, simultaneously enabling profit-seeking privateers and philanthropic cults to adapt and thrive.
! Product or Service !! Producing Company !! Base Price (Units/Share) !! Tier III Investments (Units/Share) !! Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) !! Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
Fundamentally, the service sector’s vitality rests on interconnected economic channels—largely centered around the General Port of Lake Morovia—that are constantly reshaped by supply-demand volatility and strategic blockades. This system allows enterprises like the Ergonian Spy Agency, the Court of the Dark Harpy, and Couriers of the Lizard Queen to offer niche, often clandestine services, while more conventional entities (e.g., Temple University of Delphica or La Sái Ebile) utilize the same networks for educational programs, performances, and cultural events. In doing so, these various actors create a powerful synergy that fuels both commerce and religiosity. For the Reformed Stripping Path—heavily funded by the Temple Bank—such economic levers serve as catalysts for missionary work, forging new alliances and deepening the faith’s global footprint. Taken together, piracy, espionage, missionary activity, and religious finance form the driving engine of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s service sector, shaping everything from the daily cost of “faces” (masks) to the far-reaching efforts of cults seeking to extend their spiritual reach.
| Currency || Lake Morovia Blockade Fund || 4.46 || 0.89 || 2.45 || 4.01
| Plunder || Lake Morovia Blockade Fund || 3.63 || 0.73 || 2.00 || 3.27
| Prostitutes || Court of the Dark Harpy || 0.17 || 0.03 || 0.09 || 0.15
| Lievs || Hatch Ministry || 0.35 || 0.07 || 0.19 || 0.32
| Prisoners || Hatch Ministry || 0.04 || 0.01 || 0.02 || 0.04
| Faces || Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers || 0.03 || 0.01 || 0.02 || 0.02
| Spies || Ergonian Spy Agency || 0.01 || 0.00 || 0.01 || 0.01
| Missionaries of the Order Aurora Mystica || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.06 || 0.01 || 0.03 || 0.05
| Missionaries of Harmony Sanctum || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.10 || 0.02 || 0.05 || 0.09
| Missionaries of Ignis Aeternum || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.10 || 0.02 || 0.05 || 0.09
| Missionaries of Celestial Harmony Sect || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.09 || 0.02 || 0.05 || 0.08
| Missionaries of the Guild of Golden Shadows || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.06 || 0.01 || 0.03 || 0.05
| Missionaries of the Azure Sentinel Sect || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.01 || 0.00 || 0.01 || 0.01
| Missionaries of Reverie Nebulous || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.11 || 0.02 || 0.06 || 0.10
| Missionaries of the Eon Fellowship || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.10 || 0.02 || 0.05 || 0.09
| Missionaries of the Order of the Umbral Oracle || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.08 || 0.02 || 0.04 || 0.07
| Missionaries of the Mystery of the Verdant Embrace || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.11 || 0.02 || 0.06 || 0.10
| Missionaries of Conclace Illuminara || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.02 || 0.00 || 0.01 || 0.02
| Missionaries of Sanctum Vitalis || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.07 || 0.01 || 0.04 || 0.06
| Missionaries of Temple Alabaster || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.10 || 0.02 || 0.05 || 0.09
| Missionaries of the Court of the Ironclad || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.07 || 0.01 || 0.04 || 0.06
| Missionaries of Concord Accordia || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.02 || 0.00 || 0.01 || 0.02
| Missionaries of the Mystery of the Stygian Veil || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.03 || 0.01 || 0.02 || 0.03
| Missionaries of the Sylvan Fellowship || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.10 || 0.02 || 0.05 || 0.09
| Missionaries of the Mystery of Red Mirth || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.07 || 0.01 || 0.04 || 0.06
| Missionaries of Rex Catonis || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.08 || 0.02 || 0.04 || 0.07
| Missionaries of Sanctum Delphica || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.10 || 0.02 || 0.05 || 0.09
| Missionaries of Ordo Amictia || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.07 || 0.01 || 0.04 || 0.06
| Missionaries of Temple Illuminata || Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path || 0.06 || 0.01 || 0.03 || 0.05
| Couriers || Couriers of the Lizard Queen || 0.04 || 0.01 || 0.02 || 0.03
| Wisp Ward Talismans || Couriers of the Lizard Queen || 0.11 || 0.02 || 0.06 || 0.10
| Credit Hours || Temple University of Delphica || 3.30 || 0.66 || 1.82 || 2.97
| Circuses || La Sái Ebile || 0.26 || 0.05 || 0.15 || 0.24
| Performances || La Sái Ebile || 0.12 || 0.02 || 0.07 || 0.11

===Employment Reports===
===Employment Reports===
Daily employment reports offer a snapshot of workforce distribution across some of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s most influential companies. Out of an overall population of approximately 55.5 million people, roughly 4% are categorized as unemployed, leaving the vast majority actively engaged within the labor force. Prominent employers—ranging from the Lake Morovia Blockade Fund and Gladeseed Farmers’ Union to the Trans-Morovian Railway Company—each account for a certain proportion of the nation’s total workforce.
Every reporting cycle, these businesses update their figures to reflect expansions or reductions in their staffing levels, often due to seasonal demand, shifting market conditions, or other economic factors. As a result, daily changes capture the ebb and flow of job availability, indicating which sectors are adding new workers and which might be scaling back. By aggregating data from individual businesses, the reports also provide an overall tally of employed citizens and a corresponding count of those without formal work.

Although the total unemployed population is derived by subtracting the sum of all employed persons from the general population, the actual reasons for unemployment can vary widely—from short-term job searching to more extended absences from the labor market. In practice, these reports serve as a barometer of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s economic health, illustrating the vitality of key industries and offering insights into where job opportunities may be on the rise.
[[Category:Bassarid Periphery]]
[[Category:Bassarid Periphery]]
[[Category:Bassaridia Vaeringheim]]
[[Category:Bassaridia Vaeringheim]]

Latest revision as of 16:40, 22 February 2025

General Port of Lake Morovia
Type: Pallisican-style marketplace
Established: 47th Era PSSC
Location: Vaeringheim
Control: Merchant General of the General Port of Lake Morovia
Purpose: Supports the economic needs of nations around Lake Morovia and the Strait of Haifa, especially Bassaridia Vaeringheim
Currency: Poli, featuring a chamois in a Noctic-Rabrev field on one side and Thalassa, Queen of the Planetary Divines, on the other
Associated Companies:
  • Lake Morovia Blockade Fund
  • Gladeseed Farmers' Union
  • Atterian Cattle Drivers Company
  • The Roving Wind Farm Corporation of Greater Attera
  • Baratar Corporation
  • Noctic Fleet
  • Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind
  • Jogiani Merchants of Manwine
  • Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm
  • Plains of Jogi
  • Ale of the Night Central Brewery
  • Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province
  • Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative
  • East Keltian Iron Company
  • Mylecian Coal Ports
  • Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds
  • Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers
  • Hatch Ministry
  • Anterran Imports and Services
  • East Keltian Timber Company
  • Grand Cave Bee Meadery
  • Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess
  • Cinnamon Plains of Rouge
  • Velvet Homestead
  • Seamstresses of Rouge
  • Ergonian Spy Agency
  • Commune of the Garganid Apostles
  • Oceanic Boot Company
  • Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path
  • Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound
  • Couriers of the Lizard Queen
  • Temple University of Delphica
  • Shï Collective
  • Bulhanu Ranchers' Association
  • Suncliff Fisheries
  • Order of the Sphinx
  • Ministers of Mistress Mugwort
  • Blood Vineyards of the Far North
  • Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Farmers Association
  • La Sái Ebile
  • Market Hanavusu
  • Giid Lisea Ranching Import Company
  • Bird Keepers of Saluria
  • Trans-Morovian Railway Company
  • Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin
  • Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik
  • Somniant Stock Fund
  • Aminian Coffee Company
As of the 48th Era, the Poli - the official currency of the General Port - featured on one side an image of a chamois, standing in a mountain field of Noctic-Rabrev. On the flip side, it featured an image of Thalassa, the Queen of the Planetary Divines of the Reformed Stripping Path, and the patron deity of Vaeringheim.

The General Port of Lake Morovia is a Pallisican-style marketplace designed to support the needs of nations surrounding Lake Morovia, namely Alperkin and the Bassarid Periphery states which directly border Alperkin, such as Vaeringheim and Lewisburg. The General Port was established in the aftermath of the Haifan Civil War, following the collapse of the Independent Port of Lake Morovia and the dissolution of the Greater Morovian Independence Initiative.

In the 47th Era PSSC, control of the General Port of Lake Morovia was seized by forces loyal to the newly established government of Bassaridia Vaeringheim. Following its seizure, the Port was reformed and expanded to include several companies formerly hosted in the Port of Haifan Keltiania.

Bank of the General Port

Population Data

The following table presents information from the General Port regarding the number of people in each city who have redeemed or partially redeemed their stipend vouchers from their respective Regional Investors on the given reporting date. Under the constitution of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, Regional Investors are required to issue vouchers, typically at the start of every 61-day month; these vouchers can then be exchanged for various goods or services, as detailed in the daily price tables. The counts in this table serve as a snapshot of active voucher usage across multiple cities and regions.

While these figures are useful in estimating the approximate population of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, they do not necessarily represent an exact headcount. Not every individual redeems any portion of their vouchers on every reporting day, and some citizens choose to forgo the voucher system entirely. As such, the numbers recorded here can be understood as a strong indicator of daily activity rather than a comprehensive population census.

51.00 PSSC (1/1/51 PSSC)
City Population
Vaeringheim Regional Investor 12,451,352
Vaeringheim 4,482,487
Luminaria 1,369,649
Serena 1,431,905
Lunalis Sancta 1,680,932
Sylvapolis 747,081
Delphica 435,797
Symphonara 933,851
Aurelia 809,338
Ferrum Citadel 199,222
Catonis Atrium 361,089
Alpazkigz Regional Investor 17,138,291
Pyralis 4,455,956
Nexa 2,742,127
Acheron 1,456,755
Saluria 2,656,435
Erythros 1,113,989
Aetherium 1,285,372
Koinonía 1,885,212
Aurem 1,542,446
Odiferia Regional Investor 14,147,943
Somniumpolis 4,951,780
Unaffiliated Odiferian Tribes 9,196,163
Hafaan Regional Investor 805,536
Jeseri Regional Investor 509,778
Hatch Ministry Regional Investor 5,094,017
New South Jangsong Division 6,870,680
Skýrophos 1,580,256
Bjornopolis 1,236,722
Aegerheim 1,030,602
Norsolyra 893,188
Thorsalon 755,775
Pelagia 206,120
Myrene 412,241
Thyrea 274,827
Ephyra 343,534
Halicarn 137,414
Haifan Bassaridia Division 12,053,201
Keybir-Aviv 2,531,172
Tel-Amin 2,290,108
Diamandis 1,566,916
Jogi 2,169,576
Lewisburg 1,807,980
Thermosalem 723,192
Akróstadium 602,660
Sufriya 120,532
Lykopolis 241,064

Market Activity

Market Activity in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

The daily reporting of investor stock activity in Bassaridia Vaeringheim offers a clear perspective on the nation’s ongoing economic trends. Each Regional Investor—such as those representing Vaeringheim, Alpazkigz, or Odiferia—reports on changes in their stock levels, providing insight into how financial circumstances evolve from day to day. These updates reflect a range of underlying factors, including shifts in trade agreements, resource discoveries, consumer demand, and notable local events.

Reasons for Changes

Alongside the numerical shifts in stock levels, each investor’s report typically includes a reason or rationale explaining why the change took place. These explanations highlight both supportive developments, such as new shipping lanes or trade symposiums, and disruptive events, like piracy concerns or unfavorable weather. By detailing the causes behind each increase or decrease, the daily reports help observers understand the broader interplay between social, cultural, and economic dynamics affecting the nation’s markets.

Structure and Significance

A standard report lists opening stock values, any purchased or sold quantities, and the final totals, along with their overall financial worth expressed in Polis, the national currency. This data is then compiled into a summary row indicating the aggregate difference in value for all featured investors. These daily snapshots allow citizens, policy makers, and external analysts to monitor the health of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s economy, spot emerging trends, and gauge the impact of diverse regional activities on overall market sentiment.

Date Symbol Company Open (Polis) Close (Polis) Volume Change Change % Reason
11/1/51 PSSC VREG Vaeringheim Regional Investor 522720 501240 6074 -21480 -4.11% Natural disasters near Acheron destroyed key routes.
11/1/51 PSSC ALPK Alpazkigz Regional Investor 486420 524700 4696 +38280 7.87% Completion of high-speed rail connections boosted trade efficiency.
11/1/51 PSSC ODFR Odiferia Regional Investor 441540 402870 7407 -38670 -8.76% Industrial disputes in Nexa delayed mineral shipments.
11/1/51 PSSC HAFA Hafaan Regional Investor 108900 127590 801 +18690 17.16% Enhanced security measures at the Port reduced piracy concerns.
11/1/51 PSSC JESR Jeseri Regional Investor 56100 55140 64 -960 -1.71% Political unrest in Delphica disrupted key supply lines.
11/1/51 PSSC HMIN Hatch Ministry Regional Investor 234300 231000 330 -3300 -1.41% Contamination of sacred resin shipments led to export bans.
11/1/51 PSSC JANG New South Jangsong Division 332550 374880 1541 +42330 12.73% A surge in ceremonial wine exports from the Blood Vineyards bolstered ops.
11/1/51 PSSC HBAS Haifan Bassaridia Division 375000 390450 4955 +15450 4.12% Global interest in sacred resin exports enhanced shipments.

Home Brokerage

Company Information

The General Port of Lake Morovia is a bustling epicenter of commerce and industry, uniting companies from agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and an array of service-based ventures under one expansive market. Agricultural collectives such as the Gladeseed Farmers’ Union, Plains of Jogi, and Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province ensure a steady supply of food staples—ranging from rice and oats to more exotic offerings like camel meat, Noctic-Rabrev flowers, and velvet worm products—while major mining and manufacturing enterprises like the East Keltian Iron Company, Mylecian Coal Ports, and Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative provide raw materials for construction, infrastructure, and trade. These foundational sectors interact seamlessly with a broad spectrum of service providers, including the Temple University of Delphica, the Ergonian Spy Agency, and the maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers, each contributing specialized expertise and unique cultural elements.

At the same time, the port hosts organizations that wield economic power in less conventional ways, from pirate militias (the Hatch Ministry) and privateer fleets (the Noctic Fleet) to religious financial institutions (the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path). This dynamic mix of legitimate trade, clandestine operations, and spiritual endeavors enriches the port’s trading ecosystem, bringing together everything from smuggled goods and ritual beverages to high-quality boots, precious diamonds, and fermentation-based products like manwine. In doing so, Lake Morovia’s General Port becomes not just a hub of goods and services, but a crossroads of cultural exchange and economic innovation that underpins Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s continued growth and global reach.

Logo Image Name Description Industry Additional Notes
Lake Morovia Blockade Fund Lake Morovia Blockade Fund **Lake Morovia Blockade Fund** Established in response to the Hammish Civil War, this organization operates in the Strait of Haifa, specializing in limiting the flow of foreign goods and currency into Lake Morovia. Service Relocated operations to the General Port of Lake Morovia in 41.50s PSSC.
Gladeseed Farmers' Union Gladeseed Farmers' Union **Gladeseed Farmers' Union** A collective of farmers and ranchers producing endemic crops and livestock. Agricultural Largest food supplier to Bassaridia Vaeringheim.
Atterian Cattle Drivers Atterian Cattle Drivers **Atterian Cattle Drivers Company** Oversees livestock movement in the region surrounding Lake Morovia. Agricultural Significant contributor to livestock trade in Keltia.
Roving Wind Farms Roving Wind Farms **Roving Wind Farm Corporation** Operates autonomous wind farms supplying electricity across Lake Morovia. Service Operates six autonomous wind farms.
Baratar Corporation Baratar Corporation **Baratar Corporation** Provides financial and material support for the Baratar military branch of the Alperkin government. Service Key supplier to military operations.
Noctic Fleet Noctic Fleet **Noctic Fleet** A community of privateers affiliated with the Alliance of the Bassarid Oceans, specializing in smuggling Noctic-Rabrev products. Service Operates across Keltian trade routes.
Bloodbaths of Laprind Bloodbaths of Laprind **Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind** Maintains temples where sulfuric pools mixed with wine and blood are believed to have restorative properties. Service Reserved for elite individuals admitted by the Heavenlet.
Merchants of Manwine Merchants of Manwine **Jogiani Merchants of Manwine** Specializes in selling fermented human blood and other bodily fluids. Service Products used in specific cultural practices.
Keepers of the Grove Keepers of the Grove **Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm** Protectors of the sacred Grove of Zoe Elm, producing resin used in dark arts by the Cult of Maskmakers. Agricultural Centaur sorcerers inhabit the Laceran Mountains.
Plains of Jogi Plains of Jogi **Plains of Jogi** Oversees agricultural production for the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa. Agricultural Key food supplier to regional trade markets.
Ale of the Night Ale of the Night **Ale of the Night Central Brewery** Produces beer from Noctic-Rabrev flowers, eliminating the need for sleep. Agricultural Popular with Haifan pirates during raids.
Camel Herders Camel Herders **Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province** Ancient nomads who believe consuming camel meat protects against Will-o'-Wisps in the northern Strait of Haifa. Agricultural Integral to local spiritual and cultural practices.
Thalassian Granite Thalassian Granite **Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative** Quarries and exports sacred purple granite for statues and monuments in Bassaridia Vaeringheim. Mining/Manufacturing Highly regarded for its symbolic significance.
East Keltian Iron East Keltian Iron **East Keltian Iron Company** Exports high-quality iron from Lake Morovia’s southern region. Mining/Manufacturing Supplies major infrastructure projects.
Mylecian Coal Mylecian Coal **Mylecian Coal Ports** Extracts and exports coal from the hills west of Mylecia. Mining/Manufacturing Established in the early 880s WG to support regional industries.
Valley of Diamonds Valley of Diamonds **Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds** Exclusive guild managing access to a legendary diamond-rich valley in Keltia. Service Location shrouded in secrecy and myth.
Maskmakers Maskmakers **Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers** Financial enterprise of a cult practicing face-altering magic, often deemed illegal. Service Associated with conspiracy theories regarding illicit trade.
Hatch Ministry Hatch Ministry **Hatch Ministry** Arctic pirate militia following Captain Ismael Hatch, revered as a prophet of Dionysus. Service Largest militia fleet in the Maritime Markets.
Anterran Imports Anterran Imports **Anterran Imports and Services** Exports pearls and abalone, renowned for their quality. Service Emerged post-War of Jingdaoese Aggression.
East Keltian Timber East Keltian Timber **East Keltian Timber Company** Oversees timber exports from New Kingsland, southeastern Keltia. Mining/Manufacturing Founded under ruler Opyeme Amor.
Cave Bee Meadery Cave Bee Meadery **Grand Cave Bee Meadery** Produces ritual mead from honey collected in subterranean caves. Agricultural Ritual beverage turned commercial favorite.
Poppy Goddess Poppy Goddess **Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess** Financial branch of the cult devoted to Demeter, goddess of fertility and harvest. Service Significant presence in the Stripping Path network.
Cinnamon Plains Cinnamon Plains **Cinnamon Plains of Rouge** Regulated production of Ceylon cinnamon in Rouge’s expansive forest. Agricultural One of the east's natural wonders.
Velvet Homestead Velvet Homestead **Velvet Homestead** Ranchers specializing in sweet and chewy meat from domesticated velvet worms. Agricultural Located in Rouge’s cinnamon plains.
Seamstresses Seamstresses **Seamstresses of Rouge** Crafts silk fabric from fibers produced by the Centauri Rouge. Mining/Manufacturing Highly sought after by pirates and luxury buyers.
Ergonian Spy Agency Ergonian Spy Agency **Ergonian Spy Agency** Employs operatives across eastern Keltia to secure Bassarid interests. Service Founded in 33.85 PSSC for regional espionage.
Garganid Apostles Garganid Apostles **Commune of the Garganid Apostles** A commune of Bassarid cultists who worship the Garganram and earn their living selling fertilizer. Agricultural Fertilizer used in Lake Morovia’s agricultural practices.
Oceanic Boot Company Oceanic Boot Company **Oceanic Boot Company** Produces high-quality boots using hides from the Oceanic Armored Rhino. Mining/Manufacturing Renowned for durability and craftsmanship.
Reformed Stripping Path Reformed Stripping Path **Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path** Finances operations of the various temples associated with the Reformed Stripping Path religion. Service Central to the religion's global financial network.
Horehound of Saluria Horehound of Saluria **Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound** Oversees the cultivation of sacred Horehound and production of Horehound-based products. Agricultural Products include infused mead and other beverages.
Couriers of the Lizard Queen Couriers of the Lizard Queen **Couriers of the Lizard Queen** A mystical order of prostitutes with magical abilities aiding navigation through the northern Strait of Haifa. Service Provides magical protection against Will-o'-Wisps.
Temple University Temple University **Temple University of Delphica** The largest institute of higher education in Bassaridia Vaeringheim. Service Offers programs in various fields of study.
Shi Collective Shi Collective **Shï Collective** A community of artists, sculptors, and jewelers producing highly sought-after works. Service Based in Aureum, known for luxury craftsmanship.
Bulhanu Ranchers Bulhanu Ranchers **Bulhanu Ranchers' Association** A collective raising Bulhanu's Sea Cow to sell its high-quality meat. Agricultural Based in Somniumpolis, central to local cuisine.
Suncliff Fisheries Suncliff Fisheries **Suncliff Fisheries** Specializes in cultivating aquatic fauna like Atterian Armored Pufferfish. Agricultural Works closely with local fishermen to supply markets.
Order of the Sphinx Order of the Sphinx **Order of the Sphinx** Specializes in producing clothing made from silk by native sphinx moths. Mining/Manufacturing Based in Bjornopolis.
Mistress Mugwort Mistress Mugwort **Ministers of Mistress Mugwort** A radical ascetic order consuming the remembering and forgetting flowers for rituals. Agricultural Practices steeped in dream and memory rituals.
Blood Vineyards Blood Vineyards **Blood Vineyards of the Far North** Produces psychoactive wine flavored with human blood and mushrooms. Agricultural Favored by pirates affiliated with the Hatch Ministry.
Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Norsolyrian Wisp Rice **Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Farmers Association** Cultivates rice fertilized by parasitic wisps. Agricultural Unique fertilization method contributes to its fame.
La Sái Ebile La Sái Ebile **La Sái Ebile** A traveling carnival troupe organizing cultural festivals and educational programs. Service Highlights Bassarid artistic heritage.
Market Hanavusu Market Hanavusu **Market Hanavusu** A market district specializing in aromatic products like perfume and incense. Service Based in Lunalis Sancta.
Giid Lisea Ranching Giid Lisea Ranching **Giid-Lisea Ranching Import Company** Oversees the import of Giid-Lisea-Eda herds from northern Corum. Agricultural Key supplier for regional ranching.
Bird Keepers Bird Keepers **Bird Keepers of Saluria** Raises native birds like Vaeringheim's Turkey for consumption. Agricultural Essential to local culinary traditions.
Trans-Morovian Railway Trans-Morovian Railway **Trans-Morovian Railway Company** Operates passenger and freight railway networks across Bassaridia Vaeringheim. Service Central to regional trade and connectivity.
Fanged Penguin Fanged Penguin **Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin** Specialized hunters preying on predatory seabirds in the Gulf of Jangsong. Service Trained in unique techniques for avian hunting.
Hellhound Breeders Hellhound Breeders **Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik** Breeders raising a ferocious canine breed renowned for intelligence and savagery. Agricultural Known for its use in northern defense.
Somniant Stock Fund Hellhound Breeders Somniant Stock Fund Leading manufacturer of weapons and weapons systems for the Bassaridian War League. Mining/Manufacturing Based in Somniumpolis.
AminianCoffeeCompany AminianCoffeeCompany **Aminian Coffee Company** Largest exporter of coffee in Bassaridia Vaeringheim Agricultural Cultivated in the Plains of Melusine surrounding Tel-Amin.

Daily Price Tables

The daily price tables published by the General Port provide essential information on the quantity of goods and services that citizens may redeem via stipend vouchers. Under the constitution of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, Regional Investors are required to issue such vouchers to every citizen they represent. In practice, vouchers are typically distributed at the beginning of each 61-day month, ensuring that citizens have regular access to a wide range of items, including staple commodities like rice and specialized services such as transport or healthcare.

Purpose and Function

The key function of the tables is to display both the base price of a product or service and the adjusted price as determined by daily market dynamics. When an adjusted price is labeled as “Low,” it signifies that the adjusted price is actually higher than the base price. In these circumstances, a higher adjusted price results in a greater quantity of the product that can be redeemed per voucher on that day. Conversely, when an adjusted price is labeled as “High,” it is lower than the base price, meaning the quantity of that product a citizen can obtain with a single voucher will be reduced.

Impact on Citizen Planning

Because daily price fluctuations can significantly alter the amount of goods or services redeemable, these tables have become an integral tool for personal and communal planning. Citizens frequently check the tables to determine if they should redeem their vouchers immediately—or wait until a particular product’s price shifts in their favor. For instance, if a family observes that the adjusted price of rice is marked “Low” on a given day, they may opt to cash in their stipend at that time, ensuring they receive a maximum yield. On the other hand, if an important item is listed as “High,” residents might choose to delay redemption until the market swings once more.

Constitutional Obligations of Regional Investors

Under the governance structure of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, each Regional Investor—such as the Vaeringheim Regional Investor or the Jeseri Regional Investor—is obligated to provide stipend vouchers to their constituents. These distributions occur at the start of every 61-day month, guaranteeing a consistent flow of vouchers throughout the year. The daily price tables, therefore, are not merely a reflection of market forces but also part of a broader system of economic rights and responsibilities that affect both investors and citizens alike.

Agricultural Sector

Citizens of Bassaridia Vaeringheim receive vouchers from their respective Associate Regional Investors, which they can redeem at stores such as this, in order to acquire goods products at no personal expense.

Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s agricultural sector is a vast, ever-evolving network of farmers, ranchers, and specialized producers working together to meet the region’s diverse food demands—while simultaneously shaping a vibrant culinary tradition. Major contributors like the Gladeseed Farmers’ Union grow staple crops such as rice, edible algae, and shrimp, while the Plains of Jogi supply wheat, oats, and cereal to sustain basic dietary needs. More niche producers—like the Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province, the Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound, and the Noctic Fleet—offer culturally significant goods such as camel meat, horehound-based beverages, and Noctic-Rabrev flower concentrates. These offerings underscore deep ties between agriculture, local customs, and spiritual practices, manifesting in inventive dishes that blend Haifan spices, Alperkin foraging traditions, and resourceful Bassaridian cooking methods—evident in favorites like cinnamon-spiced velvet worm breakfast hash and Morovian eel and rice patties.

At the heart of this dynamic system is an automated daily price table, which factors in both regular supply-demand shifts and special events—such as festival days or commemorations—to set updated product prices. By adjusting prices based on the date, it provides farmers, merchants, and other stakeholders with timely information, allowing them to respond swiftly to market changes. Over time, this adaptability has fueled culinary innovations, as chefs and home cooks experiment with fresh or newly affordable ingredients—like shrimp from Suncliff Fisheries or camel milk from Jangsong—ensuring Bassaridian cuisine remains practical, resourceful, and ever-evolving.

Thanks to this robust agricultural backbone, Bassaridia Vaeringheim not only supplies essential staples but also fosters a market for exotic goods—ranging from edible algae and Morovian water buffalo to Noctic-Rabrev flower concentrates. The resulting cuisine, celebrated for its creative fusion of heritage and available resources, exemplifies how the nation’s agricultural sector and cultural depth are inextricably linked, producing dishes that honor tradition while embracing constant change.

Date (Day/Month/Year PSSC) Product Producing Company Base Price Price Level Tier III Price Tier II Price Tier I Price Units Explanation
11/1/51 PSSC Rice Gladeseed Farmers' Union 9.00 High 2.97 5.94 8.91 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Edible Algae Gladeseed Farmers' Union 21.00 High 6.72 13.44 20.16 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Shrimp Gladeseed Farmers' Union 15.00 Low 5.90 11.80 17.70 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Anterran Spicy Onion Gladeseed Farmers' Union 18.00 Low 6.42 12.84 19.26 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Queen's Garlic Gladeseed Farmers' Union 27.00 High 8.27 16.55 24.84 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Morovian Water Buffalo Atterian Cattle Drivers 0.60 Low 0.21 0.42 0.63 head General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Morovian Water Buffalo Beef Atterian Cattle Drivers 5.00 High 1.36 2.73 4.10 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Unprocessed Noctic-Rabrev Flower Noctic Fleet 6.00 Low 2.12 4.24 6.36 bales General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Processed Noctic Rabrev Flower Noctic Fleet 2.50 Low 0.93 1.86 2.80 crates General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Noctic-Rabrev Flower Concentrate Noctic Fleet 3.00 Low 1.06 2.12 3.18 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Unprocessed Noctic-Rabrev Leaf Noctic Fleet 15.00 Low 5.25 10.50 15.75 bales General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Processed Noctic-Rabrev Leaf Noctic Fleet 5.79 Low 1.98 3.97 5.96 crates General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Unprocessed Noctic-Rabrev Leaf Concentrate Noctic Fleet 6.00 Low 2.16 4.32 6.48 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Processed Noctic-Rabrev Leaf Concentrate Noctic Fleet 3.00 Low 1.19 2.39 3.59 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Manwine Jogiani Merchants of Manwine 2.07 Low 0.74 1.48 2.23 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Milkwine Jogiani Merchants of Manwine 6.00 Low 2.19 4.39 6.60 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Zoe Elm Resin (Unrefined) Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm 0.03 Low 0.01 0.02 0.03 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Zoe Elm Resin (Refined) Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm 0.04 High 0.01 0.02 0.03 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Sea Elm Flavored Mead Sea-Elm Southern Meadery 1.11 Low 0.37 0.74 1.11 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Wheat Plains of Jogi 0.30 High 0.08 0.16 0.24 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Oats Plains of Jogi 0.23 High 0.06 0.13 0.21 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Cereal Plains of Jogi 0.52 Low 0.18 0.37 0.56 pallets General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Hay Plains of Jogi 0.45 High 0.12 0.24 0.37 bales General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Ale of the Night Ale of the Night Central Brewery 2.43 Low 0.81 1.62 2.43 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Camels Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province 1.04 Low 0.39 0.78 1.18 head General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Camel Meat Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province 34.65 High 11.31 22.63 33.95 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Camel Milk Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province 5.20 High 1.40 2.80 4.21 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Camel Hump Water Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province 3.47 High 1.04 2.08 3.12 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Camel Hump Water Tea Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province 0.86 Low 0.31 0.62 0.93 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Pearls Anterran Imports and Services 0.79 Low 0.29 0.59 0.89 sacks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Abalone Anterran Imports and Services 2.64 Low 0.93 1.86 2.79 crates General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Opium Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess 0.18 Low 0.06 0.12 0.19 sacks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Hash Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess 0.17 High 0.05 0.10 0.16 sacks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Mead Grand Cave Bee Meadery 0.49 Low 0.18 0.36 0.54 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Cinammon Cinammon Plains of Roue 0.45 Low 0.16 0.33 0.50 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Velvet Worm Meat The Velvet Company 1.04 High 0.31 0.63 0.95 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Velvet Worm Eggs The Velvet Company 0.35 High 0.09 0.18 0.28 crates General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Silk Seamstresses of Rouge 5.00 High 1.50 3.00 4.50 rolls General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Horehound Mead Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound 0.05 Low 0.01 0.03 0.05 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Horehound Beer Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound 0.07 High 0.02 0.04 0.06 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Sea Cow Beef Bulhanu Ranchers' Association 8.50 Low 3.36 6.73 10.11 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Atterian Armored Pufferfish Suncliff Fisheries 3.00 High 0.96 1.92 2.88 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Morovian Saucer Eyed Giant Eel Suncliff Fisheries 7.50 High 2.17 4.34 6.52 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Amina Crab Suncliff Fisheries 6.00 Low 2.08 4.16 6.24 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Mugwort Oil Ministers of Mistress Mugwort 0.35 High 0.11 0.22 0.34 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Ground Mugwort Ministers of Mistress Mugwort 0.75 Low 0.27 0.55 0.83 sacks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Mugwort Tincture Ministers of Mistress Mugwort 0.10 Low 0.03 0.06 0.10 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Blood InfusedRed Wine Blood Vineyards of the Far North 0.39 High 0.11 0.22 0.33 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Wisp Rice Norsolyrian Wisp Rice Farmers Association 15.00 High 4.14 8.29 12.45 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Giid-Lisea-Eda Giid Lisea Ranching Import Company 0.41 High 0.12 0.24 0.37 head General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Giid-Lisea-Eda Beef Giid Lisea Ranching Import Company 7.10 High 2.05 4.11 6.17 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Vaeringheim Turkey Meat Bird Keepers of Saluria 1.07 Low 0.39 0.79 1.19 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Salurian Swamp Quail Eggs Bird Keepers of Saluria 12.00 High 3.96 7.92 11.88 crates General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Giant Fanged Penguin Blubber Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin 25.00 High 7.25 14.50 21.75 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Giant Fanged Penguin Blubber Oil Extract Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin 5.00 High 1.41 2.83 4.25 barrels General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Coffee Aminian Coffee Company 100.00 High 31.33 62.66 94.00 pounds General market fluctuations.
Average adjusted price (6.92) compared to average base price (7.12) is **High**.

Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors

The Somniant Stock Fund is responsible for manufacturing the advanced, specialized weaponry used by the Bassaridian War League in its complex operations across Lake Morovia and the Strait of Haifa.

Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s manufacturing sector stands at the core of the nation’s industrial might, providing the fundamental materials, refined products, and sophisticated weaponry that underpin both everyday commerce and the Bassaridian War League’s military operations. Major producers such as the East Keltian Iron Company and Mylecian Coal Ports offer a steady flow of iron, steel, coal, and concrete—essential components for infrastructure and consumer goods alike. In addition, the Thalassian Temples Granite Export Cooperative and the East Keltian Timber Company supply high-grade granite and timber for projects ranging from civic construction to advanced manufacturing. Specialized manufacturers, including the Baratar Corporation and the Onceanic Boot Company, deliver products suited to both civilian life (e.g., perfumes, boots, and jewelry) and combat needs (e.g., firearms and tactical gear).

An automated daily price table helps set dynamic costs for these commodities and finished goods, reflecting changes in supply, demand, and national observances. Most items listed on this table are accessible to private citizens, who acquire them using their constitutionally mandated monthly vouchers. These vouchers enable individuals and families to participate in the country’s industrial output, ensuring equitable distribution of resources. However, not every product included in the table is intended for the general populace. Some—particularly those produced by entities such as the Somniant Stock Fund—are developed and reserved for military or government purposes. Tanks, artillery pieces, aircraft, and other advanced systems remain exclusively available to the Bassaridian War League and official governmental agencies, underscoring their strategic importance and restricted nature.

The Bassaridian War League relies heavily on the agility and productivity of the manufacturing sector. Whether the need is for infrastructural resources like granite and timber, or cutting-edge military equipment such as new prototype tanks and automated artillery systems, manufacturing plays a decisive role in securing the nation’s defensive and offensive capabilities. As each division across Vaeringheim, Alpazkigz, Odiferia, Jeseri, and the Hatch Ministry seeks to stay prepared for emerging threats, the sector’s adaptability and robust output help maintain Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s readiness on land, sea, and air.

By balancing widespread consumer access to most goods with strategic oversight of specialized weaponry, the manufacturing sector ensures that both civilian and military needs are met. This dual focus fosters overall economic prosperity, sustains ongoing technological innovation, and preserves Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s capacity to respond effectively to challenges at home and abroad.

Date (Day/Month/Year PSSC) Product Producing Company Base Price Price Level Tier III Price Tier II Price Tier I Price Units Explanation
11/1/51 PSSC BT-01 Rifle Baratar Corporation 3.1500 High 1.0395 2.0790 3.1185 shipments General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Q31 Spearhead Baratar Corporation 0.2700 High 0.0863 0.1727 0.2592 cases General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Q31 Recon Baratar Corporation 2.2500 Low 0.8849 1.7699 2.6549 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Lowland 9mm Baratar Corporation 3.9000 Low 1.3910 2.7820 4.1730 cases General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC q38.7 Sniper Rifle Baratar Corporation 0.4500 High 0.1379 0.2759 0.4140 crates General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Electricity Roving Wind Farm Corporation 550.0000 Low 192.5000 385.0000 577.5000 megawatts General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Purple Granite Thalassian Temples Granite Export Cooperative 0.0360 High 0.0098 0.0196 0.0295 blocks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Iron East Keltian Iron Company 1.6920 Low 0.5978 1.1956 1.7935 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Steel East Keltian Iron Company 2.4120 Low 0.9004 1.8009 2.7014 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Concrete East Keltian Iron Company 6.0390 Low 2.1337 4.2675 6.4013 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Coal Mylecian Coal Ports 0.3780 Low 0.1323 0.2646 0.3969 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Diamonds Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds 0.0500 Low 0.0171 0.0343 0.0515 carats General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Timber East Keltian Timber Company 5.6300 Low 2.0268 4.0536 6.0804 logs General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Mens' Boots Onceanic Boot Company 2.0000 Low 0.7999 1.5999 2.4000 pairs General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Womens' Boots Onceanic Boot Company 3.0000 Low 1.0800 2.1600 3.2400 pairs General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Garganram Sign Plains Fertilizer Commune of the Garganid Apostles 0.6000 Low 0.2200 0.4400 0.6600 tons General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Gold Necklaces Shï Collective 0.1500 Low 0.0530 0.1060 0.1590 pieces General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Gold Rings Shï Collective 0.4000 High 0.1133 0.2266 0.3400 pieces General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Gold Bracelets Shï Collective 0.2700 Low 0.0900 0.1800 0.2700 pieces General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Gold Earrings Shï Collective 0.6500 High 0.1798 0.3596 0.5395 pairs General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Robes Order of the Sphinx 1.3000 High 0.4029 0.8059 1.2089 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Dresses Order of the Sphinx 0.6500 Low 0.2361 0.4723 0.7085 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Tarnkappes Order of the Sphinx 2.1000 High 0.5810 1.1620 1.7430 cloaks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Coats Order of the Sphinx 1.0500 Low 0.3500 0.7000 1.0500 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Perfume Market Hanavusu 0.3200 Low 0.1216 0.2432 0.3648 bottles General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Cologne Market Hanavusu 0.4500 High 0.1470 0.2940 0.4410 bottles General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Incense Market Hanavusu 0.9000 High 0.2430 0.4860 0.7290 sticks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Candles Market Hanavusu 0.7300 High 0.2190 0.4380 0.6570 pieces General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Kalithros Class Rifle Somniant Stock Fund 0.8300 Low 0.3015 0.6031 0.9047 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Delphica Class Grenadier Rifle Somniant Stock Fund 0.2490 Low 0.0937 0.1875 0.2813 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Chrysos Class Commando Rifle Somniant Stock Fund 0.1240 Low 0.0438 0.0876 0.1314 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Lothaya Class Sniper Rifle Somniant Stock Fund 0.0332 Low 0.0117 0.0234 0.0351 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Erythros Class Pistol Somniant Stock Fund 0.1660 High 0.0531 0.1062 0.1593 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Bubalus XT Class Revolver Somniant Stock Fund 0.9500 Low 0.3515 0.7030 1.0545 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Cathartes Class RPG Somniant Stock Fund 0.0300 Low 0.0112 0.0225 0.0338 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Harpyia Class Submachine Gun Somniant Stock Fund 0.1250 High 0.0383 0.0766 0.1150 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Strix Class Combat Shotgun Somniant Stock Fund 0.2200 High 0.0594 0.1188 0.1782 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Regavis Class DMR Somniant Stock Fund 0.2700 High 0.0810 0.1620 0.2430 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Aithra Class Howitzer Somniant Stock Fund 0.0017 Low 0.0006 0.0013 0.0020 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Aetheris Class Towed Howitzer Somniant Stock Fund 0.0049 High 0.0014 0.0029 0.0045 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Iynas Class Field Gun Somniant Stock Fund 0.0042 Low 0.0016 0.0032 0.0049 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC 300mm Secutor Class Coastal Guns Somniant Stock Fund 0.0033 High 0.0010 0.0020 0.0031 guns General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC 155mm Halicarn Class Self-Propelled Howitzer Somniant Stock Fund 0.0025 High 0.0007 0.0014 0.0021 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC 120mm Odiferian Class Mortar Carrier Somniant Stock Fund 0.0016 Low 0.0005 0.0010 0.0016 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Makra Class Battle Tank Somniant Stock Fund 0.0083 High 0.0026 0.0053 0.0081 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Laya Class Heavy Tank Somniant Stock Fund 0.0033 Low 0.0011 0.0023 0.0036 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Arachne Class Light Tank Somniant Stock Fund 0.0099 Low 0.0034 0.0068 0.0103 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Thalassa Class Main Battle Tank Somniant Stock Fund 0.0050 High 0.0014 0.0028 0.0043 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Syrinx Class Armored Infantry Somniant Stock Fund 0.0490 High 0.0135 0.0270 0.0406 squads General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Bijarian Command Vehicle Somniant Stock Fund 0.0008 High 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Onceanic Recon Vehicle Somniant Stock Fund 0.0025 High 0.0007 0.0014 0.0021 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Ephyra Class Anti-Aircraft Vehicle Somniant Stock Fund 0.0012 Low 0.0004 0.0008 0.0013 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Ampelos Class Armored Recovery Vehicle Somniant Stock Fund 0.0031 High 0.0010 0.0020 0.0030 systems General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Penthia Class Bridge-Laying Vehicle Somniant Stock Fund 0.0008 High 0.0001 0.0003 0.0006 systems General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Corythia Class Dedicated Logistics and Transport Truck Somniant Stock Fund 0.0019 High 0.0005 0.0010 0.0016 systems General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Icaria Class Mine-Clearing / Combat Engineering Vehicle Somniant Stock Fund 0.0008 High 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 systems General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Kalypso Class Aircraft Carrier Somniant Stock Fund 0.0001 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Luminaria Class Carrier Somniant Stock Fund 0.0000 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Ferrum Citadel Class Battleship Somniant Stock Fund 0.0001 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Eidolon Class Cruiser Somniant Stock Fund 0.0002 Low 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Vaeringheim Class Corvette Somniant Stock Fund 0.0005 High 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Sylvapolis Class Frigate Somniant Stock Fund 0.0003 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Aetherium Class Patrol Ship Somniant Stock Fund 0.0006 High 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Atterian Class Combat Ship Somniant Stock Fund 0.0002 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Xylanda Class Attack Submarine Somniant Stock Fund 0.0003 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Acheron Class Submersible Destroyer Somniant Stock Fund 0.0002 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Bijarian Ballistic Missile Submarine Somniant Stock Fund 0.0001 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Thalassus Class Amphibious Assault Ship Somniant Stock Fund 0.0001 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Saluria Class Gunboat Somniant Stock Fund 0.0004 High 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Cetus Class Attack Craft Somniant Stock Fund 0.0005 Low 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Odobenus Class Minelayer Somniant Stock Fund 0.0003 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Cetomagna Class Minehunter Somniant Stock Fund 0.0003 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 ships General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Aithra Class Proximity Aircraft Somniant Stock Fund 0.0008 High 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Orphali Class Tanker Aircraft Somniant Stock Fund 0.0004 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0003 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Ventiflor Eye Class AEW&C Aircraft Somniant Stock Fund 0.0001 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Fluxus Class Maritime Patrol Aircraft Somniant Stock Fund 0.0006 High 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Hostica Class Maritime Patrol Aircraft Somniant Stock Fund 0.0007 High 0.0001 0.0003 0.0006 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Chrysos Class Sea Bomber Somniant Stock Fund 0.0017 Low 0.0006 0.0012 0.0019 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Misttalon Class Heavy Bomber Somniant Stock Fund 0.0003 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Symphonara Class Compound Intercept Somniant Stock Fund 0.0007 High 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Nefelian Transport Plane Somniant Stock Fund 0.0008 High 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Noctiluna Class Medium Transport Helicopter Somniant Stock Fund 0.0010 Low 0.0003 0.0007 0.0011 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Umbraclaw Class Heavy Transport Helicopter Somniant Stock Fund 0.0009 Low 0.0002 0.0005 0.0009 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Thalassa Class Attack Helicopter Somniant Stock Fund 0.0013 Low 0.0004 0.0009 0.0014 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Catonis Class Unmanned Aircraft Somniant Stock Fund 0.0008 High 0.0002 0.0005 0.0008 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Lotos Class Tactical UAV Somniant Stock Fund 0.0009 Low 0.0002 0.0005 0.0009 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Aurantius Class Multi-Role UAV Somniant Stock Fund 0.0009 High 0.0002 0.0005 0.0009 aircraft General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Quadwalker "Horehound" 4170 Somniant Stock Fund 0.0005 High 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Quadwalker "Dungbeetle" 4172 Somniant Stock Fund 0.0004 High 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Quadwalker "Killbot" 4200 Somniant Stock Fund 0.0002 Low 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Quadwalker "Oble-Lisea" 4189 Somniant Stock Fund 0.0003 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Nexa Class Advanced Prototype Somniant Stock Fund 0.0003 High 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 prototypes General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Fenruvian THAAD System Facility Somniant Stock Fund 0.0001 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 facilities General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Delphis Class Coastal Surveillance Tower Somniant Stock Fund 0.0001 High 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 facilities General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Anguilla Class Coastal Missile Battery Somniant Stock Fund 0.0008 Low 0.0002 0.0005 0.0009 systems General market fluctuations.
Average adjusted price (6.5614) compared to average base price (6.2521) is **Low**.

Services and Other Sectors

Reformed Bassaridian missionary operations are supported with funding through the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping.

Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s service sector spans a diverse array of organizations—from pirate fleets and espionage agencies to missionary networks and religious banks—each leveraging the region’s intricate trade routes to exert economic and cultural influence. On one hand, bodies like the Lake Morovia Blockade Fund and the Noctic Fleet capitalize on maritime commerce, funding their privateering and blockade operations through plunder, currency exchanges, and clandestine smuggling. On the other hand, institutions such as the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path funnel these same economic currents into organized religious expansion, underwriting the dispatch of missionaries to regions like New South Jangsong and facilitating the growth of the Reformed Stripping Path. This blending of piracy, commerce, and religion underlines the service sector’s dynamic, sometimes volatile nature—where daily price tables shift with market fluctuations and special events, simultaneously enabling profit-seeking privateers and philanthropic cults to adapt and thrive.

Fundamentally, the service sector’s vitality rests on interconnected economic channels—largely centered around the General Port of Lake Morovia—that are constantly reshaped by supply-demand volatility and strategic blockades. This system allows enterprises like the Ergonian Spy Agency, the Court of the Dark Harpy, and Couriers of the Lizard Queen to offer niche, often clandestine services, while more conventional entities (e.g., Temple University of Delphica or La Sái Ebile) utilize the same networks for educational programs, performances, and cultural events. In doing so, these various actors create a powerful synergy that fuels both commerce and religiosity. For the Reformed Stripping Path—heavily funded by the Temple Bank—such economic levers serve as catalysts for missionary work, forging new alliances and deepening the faith’s global footprint. Taken together, piracy, espionage, missionary activity, and religious finance form the driving engine of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s service sector, shaping everything from the daily cost of “faces” (masks) to the far-reaching efforts of cults seeking to extend their spiritual reach.

Date (Day/Month/Year PSSC) Product Producing Company Base Price Price Level Tier III Price Tier II Price Tier I Price Units Explanation
11/1/51 PSSC Currency Lake Morovia Blockade Fund 4.05 High 1.33 2.66 4.00 stacks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Plunder Lake Morovia Blockade Fund 3.30 High 1.05 2.10 3.16 chests General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Prostitutes Court of the Dark Harpy 0.15 Low 0.05 0.11 0.17 contracts General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Lievs Hatch Ministry 0.32 Low 0.11 0.22 0.34 units General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Prisoners Hatch Ministry 0.04 High 0.01 0.02 0.03 cells General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Faces Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers 0.03 Low 0.01 0.02 0.03 masks General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Spies Ergonian Spy Agency 0.01 High 0.00 0.00 0.00 assignments General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Order Aurora Mystica Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.05 Low 0.01 0.03 0.05 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Harmony Sanctum Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.09 Low 0.03 0.06 0.10 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Ignis Aeternum Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.09 Low 0.03 0.06 0.09 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Celestial Harmony Sect Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.08 Low 0.02 0.05 0.08 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Guild of Golden Shadows Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.05 Low 0.01 0.03 0.05 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Azure Sentinel Sect Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.01 Low 0.00 0.00 0.01 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Reverie Nebulous Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.10 Low 0.04 0.08 0.12 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Eon Fellowship Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.09 Low 0.03 0.06 0.09 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Order of the Umbral Oracle Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.07 Low 0.02 0.04 0.07 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Mystery of the Verdant Embrace Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.10 Low 0.03 0.06 0.10 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Conclace Illuminara Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.02 High 0.00 0.00 0.01 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Sanctum Vitalis Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.06 Low 0.02 0.04 0.06 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Temple Alabaster Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.09 High 0.02 0.04 0.07 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Court of the Ironclad Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.06 High 0.01 0.03 0.05 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Concord Accordia Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.02 Low 0.00 0.01 0.02 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Mystery of the Stygian Veil Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.03 High 0.00 0.01 0.02 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Sylvan Fellowship Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.09 Low 0.03 0.06 0.09 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of the Mystery of Red Mirth Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.06 Low 0.02 0.04 0.06 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Rex Catonis Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.07 High 0.02 0.04 0.06 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Sanctum Delphica Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.09 High 0.02 0.04 0.07 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Ordo Amictia Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.06 High 0.01 0.03 0.05 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Missionaries of Temple Illuminata Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 0.05 Low 0.01 0.03 0.05 teams General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Couriers Couriers of the Lizard Queen 0.04 Low 0.01 0.02 0.04 dispatches General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Wisp Ward Talismans Couriers of the Lizard Queen 0.10 Low 0.03 0.06 0.10 amulets General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Credit Hours Temple University of Delphica 3.00 Low 1.06 2.12 3.18 credits General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Circuses La Sái Ebile 0.24 High 0.07 0.15 0.23 venues General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Performances La Sái Ebile 0.11 Low 0.04 0.08 0.12 acts General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Hellhound (scout) Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik 0.03 Low 0.01 0.02 0.03 hounds General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Hellhound (soldier) Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik 0.05 High 0.01 0.02 0.04 hounds General market fluctuations.
11/1/51 PSSC Hellhound (spy) Hellhound Breeders of Dragevik 0.15 High 0.04 0.08 0.12 hounds General market fluctuations.
Average adjusted price (0.35) vs. average base price (0.35) => **High**

Employment Reports

Daily employment reports offer a snapshot of workforce distribution across some of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s most influential companies. Out of an overall population of approximately 55.5 million people, roughly 4% are categorized as unemployed, leaving the vast majority actively engaged within the labor force. Prominent employers—ranging from the Lake Morovia Blockade Fund and Gladeseed Farmers’ Union to the Trans-Morovian Railway Company—each account for a certain proportion of the nation’s total workforce.

Every reporting cycle, these businesses update their figures to reflect expansions or reductions in their staffing levels, often due to seasonal demand, shifting market conditions, or other economic factors. As a result, daily changes capture the ebb and flow of job availability, indicating which sectors are adding new workers and which might be scaling back. By aggregating data from individual businesses, the reports also provide an overall tally of employed citizens and a corresponding count of those without formal work.

Although the total unemployed population is derived by subtracting the sum of all employed persons from the general population, the actual reasons for unemployment can vary widely—from short-term job searching to more extended absences from the labor market. In practice, these reports serve as a barometer of Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s economic health, illustrating the vitality of key industries and offering insights into where job opportunities may be on the rise.

Date (Day/Month/Year PSSC) Company Employment Percentage Previous Employees Current Employees Change
11/1/51 PSSC Lake Morovia Blockade Fund 3.00% 1598379 1577790 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Gladeseed Farmers' Union 12.05% 6420159 6094620 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Atterian Cattle Drivers 5.02% 2674622 3262240 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Roving Wind Farm Corporation 2.10% 1118865 1214205 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Baratar Corporation 4.01% 2136501 1920573 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Noctic Fleet 6.03% 3212743 3423448 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Keepers of the Bloodbaths of Laprind 1.05% 559432 438076 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Jogiani Merchants of Manwine 2.08% 1108210 1191039 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Keepers of the Grove of Zoe Elm 1.12% 596728 683026 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Plains of Jogi 8.07% 4299641 4619212 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Ale of the Night Central Brewery 2.01% 1070914 1131861 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Camel Herders of the Jangsong Province 3.06% 1630347 1689848 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Thalassian Temple Granite Export Cooperative 3.10% 1651659 1812804 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC East Keltian Iron Company 4.15% 2211092 2746870 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Mylecian Coal Ports 3.17% 1688954 1861021 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Merchants of the Valley of Diamonds 1.02% 543449 612268 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers 1.09% 580744 625275 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Hatch Ministry 2.03% 1081570 879026 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Anterran Imports and Services 1.13% 602056 598411 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC East Keltian Timber Company 3.12% 1662315 1317338 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Grand Cave Bee Meadery 2.15% 1145505 1053932 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Merchant Guild of the Poppy Goddess 1.11% 591400 659144 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Cinnamon Plains of Rouge 2.18% 1161489 925621 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Seamstresses of Rouge 1.14% 607384 607432 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Salurian Temple of Sacred Horehound 2.12% 1129521 1320904 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Suncliff Fisheries 3.09% 1646331 1599961 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Bird Keepers of Saluria 1.08% 575416 444289 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Velvet Homestead 1.10% 586072 518067 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Hunters of the Giant Fanged Penguin 1.16% 618040 688902 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Professional Pillarion League 0.52% 277052 320247 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC La Sái Ebile 1.04% 554105 592579 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path 1.18% 628696 670924 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Market Hanavusu 1.57% 836485 792307 Decreased
11/1/51 PSSC Couriers of the Lizard Queen 1.17% 623368 708559 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Temple University of Delphica 2.09% 1113537 1286307 Increased
11/1/51 PSSC Trans-Morovian Railway Company 1.55% 825829 748918 Decreased
Total Employed 50637044
Total Unemployed 4862257