Charter of Shireroth

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The Imperial Charter for the Governance of Shireroth, known as the Imperial Charter or simply the Charter, is the supreme law of Shireroth.

Text of the Charter

We, AYREON THE FOURTH, by the Kharenah of Zurvan, Qaisar-e Sathratiye, to Our subjects and retainers, greetings, and unto the gods of Shireroth, undying and unthinking obsequience.

Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place dedicated to Zurvan this Charter which by his Kharenah is confirmed for Us and Our heirs forever.

IMPERIAL DECREE 980: Imperial Charter for the Governance of Shireroth

Article I: The Charter

Section A: Sole Section
  1. This Charter is the supreme law of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. All laws must conform to the Charter.
  2. Any law, measure, tradition or rule in force immediately before the promulgation of this Charter that is inconsistent with this Charter ceases to have effect to the extent of the inconsistency.
  3. Imperial law is defined as a law in the form of an imperial decree or a law adopted by the Landsraad.
  4. A year in this Charter corresponds to one year under the Norton calendar.

Article II: Denizenship and Citizenship

Section A: Denizenship
  1. All those who are free and legally resident in the Imperial Republic are denizens of the Imperial Republic.
  2. Imperial law may provide for the acquisition and loss of denizenship and the rights and obligations of denizenship.
  3. Imperial law may provide for the conditions of unfree persons and for the liberation of unfree persons.
Section B: Citizenship
  1. Citizenship is exclusive to denizens of noble blood.
  2. Imperial law may provide for the recognition of nobility, for the acquisition and loss of citizenship, and the rights and obligations of citizenship.

Article III: The Kaiser

Section A: Definition and Succession
  1. There is established by this Charter the Kaiser of Shireroth, which is held by Our Lord the Radiant Sun Vidar Salim Livarson Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin Sathrati of Waffel-Paine, reigning as Kaiser Ayreon IV, and his heirs and successors. The Kaiser is titled Kaiseress if she is a woman.
  2. The Kaiser commands the respect, devotion and loyalty of all Shirerithians. The Kaiser is above politics.

[Amended by Imperial Decree 1085]

Section B: Functions
  1. The Kaiser conducts, either personally or through a proxy that he appoints, the election of the Prætor of the Landsraad whenever there is a vacancy to the office or whenever the Landsraad resolves that an election for Prætor be held.
  2. The Kaiser appoints, on the report of the Prætor of the Landsraad, as Steward of the Imperial Republic the person elected to that office by the Landsraad.
  3. The Kaiser accepts the resignation of the Steward when tendered by the Steward.
  4. The Kaiser dismisses the Steward when it is his pleasure to do so.
  5. The Kaiser appoints and dismisses, upon the recommendation of the Steward, members of the Imperial Advisory Council.
  6. The Kaiser appoints and dismisses, upon the recommendation of the Steward, the Imperial Ministers.
  7. The Kaiser appoints and dismisses, upon the recommendation of the Steward, the viceroys of the imperial dominions.
  8. The Kaiser appoints and receives diplomatic envoys.
  9. The Kaiser nominates the Arbiter and other offices of the Imperial Judex.
  10. The Kaiser appoints the members of the Imperial Inquisition.
  11. . The Kaiser confers honours, dignity of nobility, awards, decorations or distinctions on such persons as he deems worthy of it, after receiving the advice of the Imperial Advisory Council on the matter. [Amended by Imperial Decree 1010]
  12. The Kaiser may, upon the recommendation of the Imperial Advisory Council, grant a pardon, either free or subject to conditions, and either full or in part, to a person convicted of an offence.
  13. The Kaiser governs in his discretion such fiefs that he may hold personally within the Imperial Dominions, the Imperial Court, the Imperial Household and all Imperial Residencies. He may not be removed from any of these or have their finances disturbed without his consent. [Amended by Imperial Decree 1010]
  14. The Kaiser issues imperial decrees on all matters of his competence.
Section C: Imperial Advisory Council
  1. The Imperial Advisory Council exists to advise the Kaiser on all matters pertaining to his office.
  2. Prior to taking office, members of the Imperial Advisory Council shall swear the oath of membership, as determined by imperial law.
Section D: Regency

[Section created by Imperial Decree 1010, amended by Imperial Decree 1085]

  1. The Landsraad may remove the Kaiser from the throne if it has adopted a resolution to remove the Kaiser with three fourths’ majority and either no more than one imperial state has informed the Prætor of its objections to the resolution within one year of the Landsraad’s adoption of the resolution or all imperial states have informed the Prætor of their consent to the resolution.

The Landsraad may remove the Kaiser from the throne with the agreement of the Regent and the Imperial Advisory Council if the Kaiser has been absent from the Imperial Republic for more than two Norton years [Amended by Imperial Decree 1136]

  1. The Kaiser may, by issuing an imperial decree to the effect, order a period of regency, which shall be valid until such time that the Kaiser issues another imperial decree announcing that the period of regency has ended. Such decree may also appoint, from among the members of the Imperial Advisory Council, a Regent.
  2. In the event that the Kaiser is below the age of fifteen (15) years, his functions shall be performed by the Imperial Advisory Council, either collectively or by a Regent selected by the Imperial Advisory Council from among its members.
Section E: Rules governing the Line of Succession

[Section created by Imperial Decree 1085]

  1. Upon the death, abdication or removal of the Kaiser, the throne passes to the next member of the Imperial Family in the Order of Succession.
  2. In the event that the Order of Succession is extinguished, the Landsraad shall elect a Kaiser from among the citizenry of the Imperial Republic who are demonstrably descendant from Kaiser Raynor I and provide for new rules of succession in accordance with Imperial law.

Article IV: The Imperial Government

Section A: Executive Power
  1. The executive power of the Imperial Republic is vested in, and, subject to this Charter, shall be exercised by the Imperial Government.
  2. The Imperial Government consists of the Steward and the Imperial Ministers.
  3. All members of the Imperial Government shall, prior to taking office, swear the oath of office for the Imperial Government, as determined by imperial law.
Section B: Steward
  1. The Steward issues binding imperial decrees in the name of the Kaiser on all matters within the competence of the Steward.
  2. The Steward shall designate among the imperial ministers an Acting Steward to assume the powers of the Steward should the Steward be temporarily absent.
  3. The term of the Steward is three years or lasts until the Steward’s death, resignation or removal, whichever is soonest.
  4. Upon the Steward’s death, resignation or removal, the Acting Steward shall lead the government until a new Steward is confirmed.
  5. Should the Steward’s term expire without the Landsraad having elected a new Steward, the incumbent Steward shall continue in the office of Steward until a new Steward is confirmed.
Section C: Ministers
  1. Imperial ministers answer to the Steward.
  2. Imperial ministers issue ministerial ordinances and edicts on matters within their purview.
  3. An imperial minister may appoint ministerial secretaries to assist in the imperial minister’s duties. The Steward may also appoint ministerial secretaries to specific imperial ministers.
Section D: Foreign relations
  1. The Imperial Government negotiates agreements and treaties with foreign powers and signs them in the name of the Kaiser. Thereafter the Government lays the agreement or treaty before the Landsraad for ratification.
  2. Ratified agreements and treaties form part of imperial law.
Section E: Legislative competence
  1. The Steward may issue binding imperial decrees with applicability to the territorial jurisdictions of the imperial dominions and also in regards to such competencies concerning the governance of the entire Imperial Republic as delegated in the following instances:
    1. War and peace,
    2. Foreign policy,
    3. International borders,
    4. Imperial defence,
    5. Imperial security,
    6. Currency,
    7. Commerce, trade and infrastructure [Amended by Imperial Decree 1136]
    8. Enforcement of Imperial law,
    9. Contracts,
    10. Citizenship, and
    11. The Imperial Dominions.

Article V: The Landsraad

Section A: Legislative power
  1. The highest legislative power in the Imperial Republic is vested in the Landsraad.
  2. The Landsraad has the power to void the effect of an imperial decree, provided that the resolution of the voidance of the decree is adopted within one year from the issuance of the imperial decree. Such voidance has retroactive effect.
  3. Laws adopted by the Landsraad supersede imperial decrees made under legislative competence.
  4. The Landsraad may make any law binding upon the entirety of the Imperial Republic, and publishes such law in the Lawbook.
Section B: Membership
  1. The membership of the Landsraad is formed from amongst the citizenship of the Imperial Republic, excepting the Kaiser, enrolled by the Prætor.
  2. Each member has one vote; the presiding officer shall not vote unless it is to break a tie.
  3. The Landsraad elects its Prætor and makes rules for its procedure.
  4. The Kaiser presides over the Landsraad whenever he enters the Landsraad.
Section C: Elections and confirmations
  1. The Landsraad shall vote whether to confirm or reject the nominations of the Kaiser for the Arbiter and other principal officers of the Imperial Judex.
  2. The Landsraad shall elect a nominated candidate for Steward before the end of the incumbent Steward’s term.

Article VI: Imperial Judex

Section A: Adjudicative powers

[Amended by Imperial Decree 1136]

  1. The adjudicative power of the Imperial Republic is vested in the Imperial Judex and its subordinate courts of law
  2. Imperial law may establish courts of law within the imperial dominions and the protectorates.
  3. The Imperial Judex forms the court of final appeal for the Imperial Republic.
  4. The Imperial Judex forms the court of final appeal for the imperial courts of law in the protectorates.
Section B: Officers
  1. The Imperial Judex is headed by the Arbiter, who establishes the rules of procedure for the Imperial Judex.
  2. The Kaiser may appoint other principal officers of the Imperial Judex called Provosts to be associate judges of the Imperial Judex.
  3. The Arbiter may allocate responsibilities to a Provost.
Section C: Interpretation of the Charter
  1. The Imperial Judex interprets this Charter.
  2. Should the Imperial Judex find that a law, measure, decree, ordinance, edict, rule, or similar is inconsistent with this Charter, it shall declare that such law, measure, decree, ordinance, edict, rule, or similar, cease to have effect to the extent of the inconsistency.
Section D: Imperial Inquisition
  1. The Imperial Inquisition operates within but is separate from the Imperial Judex.
  2. The Imperial Inquisition forms the investigative and prosecutorial arm of the Imperial Republic.
  3. The Imperial Inquisition is headed by the Grand Inquisitor. Other principal officers of the Imperial Inquisition are named Imperial Inquisitors.
  4. The Imperial Inquisition, acting through one of its principal officers, has exclusive power to bring suit for criminal conviction in the Imperial Judex or in any of the imperial courts.

Article VII: Territorial Organisation of the Imperial Republic

Section A: Definition
  1. The Imperial Republic consists of its imperial dominions [Amended by Imperial Decree 1136].
  2. The Imperial Republic is responsible for the defence, security and administration of protectorates.
Section B:

[Repealed by Imperial Decree 1136]

Section C: Imperial Dominions
  1. Imperial law establishes and disestablishes imperial dominions.
  2. Imperial law may provide for the government of imperial dominions.
  3. All imperial law extends to imperial dominions.
Section D: Protectorates
  1. A protectorate is a foreign entity which has entered into a voluntary association with the Imperial Republic that vests in the Imperial Republic certain powers of sovereignty.
  2. The Imperial Republic exercises sovereignty over the protectorates in accordance with the articles of association agreed and ratified by treaty with the protectorate.
  3. The Imperial Republic shall establish an imperial court of justice in the protectorate to govern all disputes of imperial law in the protectorate.
  4. The Imperial Republic may establish other institutions of government in the protectorate in accordance with the treaty, agreement or law establishing the protectorate.

Article VIII: Final provisions

Section A: Supersession

This Charter supersedes the Charter of the Imperial Republic, as promulgated by His Magnificence Kaiser Verion I (blessings and peace upon his memory) in Imperial Decree 734 and amended by the promulgations of Imperial Decrees 800 and 963.

Section B: Amendment
  1. The Charter is amended by the imperial decree of the Kaiser on the advice of the Imperial Advisory Council, provided that the Landsraad has voted to adopt the amendment in a resolution with three fourths’ majority. [Amended by Imperial Decree 1136]
  2. All amendments shall be recorded.
Section C: Transitory Provisions
  1. All appointments and offices held immediately before the promulgation of this Charter remain in force under this Charter.
  2. Notwithstanding any other part of this Charter, the term of the incumbent Steward shall end one year after the promulgation of this Charter.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused the Imperial Seal to be affixed to this Decree which We have signed with Our Hand. Given at the Keep this nineteenth day of Nomeziooq in the year after the death of Norton one thousand six hundred and fifty-three.

Ayreon IV Qaisar