Water supply and sanitation in Constancia
Water supply and sanitation in Constancia
The problem of securing sufficient drinking water for the new settlement was one of the primary challenges of Antistrategos (Lieutenant General) Demetrios Thesalonikis, operational commander for Operation Debellatio. Initial supplies were provided by the Navy, followed by desalination via trucks of the Army until a dedicated desalination plant was constructed in 1656 under the Military Government.
Governance on this matter was assumed by the Ministry of Aqabah of the Imperial Government in 1667.
Privatization and Service Contracting
Among these was the Aqaba Sewage Treatment Plant, a wastewater processing facility located at the northwest portion of Aqabah province, near the border with Antakia. This facility is owned and operated by ESB Effluent, a local industrial wastewater and sewage treatment company.
The Challenge of Supplying Water for Petropolis
In 1696, the Deep Freeze Consortium proposed to harvest ice from south of Athlon, and ship the same to Petronium, for use as ice or water by industrial, commercial, and consumer clients. Alongside this effort, design and engineering in Petropolis ensured the maximization of rainwater harvesting and water recycling efforts, such as the use of bathwater and kitchen water for toilet flushing purposes.