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Treaty between Kurum Ash-Sharqia and Vales

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The Treaty of recognition and peace between Kurum Ash-Sharqia and Vales is a treaty between the Sultanate of Kurum Ash-Sharqia and the United Cities of the Vales. It was signed on 20.XV.1720 AN at Vrijplaats.


Coat of arms of Kurum Ash-Sharqia.png

Treaty of Kurum Ash-Sharqia

Treaty of recognition and peace between Kurum Ash-Sharqia and Vales
Signing ceremony 1720-29 at Vrijplaats
Islamic Diwan positive
Al-Majlis Al-Watani 1721-01
Sultan 1721-02
Executive Decrees
Parties Kurum Ash-Sharqia Kurum Ash-Sharqia
Vales Vales

Treaty of recognition and peace between Kurum Ash-Sharqia and Vales

His Majesty, the Sultan of Kurum Ash-Sharqia,

Their excellencies, the Council of the Twelve of the United Cities of the Vales,

desire a diplomatic relationship and good understanding between them, underpinning further friendship between their respective countries, do desire to formalize and secure their cordial feelings, have agreed as follows:

Article 1. The Sultanate of Kurum Ash-Sharqia and the United Cities of the Vales recognize the other's sovereignty and right to self-rule of its state, its peoples, and its government institutions.

Article 2. The high contracting parties recognize one another as the rightful owner of all territory that they claim on the MCS map with the consent of the Council of the MCS.

Article 3. The high contracting parties commit to resolve all mutual disputes peacefully, using a neutral third party agreed to by both should this prove impossible by normal channels.

Article 4. The high contracting parties shall remain open and accessible to tourists and other visitors from one another, barring national emergencies or other such security issues.

Article 5. The high contracting parties shall have proper and open channels of communication so to facilitate dialogue and future cooperation. To that end, the high contracting parties shall establish embassies and consulates. Diplomatic personnel shall enjoy immunity under the provisions of international law.

Article 6. The high contracting parties shall not engage in or sponsor any covert or overt military activity against the peoples or government institutions of the other.

Article 7. This treaty may only be amended upon the concurrence of both high contracting parties. Any contrary action or measure shall be null and void.

Article 8. This treaty shall enter into force upon ratification of both high contracting parties in accordance with their native constitutional procedures.

Article 9. The high contracting parties may repeal this treaty on the condition of a notice of one Norton year.

In witness whereof, the high contracting parties have signed their names and affixed their seals.

Done at Vrijplaats, 9.XV.1720


H.M. Sultan Salah Ad-Din I


H.E. Yll Rama, Chief of the Vales

H.E. Asbourag Demirjian, Vice Chief of the Vales

See also