Robin Wakeham

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Robin Wakeham
Lord robin wakeham.jpeg
Full name Robin Horatio Wakeham
Physical information
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair color and style Brown
Skin color White
Biographical information
Spouse Shirley Wakeham m. 1699
Children None
Date of birth 1678
Place of birth Port Moorland
Residence(s) Prime Minister's Palace, Newcastle upon Eastmoor
Allegiance(s) Moorland Moorland
Occupation Prime Minister

Robin Wakeham, His Lordship, is the current Prime Minister of Moorland. He was born in 1678 to a homemaker mother and his father who was a naval officer stationed at Port Moorland. Wakeham's grandfather was also a naval officer who reportedly helped to smuggle the King out of Nova England when the country collapsed. Lord Robin was elected Prime Minister in 1719 during the first open elections for parliament since the kingdom was established a year earlier. He has won three successive 4-year terms - the maximum allowable under Moorlander law - and is likely to retire as of 1732 when the next round of elections is held.