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Rite of Purification and Reconsecration

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The Rite of Purification and Reconsecration is one performed by the Covenanted Nazarene Church of Benacia on behalf of the authorities of the Benacian Union, and its allies if requested, the purpose of which is to put the seal upon the return to service of machines, particularly vehicles, which have been recaptured or otherwise recovered from enemies notably tainted by alien or demonic forces.

The rite consists of two levels, with the second reserved for the most severe instances of corruption.

It is required that all who partake in either level of the rite must hear Mass, make full confession of their sins, and receive absolution before the commencement of the action.

Level One

(The rite takes place in a suitable hanger which has been consecrated as a Nazarene place of worship for the occasion. The captured machine is brought before the altar by members of the congregation. The presiding priest is vested in ceremonial robes.)

Presbyter: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to purify and reconsecrate this machine to the service of the Highest Divinity and the forces of light. This technology was once corrupted and turned to blasphemous purposes by the vile powers of darkness. But through the mercy of Yeshua the Redeemer, it has been liberated from subjugation to the abhorrent powers of the Abomination.

(The presbyter asperges the machine with holy water while reciting)

Presbyter: By this water of purification, I banish all traces of profane influence and unclean spirits from this instrument of human ingenuity. The tarnished vessel is made clean.

(The presbyter censes the machine with incense while reciting)

Presbyter: By this sacred smoke, I fumigate and purify this machine from any lingering miasma of wickedness and pollution. Let all evil powers be driven out.

(The presbyter anoints the machine with consecrated oil, making the sign of the cross, while reciting)

Presbyter: I rededicate and reconsecrate this technology in the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Henceforth, may it operate solely according to the divinely-inspired designs of its human creators and the eternal imperative to subdue the cosmos to the Highest Divinity's eternal dominion.

All: Thanks be to God. Amen.'"

(The reconsecrated machine is returned to service for the glory of the Covenanted Church and obedience to lawful authorities.)

Level Two

(If the initial purification rite is deemed insufficient to fully cleanse the machine of demonic influence, the following exorcism ritual proceeds under the direction of the bishop of the diocese wherein the action has been undertaken. The bishop is to be supported by the college of presbyters for the bailiwick, again wherein the action is to take place)

Bishop: Profane technology! You have been subjugated by the powers of darkness and made an instrument of wickedness. But we shall not allow the forces of evil to maintain their grip.

(The Presbyter, supported by a work crew, binds the machine with consecrated chains and sprinkles it with holy water while reciting incantations)

Bishop: I call upon the Highest Divinity to smite and expel any unclean spirits and alien influences that have infiltrated this vessel! Be purged by divine fire!

(The machine is seared with a sanctified brand in the shape of the Chi Rho)

Presbyter: Foul demons and impure entities! You have no power here. This technology was created by humanity to extend the dominion of the Highest Divinity. Relinquish your hold and depart forever into the oblivion you deserve!

(Suffused with holy smoke from censers, the Bishop and the college of presbyters chant the Expurgation Cantos, compelling any demonic presences to flee)

All: We adjure you, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every incursion of the infernal adversary, every legion, every congregation and diabolical sect:

That you confess, adjured by the living God, by the true God, by the holy God, by the Holy Name of His Majesty, indeed tremendous to all celestial, terrestrial and infernal beings: Yield to the Church, yield to the Son of the living God.

We adjure you, every diabolical legion, that without any delay you depart from these machines, no longer beset these spiritual engines, no longer deceive the creatures of the Most High, no longer hesitate through vain arrogance.

Go, Prince of this world's ruin, go tormentors of hell, and conquered, yield to Michael the Prince of the celestial militia, yield to him, yield to him the Most High King, yield to the Most Holy One.

Behold the Cross of the Lord, behold the Sign of Regeneration, behold the Banner of Victory, behold the Arms of Justice. Flee opposing forces, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has conquered, the Root of David. He has reigned, he has conquered, he has commanded. All must offer praise and obedience to the Most High One.

Therefore depart by the Command of the almighty Father, in the name of the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Go accursed into the eternal fire which is prepared for demons and prevaricating angels.

Bishop (concluding rite): By the mercy of Yeshua and the power of the Highest Divinity, this vessel is made spiritually purified and reclaimed for the purposes of human supremacy over the cosmos as mandated from the Celestial Temple.

(If successfully exorcised, the machine may be reconsecrated and returned to operation. If demonic influence persists, it must be immediately destroyed without compunction.)