Political parties of Ransenar
The National Electoral Commission of Ransenar (NECR) maintains a master registry of all the political parties, movements, special interest groups, and other political groups that participate or engage in activity related to or in direct participation of a national or local election. Under Ransenari law, all political organizations in the country must be registered with the NECR and report their political spending and donations in detail with proper receipts and documentation. This information is available to the general public through the NECR’s Bureau of Statistics and Transparency. Candidates who do not belong to a registered political party in Ransenar are considered “independent”.
As of 1694 AN, the NECR reports that the number of registered political parties in Ransenar is XX parties.
Before the general election of 1693, politics in Ransenar were dominated by the Imperial Democratic Party and its leader, Sean O’Callaghan. Following a string of corruption scandals, a financial crisis, and an uneven economic recovery, the IDP’s electoral dominance of Ransenar has come into question. However, critics of that view argue that the IDP has remained the party of government, though now needing to compromise on policy to advance a consensus agenda.