Panzerflugabwehrsystem I
The Panzerflugabwehrsystem I, abbreviated as PzFaSy I, is an armoured short range air defence vehicle that was developed by Osthügel Motorenwerke. The vehicle was derived from the Panzergefechtswagen I that was first put into service in X.1716 during the 1716 Ludwiggian Restoration. The Panzerflugabwehrsystem I uses the platform of the PzGfWa I but instead of a 40mm direct-fire gun, the Maschinenrotationskanone 30/1732 is used to counter aerial threats, including airplanes, helicopters, balloons, zeppelins and unmanned aerial vehicles. The system is outfitted with advanced radars and sensors to detect aerial threats. The PzFaSy I was introduced in IIX.1741.
Besides being mounted on the PzGfWa I platform, the PzFaSy I is also available in an immobile version, to be mounted on buildings such as bunkers.