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Panzergefechtswagen I

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The Panzergefechtswagen I, abbreviated as PzGfWa I, is a armoured vehicle that was developed by Osthügel Motorenwerke. The vehicle was derived from the Schorpioen I Pantserstrijdwagen that never passed prototype phase. The vehicle was first put into service in X.1716 during the 1716 Ludwiggian Restoration.


The PzGfWa I is medium tank that is 5.2 meters long, is 2.6 meters high and 2.5 meters wide. Armour on the front, side and is 30 millimetres thick. The vehicle has a weight of 20 tonnes and is powered by the OMW 5L4C 400BHP engine that has proven its reliability in the commercial truck OMW Handelsmann since the early 1700's. With this powerful engine, the tank is able to achieve a speed of 60 km/h on most dirt tracks in the Lanzerwald. Many other internal parts are also shared with the OMW Handelsmann and other commercially available vehicles to ease maintenance and supply line issues. The tracks used by the PzGfWa I are similar but not identical to tracks used by building machines that were developed alongside the PzGfWa I, to ease supply line issues and issues related to the availability of parts, the tracks of the tank can be fitted on the OMW Baumeister line of vehicles and vice versa. When the tank is fitted with OMW Baumeister tracks, it is limited to a maximum speed of 40 km/h and more susceptible to enemy fire. The PzGfWa I is fitted with a 40mm gun, similar to the anti-tank cannon used by the Dragonerkorps Ludwigshafen, and the Dragonderkorps since the 1680's. The gun was developed by Waffenschmiederei Ludwigshafen and is known as the Flachfeuergeschütz 40/1716. Secondary armament is a dual machine gun.