Operation Harrowed Veldt

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Operation Harrowed Veldt
Part of 1676 Northern unrest in Sanama
Date 1.I.16794.II.1679 AN
Location Highpass, Shireroth
Sanama Sanama Istvanistani Patriotic Army


Federal Army
  • VI Division
    • 5th Mechanised Brigade Combat Team
    • 12th Light Brigade Combat Team
    • 13th Light Brigade Combat Team
    • 16th Mechanised Brigade Combat Team
    • 19th Light Brigade Combat Team
    • 22nd Armoured Brigade Combat Team
    • 1st Army Aviation Brigade
  • Special Army Service
  • Total: Approx. 30,000

Federal Air Force

  • 51. Fighter Squadron
  • 54. Light Attack Squadron
  • 71. Tactical Airlift Squadron
Istvanistani Patriotic Army
  • Approx. 10,000


  • Approx. 5,000–8,000

Operation Harrowed Veldt is the name for the 1679 invasion of Highpass by the new military junta in Sanama. Its stated goal was to defeat the Istvanistani Patriotic Army and institute responsible government in Highpass, which had sorely lacked such government ever since the Kalirion Fracture.



On 1.I.1679, the first tanks of the 22nd Armoured Brigade Combat Team rolled over the line of control between Sanaman and IPA forces, headed for Spleazure. Simultaneously to the east, the 12th Light Brigade Combat Team crossed the line moving towards Churn, through IPA-controlled territory. To the west, the 13th LBCT crossed the line towards Perrynge. Even further east the 16th Mechanised Brigade Combat Team, after transiting through Shimmerspring, bypassed Rantingstone and moved in on the capital Rhodondra. In northwestern Highpass, the 19th LBCT crossed the border from northern Tellia to occupy Newtell, while the 5th MBCT crossed the border north of Freetellya, moving to take Tusk. Both units had previously transited through northern Tellia, facilitated by the existing Sanaman presence there.

Battle of Churn

The Battle of Churn took place in and around the town of Curn in southeastern Highpass between 4.I.1679 and 6.I.1679, when the 12th Light Brigade Combat Team assaulted a town that turned out to be an IPA base. The 12th LBCT was supported by helicopters from the 1st Army Aviation Brigade and attack aircraft from the 54. Light Attack Squadron. An initial UAV sweep of the town identified several fortified positions, mainly inside ordinary residential buildings, as well as some sandbag positions sporting ancient anti-tank guns. All 16 towed light howitzers were put into action with directed fire against the identified targets. Meanwhile, the recon squadron was tasked with taking the bridge over the river Churn just to the south of the town, to secure the continued advance into town. After a short firefight supported by light attack aircraft, the squadron seized the bridge. The artillery barrage over the town was halted on the evening the first day, and the ground assault began. Largely moving from building to building, the units of the 12th cleared out pockets of surviving IPA fighters. On the final day, the 12th face fierce opposition from units fortified in the local granary. After an hour of intense air support from the 51. Fighter Squadron, the 12th could finally assault and take the granary. Casualty estimates are seven wounded Sanaman soldiers when their Pod APC hit an IED, and between 43 and 112 IPA fighters killed in action.


20 days after the start of the invasion, Sanama and Shireroth concluded the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation between Sanama and Shireroth, transferring sovereignty over Highpass to Sanama, turning the military campaign into an internal police action. After just over four weeks of the operation, Higpass was declared conquered and military rule imposed. Several smaller pockets of resistance remain however and the military campaign is expected to continue for a few weeks. The invasion also resulted in the evacuation of the IPA to Shimmerspring, and by extension the establishment of the Republic of Shimmerspring.
