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New Alexandrian national referendum, 1723

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Referendum on Delaying the 1723 New Alexandrian General Election was a public vote held in Nouvelle Alexandrie from 2.X 1723 AN to 4.X.1723 AN. The referendum was triggered by the discovery of the Lost Archives of Nouvelle Alexandrie, a significant cache of historical documents and artifacts related to both the defunct Empire of the Alexandrians and the newly-established Nouvelle Alexandrie. The outcome, with a landslide 89% in favor, led to the postponement of the New Alexandrian general election of 1723 to 1724 AN.


The discovery of the Lost Archives of Nouvelle Alexandrie in 1723 AN led to a national conversation about the importance of the contents within the Archives and their potential impact on New Alexandrian society and politics. Previously, the general election was scheduled for later in the year in 1723 AN. However, the archives contained prophetic scrolls and historical documents so significant that the Federal Humanist Party called for the election to be postponed to allow for a more thorough investigation and public digest of the contents.


The proposition placed before the public was whether to postpone the planned general election from October 1723 to an undetermined date in 1724. The specific wording of the referendum was:

"Should the New Alexandrian general election, scheduled for 1723, be postponed to 1724 due to the discovery of the Lost Archives of Nouvelle Alexandrie?"


Both major and minor political parties in Nouvelle Alexandrie took stances on the issue, although the Federal Humanist Party was the most vocal proponent of the delay. Various public figures, academics, and journalists also contributed to the national dialogue, ensuring that the referendum was a widely discussed and deliberated issue.


The referendum took place over two days to ensure maximum voter turnout in remote and rural areas. Multiple voting methods, including mail-in ballots and traditional in-person voting, were made available to encourage widespread participation.


The referendum resulted in a decisive 89% in favor of delaying the general election. Only 11% voted against the delay, and voter turnout was an unprecedented 78%, reflecting the intense public interest generated by the Lost Archives discovery.

Referendum Results

Option Votes Percentage
In Favor 146,127,514 89%
Against 17,836,660 11%
Total Votes 163,964,174 100%


As a result of the successful referendum, the New Alexandrian general election was officially postponed to 1724. The decision was met with widespread public approval, largely seen as a unifying moment that transcended political divisions. It also allowed for more time to investigate the Lost Archives, adding an additional layer of historical significance to the forthcoming election.

See Also