NBC Newsfeed/2nd Opening of the Cortes Federales Transcript
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Originally broadcast on August 7, 2021, in the New Alexandrian Discord server.
Edgard — 08/07/2021 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
Voiceover, male: Good afternoon, you are watching... NBC NEWS https://youtu.be/o02TC4f7iXk
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Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
Good afternoon Nouvelle Alexandrie, I am Ignacio Perez. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
And I am Vanessa Deveraux. Today, we bring you to the second Opening of the Cortes Federales, live from the Cortes Federales building.
— 08/07/2021
The camera cuts from the studio where Vanessa and Ignacio are and shows the chamber of the Federal Assembly, where the Deputies and many other government officials are gathering and finding their seats. The Peers have yet to arrive. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
We're bringing you images now from inside the Cortes Federales. This is the chamber where the Federal Assembly meets. Both the Peers, the nobles of the Federation, and the Deputies will be meeting here to hear the King deliver the Throne Speech, which will outline the priorities and goals of the incoming Seydlitz administration. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
The camera starts focusing on who are the people mingling in the chamber, finding their seats, chatting with others, and looking through their programmes. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
We can see here some of the newly elected Deputies and officials of the incoming administration - we have the incoming Premier, Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz, and some of the members of his Cabinet.
We can also see the incoming Secretary of Labor, Vivienne Géroux - her story is quite interesting - we have heard reports that the socialist firebrand decided to maintain an independent alignment politically after the Coalition for Federal Progress disbanded before 1693. She now serves in the Seydlitz administration. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
And here we have the previous Premier, or for those who may be confused - we often use the title "Premier" to refer to the President of the Government, the person who leads the Cabinet and His Majesty's Government. Just a quick note for our viewers at home.
But here we have the previous Premier - Augustus Strong - who has stepped back from party leadership but will serve in the incoming Cabinet as Secretary of Defense. Strong and Seydlitz have both served as co-party leaders, often rotating the duties of the top job between themselves for these last 6 years or so. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
The camera cuts to the dais in the Federal Assembly Chamber. A well-dressed man approaches the dais and announces that the entrance procession will begin. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
Looks like the opening is set to begin - you'll see everyone from newly elected Governors to Deputies and Peers hurriedly taking their seats. If viewers remember from the first opening, what we're set to see here is a ceremony that is laden richly with symbolism, marrying the legacies of the many peoples that form our great Federation. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
That's right, Vanessa. You will see a lot of elements that are closely identified with the Alexandrian and Caputian monarchies, but also with the Wechua monarchy. It's a marriage of all of these cultures and traditions, a melting pot of history and culture. And it truly is what makes Nouvelle Alexandrie such a great country to be in. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
As the final few Peers, Deputies, and officials find their seats, the Chamber starts to lull into a respectful quiet aura. The doors of the Chamber are closed and locked. Three loud knocks are heard on the Chamber door. Two Federal Assembly clerks open the doors. The Lord Protector of the Cortes Federales enters the Chamber after the clerks open the doors. LORD PROTECTOR OF THE CORTES FEDERALES
The Lord Protector, known by his Wechua name "Apu Kalanayak", is the Cortes Federales' equivalent of Blackrod (UK, Commonwealth) or the Sergeant-At-Arms (U.S). In creating the Federation, many of the Wechua traditions and customs have been adopted into a grander New Alexandrian identity.
The camera centers on the Lord Protector as he makes his way down the central aisle to the dais. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
The Lord Protector of the Cortes Federales has now entered the Chamber of the Federal Assembly. He is wearing his Wechua ceremonial dress - truly a sharp, colorful contrast with the many suits we see worn by many today. It is Wechua tradition for an office to be created to specifically deal with the protection and guarantee of the legislature to operate as the laws dictate. When the Cortes Federales were created, this tradition was integrated into the structure and it has kept its distinct Wechua characteristics. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
The current Lord Protector is ret. Army Captain Koya Chaupin Rimayhuaman, appointed by H.M. the King on the advice of the first Premier, Alejandro Campos, in 1687 AN. He has served since 1687 with great distinction, having earned the respect of everyone in the Cortes - no matter their political affiliation. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
Captain Rimayhuaman is known for wearing this same traditional Wechua dress previously during the announcement at the gates of Chinchero Palace in Parap of the birth of Prince Uturuncu in 1689 AN. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
The Lord Protector reaches the dais and pulls up to the microphone. The Chamber has become deathly silent, a silence indicating reverence and anticipation. Lord Protector of the Cortes Federales: Good afternoon, members of the Cortes Federales, government officials, friends, allies, and citizens - it is my distinct honor to announce the entry of the Mace of State into our Chamber. The camera cuts right to the main entrance to the chamber, where a group of 10 men, each representing each Region of the Federation, carry the very heavy and very long Mace of State down the aisle and place it carefully in the presentation table in front of the Chamber's dais. The Mace of State
Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
We are seeing now images of the Mace of State being brought into the Chamber. The Mace of State is an incredibly old and important piece of historic heritage for our country. It is one of the few pieces we have where in ancient times, marks a moment where our common heritage made contact hundreds of years ago. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
The copper-headed star mace has not been given a name. It is a historical artifact owned by H.M. the King, but usually displayed at the Museum of Wechua Antiquities in Parap in a perpetual display "lease". Its significance is due to its age. It has been put through scientific analysis and careful carbon dating by scientists and it dates to the ancient era of Keltia where Southeastern Keltia was dominated by the ancestor of Alexandria - Madland. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
The ancient Wechua and the ancient Madlandians shared and coexisted in the same area for centuries, until Madland collapsed and reconstituted later as the nation of Alexandria, in the continent of Cibola. And after the collapse of Madland and the continued era of warlordism in the Wechua Nation, the mace later passed to Hamland, which later became Caputia. It was in Hamland that the historic nature of this mace was discovered. It had been a prominent weapon passed through the ages onto the hands of tribal Wechua leaders, confirming their status as leaders of the Nation. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
When the Wechua Nation first gained its independence, as a mark of friendship, Caputia returned the Mace to the Wechua Nation in what was a deeply meaningful moment for the Wechua people. Let's tune in now... the King should be making his entrance any moment now. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
A period of silence and calm falls on the Chamber as the mace is settled in its spot. Anticipation for the next part of the ceremony is palpable in the room. Lord Protector of the Cortes Federales BOT
— 08/07/2021
Members of the Cortes Federales, government officials, friends, allies, and citizens - HIS MAJESTY, THE KING OF THE FEDERATION OF NOUVELLE ALEXANDRIE! NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
Raucous applause and cheers fill the Chamber as the King enters and makes his way to the dais. Everyone is standing, cheering for the King. King Manco Cápac I BOT
— 08/07/2021
Order! The Chamber will now convene. :gavel: As the Acting Speaker for these proceedings, it is incumbent upon me to lead them. The current items on the agenda are: the Throne Speech and the election of a new Speaker.
By the powers vested in me by the Proclamation of Punta Santiago, I hereby pass the gavel and name Consuelo Moscoso as the Temporary Speaker for these proceedings. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
Consuelo Moscoso
Consuelo Moscoso BOT
— 08/07/2021
Order! The Chamber will now convene. :gavel:
We shall begin with a brief moment of silence for personal reflection or prayer, before we begin our work here today. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
The Chamber falls into a deep silence as each person takes a few minutes for thoughtful reflection or prayer. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
The Chamber is now taking some time for personal reflection and prayer ahead of the start of the proceedings here... let's tell you a little bit about Temporary Speaker Consuelo Moscoso. She served as Speaker of the Federal Assembly all throughout last session and did it to great accolades from members of all parties. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
Ms. Moscoso has never been a Deputy of the Assembly. Before being Speaker, she was the former Chief Elections Officer for the Region of Alduria and was instrumental in ensuring that the election process was smooth, fair, and free back in 1693. She was recognized by her peers at the Association of Local Elections Managers in 1693, with the Pride In Democracy Prize. She is known for being a constitutionalist, a moderate, and a non-partisan woman. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
Looks like the moment of reflection is ending now... let's tune in... Consuelo Moscoso BOT
— 08/07/2021
Your Majesty, Deputies of the Federal Assembly, Peers of the Realm.
It is my great honor and privilege to open this second session of the Cortes Federales.
It is an even greater honor to preside over this body and to receive this honor from His Majesty the King once more. Sire, thank you for your devoted service to the Federation.
nods to the King to proceed with his Speech from the Throne Edgard — 08/07/2021
- crown: SPEECH FROM THE THRONE :crown:
Ten years have passed since the Proclamation of Punta Santiago, and all of us have the right to commemorate this event with joy and hope.
We recall the Great Purpose of the Federation, and direct that these words be spread far and wide, taught in our schools, and enshrined in all our hearts: “to ensure the survival of our people, to be mindful of our responsibility towards creation, to secure and renew an ever-present alliance between our people to strengthen liberty and democracy, independence and peace in solidarity and openness towards the world, determined, with mutual respect and recognition, to live our diversity in unity, conscious of our common achievements and our responsibility towards posterity, certain that free is only who uses his freedom, and that the strength of a people is measured by the welfare of the weak.”
There is much work to be done to secure the peace as well as Our people both here at home and abroad.
New Alexandrians are rightfully alarmed when violence and crime makes their communities unsafe. My Government will introduce legislation to ensure that public safety comes first, starting with the Police Act to establish a National Police Agency.
My Government will give regional and state law enforcement more funding to hire and train more police across the Federation.
My Government will introduce policies that will take a strong hand against crime and protect victims. To that end, My Government will introduce a Victim's Bill of Rights to guarantee that victims of crime can once more feel like they can be safe in their own communities.
To better secure the succession, My Government shall introduce a Bill to further provide for a Regency, in accordance with Article 21, Section 3 of the Proclamation of Punta Santiago.
My Government shall introduce a Bill to define a limit of Associate Justices in the High Court of Justice.
My Government shall introduce measures to reduce unemployment, improve universal access to education and healthcare, better provide for our veterans and their health, and establish a Labor Reserve.
My Government shall introduce legislation to establish a Department of Health.
My Government shall introduce a Bill to create an independent Department of Energy and Department of the Environment, support efforts for sustainable and green energy, and shall study the creation of an office to tend to the needs and concerns of Our overseas citizens. My Government will introduce a Bill to include overseas representation in the Federal Assembly. My Government shall establish a policy to promote active mobility, ensure adequate public infrastructure, and provide for better and more efficient public transportation. My Government shall establish a policy framework that will better integrate the national and regional railway systems, improve the capacities of our airports, ports and shipyards.
We have seen great strides with our Civic Assemblies and Youth Assemblies in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1694. My Government shall introduce legislation to better support public arts and culture, civic centers and community libraries. My Government shall provide institutional support to our citizens with special needs.
To improve coordination of governance and development, My Government shall introduce legislation to institutionalize an association of regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, towns, and burghs. We will strengthen the national and international connectivity and provide better support to the Department of Communications.
The defense of the Federation from external aggressors remains of paramount importance.
My Government shall propose measures to better train and organize our reservists,and optimize our existing active servicemen and servicewomen. My Government will introduce a Bill to establish a Department of Civil Defense.
My Government will present the Cortes Federales with proposals for the expansion of the Federal Navy from its present strength of two-hundred and twenty-three vessels to five-hundred and twenty-eight vessels, including coastguard vessels, auxiliary vessels, and submarines. This continuing build up of naval strength, carried on now across three successive administrations, will be paid for by bond emissions from the New Prosperity Plan and from a special government fund to finance defense procurement for the Federation. Our investment in shipbuilding capacity and the industrial base of the whole supply chain in the manufacturing process will permit my Government to shorten the construction window for this fleet programme by four years with a target completion date now of 1711.
My Government will commit to the purchase of two-hundred F-17 Axarana from the Project 1700 consortium, accounting for the present difficulties in Sanama through redundancies in the manufacturing process and supply chain. Acknowledging the difficulties of bringing Project 1700 to final fruition, my Government will invest heavily to expand its stake in the “Cyclone Compact” consortium to bring the F-18 Cyclone to a point where it is ready to enter initial prototype production by no later than 1705.
My Government will expand the present chain of eleven Ground-based Air Defence Divisions through a series of upgrades to our long-range sensor arrays and the construction of two silo-fields, each of four hundred silo capacity, with the production and deployment of the Geneva family of anti-ballistic missiles. One silo field will be placed in South Lyrica and the second in the Wechua Nation.
The unity of our people and our Federation is the result of all our hard work and effort. We command Our people to further dedicate their energies in order to form a more perfect Federation.
Other measures will be laid before you.
May blessings rest upon your counsels. THRONE SPEECH In Google Docs form https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vz6Sa7oHhhfzsuXxdomfU-q7S2cvL7vt7EVLTZYNk6I/edit?usp=sharing Google Docs Seydlitz Administration - Throne Speech Ten years have passed since the Proclamation of Punta Santiago, and all of us have the right to commemorate this event with joy and hope. We recall the Great Purpose of the Federation, and direct that these words be spread far and wide, taught in our schools, and enshrined in all our hearts: “t...
Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
The King has given the Throne Speech, which will be the agenda of the first majority FHP Government. An ambitious agenda that will, no doubt, be the source of much activity and debate in the Cortes Federales for the next five years. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
After the speech is given, the King, the Queen, and the Royal Family retire from the Chamber, once more to raucous applause from the Chamber. Consuelo Moscoso BOT
— 08/07/2021
Order! The Chamber will now come to order. :gavel: We humbly thanks His Majesty for the Speech. My Lords, you are now dismissed and may return to the Chamber of Peers. Vanessa Deveraux BOT
— 08/07/2021
Well, with that, the ceremony is over - the second session of the Cortes Federales, our national legislature, is officially open with Consuelo Moscoso, once more, acting as Speaker. Ignacio Perez BOT
— 08/07/2021
That is all from us now - this was NBC News, bringing you live coverage of today's Opening of the Cortes Federales. Up next, Sunrise Bay. NBC News BOT
— 08/07/2021
FIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -