Maher to Order of the Eagle (RD-2006-10)
HIS ROYAL MAJESTY August Charles II, By the Grace of God King of Gotzborg, Archduke of Reichlau, Grand Duke of Lucerne, Marshal of the Union of Seven Nations, Lord of the Border Marches, Admiral of the Southern Reaches, Duke & Grand Elector of Jutien, Count Kendal does hereby send greetings;
WHEREAS The dedicated service, proud loyalty and shared vision of Our subjects is a privilege to have and a commitment We have the pleasure to honour;
WHEREAS the contributions of its citizens are the bedrock upon which a thriving and successful nation is made and maintained;
WHEREAS We wish to recognize the enthusiasm and commitment of our citizens who work to provide others with as much enjoyment and they themselves gain;
LET IT BE KNOWN that We of Our especial grace, certain knowledge and mere motion do by these presents appoint Mr. Thomas Maher as Knight of The Most Honourable Order of the Eagle with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities therein;
AND We do further direct and enjoin that this Royal Decree shall be read and proclaimed in such places as appropriate within the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused this Our Royal Decree by the affixation of the Royal Seal of the Kingdom to be published, by witness Ourself at Lonenberg Palace this eleventh day of April in the seventeenth year of Our reign.
August Charles II |
CONSOLIDATION NOTES | Proclamation: 2006-04-11 | Status: In-Force | Status Date: 2017-12-13 |