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LGBT rights in Hurmu

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In the seventh month of 1729, following intense pressure from the Senate of the Lakes and the leadership of the Order of the Holy Lakes, the legislatures of Phinbella, Forajasaki and Plazas de Irian ratified the pre-merger Hurmu laws on LGBTQ rights, including the legalisation of same-sex relationships and marriages in civil law.

The Phineonesian governments calmed Umraist upset at these legislative changes by referring to the religious freedoms that all religions enjoy, whereby an act that is legal by the secular law may still be viewed as illegal in the religious law.

Issue Rules Notes
Same-sex sexual activity legal Yes
Equal age of consent Yes 15
Non-conforming gender expression legal Yes
Anti-discrimination laws in employment Yes
Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services Yes
Conversion therapy illegal Yes Banned under legislation covering pseudoscientific practices and quackery in the health care sector
Hate crimes laws covering both sexual orientation and gender identity Unclear
Recognition of same-sex couples Yes
Same-sex civil unions Yes
Same-sex marriage Yes Recognised at least since 1588, possibly earlier.
Gay pride activities protected Yes Protected under the normal rights of expression and petition.
Joint and step-child adoption by same-sex couples Yes Recognised at least since 1590, possibly earlier.
LGBTQ people allowed to serve openly in the military Yes
Access to IVF for lesbians Yes In the private sector.
MSMs allowed to donate blood Yes
Right to change legal gender Yes Recognised at least since the 1590s.
Gender confirming surgery legal Yes Recognised at least since the 1590s.
Third gender Yes
Surrogacy legal No