Kilder to Order of Lion (RD-2013-02)

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Kilder to Order of the Lion

Lonenberg Palace
Subject Ross Kilder, The Most Eminent and Distinguished Order of the Lion of Gotzborg
Number RD 2013/02
Decreed by August Charles II
Extent Kingdom of Gotzborg
Royal Assent 2013-02-16
Commencement 2013-02-16

HIS ROYAL MAJESTY August Charles II, By the Grace of God King of Gotzborg, Archduke of Reichlau, Grand Duke of Lucerne, Marshal of the Union of Seven Nations, Lord of the Border Marches, Admiral of the Southern Reaches, Duke & Grand Elector of Jutien, Count Kendal does hereby send greetings;

WHEREAS Our Kingdom strives consistently to be a leader and supporter of micronational economic efforts;

WHEREAS Our Kingdom is immensely proud of its capable, intelligent and creative citizens;

WHEREAS We wish to honour Our citizen for their contributions and service, playing an important role in the re-development of important financial and economic strategies and efforts, providing enthusiasm and energy for others and acting as a catalyst to encourage momentum again;

LET IT BE KNOWN That We are pleased to appoint Mr. Ross Kilder, beloved, respected and trusted by Ourselves to the rank of Knight of The Most Eminent and Distinguished Order of the Lion of Gotzborg (K.L.G.) for his contributions and leadership in the area of economic and financial strategy;


AND That he shall enjoy all the ranks and privilege commensurate with this prestigious honour, now and in perpetuity;

AND We do further direct and enjoin that this Royal Decree shall be read and proclaimed in such places as appropriate within the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused this Our Royal Decree by the affixation of the Royal Seal of the Kingdom to be published, by witness Ourself at Lonenberg Palace this sixteenth day of February in the twenty-fourth year of Our reign.