Juichi Tsuki Ultimatum

The November ultimatum, or Juichi Tsuki Ultimatum, was an ultimatum from the Grand Secretariat of Jingdao, led by Diwang Zhang San, to the Florian Republic. It also declared the end of the armistice and continuation of the armed conflict with Shireroth. The refusal of complying with the ultimatum led to the entrance of Jingdao into the war against the Florians in 1653 AN.
1. The Florian Republic and its Allies shall surrender the occupied territories of Xhusovar back to its rightful Authorities.
2. The Florian Republic shall demobilise its Armed Forces and will demilitarise its borders with the Xhusovar State.
3. The Florian Republic shall cede parts of its territory to the Xhusovar State to grant it direct access to the sea. The Florian Nation shall, in agreement with the Xhusovar Authorities gain free access to the coastal region.
4. The Florian Republic will pay a sum of 900,000,000 Kala to the Xhusovar State for the damages made during the war. This sum shall be paid within a period of 35 daor.
5. Citizens of the Xhusovar Corridor shall be allowed to chose between remaining a Florian state citizen (which will entail a forced removal from Xhusovar territory) or integrate and become a Xhusovar state citizen.
6. The Florian Authorities have 24 hours to evacuate their troops from Xhusovar and notify the Jingdaoese administration to open negotiations concerning above articles.
Failure of the ultimatum and start of hostilities
Attempts to salvage relations ultimately failed when - after hesitation - the Florians refused to agree with article 3 (the secession of the Xhusovar Corridor). War was declared in 2 November of 312 EGA.
Declaration of War to the Florian Republic
By the grace of Heaven, the Hai Emperor, True Holder of the Heavenly Mandate, Bringer of Harmony, Descendant of Cato and Germania, Living Reincarnation of Sisera, Heavenly Light of the Holy Grand Jingdaoese Empire, Pater Familias of the Great Jing Dynasty, Caudillo of the Armed Forces of the Empire, Preserver of Aracigrad, King of the Batavians, Dutch of Kildare, Prince of Aryasht, Lord Protector of the River Warriors, seated on the throne occupied by the same dynasty from time immemorial, enjoin upon ye, Our loyal and brave subjects:
We hereby declare War on the Florian Republic and announce the cre-opening of Hostilities with the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. The men and officers of Our Army and Navy shall do their utmost in prosecuting the war. Our public servants of various departments shall perform faithfully and diligently their respective duties; the entire nation with a united will shall mobilize their total strength so that nothing will miscarry in the attainment of Our war aims.
To ensure the stability of Apollonia and to contribute to world peace is the far-sighted policy which was formulated by Our Great Illustrious Mengjiang Emperor and Our Great Imperial Sires succeeding Him, and which We lay constantly to heart.
To cultivate friendship among nations and to enjoy prosperity in common with all nations, has always been the guiding principle of Our Empire's foreign policy. It has been truly unavoidable and far from Our wishes that Our Empire has been brought to cross swords with our former Ally, the Florians, and the reckless imperialists, the Shirerithians. More than a week has passed since the occupation of their Xhusovo, failing to comprehend the true intentions of Our Empire, and recklessly courting trouble, disturbed the peace of the Apollonian Continent and compelled Our Empire to take up arms.
Eager for the realization of their inordinate ambition to dominate Apollonia, both the Florians and Shirerithians, giving support to assassins, have aggravated the disturbances in Apollonia. Moreover these two Powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military preparations on all sides of Our Empire to challenge Us.
They have obstructed by every means Our peaceful commerce and finally resorted to a direct severance of economic relations, menacing gravely the existence of Our Empire. Patiently have We waited and long have We endured, in the hope that Our government might retrieve the situation in peace.
But Our adversaries, showing not the least spirit of conciliation, have unduly delayed a settlement; and in the meantime they have intensified the economic and political pressure to compel thereby Our Empire to submission. This trend of affairs, would, if left unchecked, not only nullify Our Empire's efforts of many years for the sake of the stabilization of Apollonia, but also endanger the very existence of Our nation. The situation being such as it is, Our Empire, for its existence and self-defense has no other recourse but to appeal to arms and to crush every obstacle in its path.
The hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors guarding Us from above, We rely upon the loyalty and courage of Our subjects in Our confident expectation that the task bequeathed by Our forefathers will be carried forward and that the sources of evil will be speedily eradicated and an enduring peace immutably established in Apollonia, preserving thereby the glory of Our Empire.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at Daocheng Palace, this 15th day of the 4th month of the 312th daor since our Creation.