John Cervantes

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Mr. John Cervantes, C.E.

Plumbley's Who's Who of Gotzborg
John Cervantes
Personal arms
Title Mr.
Full name John Cervantes
Immigrated December 27, 2005
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Titles, Awards & Decorations

  1. August William II Medal - Bronze (January 28, 2006);
  2. Military Decoration 2nd Class (May 6, 2006);
  3. Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Eagle (C.E.) (July 18, 2006);
  4. Cross for Loyal Service (December 20, 2006);
  5. Citizen's Medal (1 Year) (December 20, 2006);
  6. King's Porcelain Jubilee 2009 (April 15, 2010);
  7. The Royal Order of Merit, Cross 4th Class w/ Swords (December 23, 2010);
  8. Police Long Service Medal (3-year) (May 3, 2012);

Government Service

  1. Vice-Minister of State for Culture (July 23, 2010 - April 9, 2012);
  2. Vice-Minister of State for Culture and Education (April 9, 2012 - November 17, 2013);

Military Service


  1. Lieutenant (RN) (February 5, 2006);
  2. Lieutenant-Commander (RN) (March 3, 2006);
  3. Commander (RN) (April 21, 2006);
  4. Captain (RN) (September 11, 2006);


  1. Commander, Destroyer HRMS D-214 serving with Coastal Aviation Squadron 1 of the Coastal Fleet (RN) (February 5, 2006);
  2. Commander, HRMS Reichstadt serving with Escort Squadron 3 of the Royal Fleet (RN) (March 3, 2006);
  3. Commander, Light Cruiser HRMS Duke Liam serving on Lusatia Station (RN) (April 21, 2006);
  4. Commander, Submarine HRMS B-1 serving in I Flotilla in the Royal Submarine Service (RN) (May 18, 2006)
  5. Placed on Active Reserve List (RN) (September 11, 2006);

Police Service


  1. Superintendent (RSPS) (October 3, 2006);
  2. Chief Superintendent (RSPS) (December 2, 2006);


  1. Protection Services Bureau of the Security Police (RSPS) (October 3, 2006 - );

Other Service

No records available.

Notable Contributions

  1. Author of the Flag Etiquette Act and creator of Flag Day (2006);
  2. Developed the Gotzborg Calendar publication (2010);