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James de Pedro García

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James de Pedro García
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Titles and Offices Held
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Full Name James de Pedro García
  • Luis Suárez de Pedro García
  • Sofia Alexandra Costa
Birth Date 12.X.1657 AN
Family Partner is Octavia Lazaro (b. 1660)
City and Region of Residence Punta Santiago, Alduria

James de Pedro García (born 12.X.1657 AN) is an Alduro-Wechuan politician and Member of the Federal Constituent Assembly since it was created in 1685 AN and was a member of the Aldurian Parliament for the Aldurian Capital District between 1682 AN and 1685 AN. Ideologically, he defines himself as a Democratic Socialist.

Early Life

James de Pedro García was born in Punta Santiago to a working-class family. His father, Luis Suárez de Pedro García worked as a docker while his mother worked as a waitress in a local pub among other jobs. James was an only child growing up. James’ parents met at a political demonstration regarding conditions for workers and workers’ rights.

In 1670, Luis Suárez de Pedro García passed away from Prostate Cancer when he couldn’t afford the fees to get treatment.

James left school in 1674, aged 16. James worked on the docks for 6 months before getting an internship for a local newspaper, James was offered a permanent position as a political columnist 2 months later and worked there for 4 years before being offered the role of Deputy Chief Editor of Left-Wing Newspaper, The International.

During his time working as a journalist, he was very critical of the Velez government while also supporting Democratic Farmer Labour Party (eventually to be known as the Democratic Socialist Party).

He worked there for 4 years before standing as a member of the Democratic Socialist Party in the Aldurian Capital District.

Early Political Activities

Outside of journalism, James was a passionate campaigner for workers’ rights as well as a Free Health Service.

James is passionately anti-war and is seen as a near pacifist when it comes to the military, rejecting military intervention in foreign affairs and instead supporting diplomacy.

James is also a vocal campaigner for improving the rights of workers as well as expanding Trade Union Rights, James has many times expressed support for the Trade Union movement.

One of James’ major political activities regards his support for a Nationalised Health Service, free at the point of for all those who require its service, one of the main reasons behind this is the high cancer rates which personally affected him with his father’s death.

Member of the Aldurian Parliament (1682-1685)

In the 1682 Parliamentary Election in Alduria, James was one of seven Democratic Socialist Party Candidates to be elected as the Democratic Socialists became the largest Party under Marco Zimmer who became Prime Minister before his assassination. James is seen as one of the most left-wing members of the DSP and was an ally of former Prime Minister Marco Zimmer.

James has progressive social views, championing things such as Gay Rights as well as people choosing their gender identity. James has spoken many times about the importance of the Law of Graces for the future development of Alduria as well as how it helped build the country into the position it is today.

James was one of 40 Democratic Socialist Party Members of Parliament to vote against the Second Velez Amendment to the Taxation Free Small Businesses Act 1684, while supporting the First Amendment and the Overall piece of Legislation.

Member of the Federal Constituent Assembly (1685-)

James joined the rest of the Democratic Socialist Party in becoming part of the Coalition for Federal Progress following the Alduria-Wechua unification and is seen as being one of the furthest left Members of the Coalition.

James has stated his Republican views in the past however during this time of instability he said ‘We need to focus on things that matter most to the people who create our country's wealth, their working-class, the normal people. We need to focus on how to improve their standard of living and make their lives better rather than going after things based on ideology so I will put my Republican options to the side for now for the sake of doing what is best for the people of the country.’

Leader of the Coalition for Federal Progress (1689-)

James was elected Leader of the Coalition for Federal Progress in 1689, aged 32. He was chosen by the Coalition of Federal Progress Party Convention to succeed Alejandro Campos. He was the first black major political party leader in Alduria-Wechua history.

In his address after his election he said “Our party has built this country under President Campos and I look forward to being able to take the country forward”, detailing his priorities as being building a strong defence, a strong and fair economy and high quality on education. He also claimed that he would ensure that a “One Size fits all” strategy will not be produced and that he would work with local governments to achieve his goals with policies that “work best for them”.

He then went on to pay tribute to the out going President Alejandro Campos who will resign as President after the election.

Voting Record

As Member of the Aldurian Parliament, (1682-1685)

  • Presentation of the Zimmer Government's Agenda: Aye
  • First Velez Amendment to the Taxation Free Small Business Act: Aye
  • Second Velez Amendment to the Taxation Free Small Business Act: No
  • Taxation Free Small Business Act as amended: Aye

As a member of the Federal Constituent Assembly (1685-)