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House of Al-Lusirni/Nikah between Imad Ad-Din ibn Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni and Anahuarque Yachay

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Nikah between Imad Ad-Din ibn Salah Ad-Din Al Lusirni and Anahuarque Yachay

General provisions

  1. Imad Ad-Din ibn Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni (Vrijplaats, 1708 AN) and Anahuarque Yachay (Parap, 1706 AN), out of their free will and sound of mind, agree to marry.
  2. The groom may only take another spouse if the bride agrees to this.
  3. Both spouses agree to raise their children as muslims.
  4. All children renounce any and all claims to New Alexandrian titles or honors, unless otherwise jointly agreed.
  5. The bride shall receive a dowry of 38 000 dinar to be paid by the groom, one half before the marriage, the other half within one Norton year.
  6. Both spouses agree to reside in the Sultanate of Kurum Ash-Sharqia.

IRL provisions

  1. Frans shall keep control of the character of Imad Ad-Din ibn Salah Ad-Din Al Lusirni.
  2. Edgard and Frans shall have joint control over the character of Anahuarque Yachay, which means they will consult one another concerning her storyline.
  3. Anahuarque Yachay shall receive the title of Princess of Kurum Ash-Sharqia and the Grand Cordon of the Order of As-Saif.
  4. Frans shall have control over the issue of this marriage.

Royal sanction

  1. The Sultan agrees to this marriage as stipulated by article 15 of the constitution.


  1. Imad Ad-Din ibn Salah Ad-Din Al-Lusirni, Prince of Kurum Ash-Sharqia
  2. Lady Anahuarque Yachay


  1. Saif Ad-Din I, Sultan of Kurum Ash-Sharqia
  2. Zakariyya de la Gardie of Ochterburg, Emir of Ochterburg
  3. Sinchi Roca I, King of Nouvelle Alexandrie
  4. Princess Urpi, Countess of Suyukuna Hatun

Done at Vrijplaats, 1731 AN.